Quick overview of various Quick overview of various logfjles, loglevels logfjles, loglevels Florido Paganelli, Lund University 7-9 Nov 2018, ARC Retreat Umeå
Consistent log confjguration Consistent log confjguration Every subsystem log is now confjgured using the same option inside the subsystem 0 FATAL block: 1 ERROR – logfile= <full path to the 2 logfjle> WARNING – loglevel= [0-5] 3 INFO If not specifjed, defaults will 4 VERBOSE kick in. 5 DEBUG Some blocks have more than one logfjle, their confjguration varies (see table in next slide) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 2
Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Block Log Default Default logfile path What is it option loglevel Name Main arex logs loglevel [arex] 3 / var / log/arc/arex.log (former grid- logfile manager.log) specialized log about started /var/log/arc/arex- and finished jobs. [arex] joblog N/A jobs.log If not specified no job logs are created. Configuration N/A /var/log/arc/ option to specify [arex] helperlog job.helper.errors the location of log for helpers 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 3
Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel Logs of the [arex/cache/ loglevel /var/log/arc/ cleaning 3 cleaner] logfile cache-cleaner.log functionality of the cache Logs of the data As Undefined, if option [arex/data- loglevel staging defined not present not staging] logfile capabilities of A- in [arex] created REX. loglevel N/A /var/log/arc/ Logs of Web [arex/ws] logfile ws-interface.log Service interfaces 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 4
Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel Logs of the loglevel [arex/jura] 3 /var/log/arc/jura.log accounting logfile system jura loglevel /var/log/arc/ Logs of the N/A [arex/ganglia] logfile gangliarc.log ganglia daemon 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 5
Subsystem: gridftp Subsystem: gridftp Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel loglevel /var/log/arc/ Logs of the gridftp [gridftp] 3 logfile gridftpd.log server 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 6
Subsystem: Information System Subsystem: Information System Log Default Default Block Name What is it options loglevel logfile path /var/log/ Logs of A-REX’s loglevel arc/ [infosys] 1 information logfile infoprovide providers rs.log System Logs of the ldap [infosys/ldap] slapd_loglevel 0 defined server /var/log/ Logs of the bdii_debug_level arc/bdii/ [infosys/ldap] WARNING LDAP/BDII bdii_log_dir bdii- subsystem update.log 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 7
Subsystems: DataDelivery, ACIX, Subsystems: DataDelivery, ACIX, nordugridmap nordugridmap Log Default Default logfile Block Name What is it options loglevel path /var/log/arc/ Logs of A-REX’s [datadelivery- loglevel 3 datadelivery- information service] logfile service.log providers Logs of The ARC Cache IndexThe loglevel /var/log/arc/arc- ARC Cache [acix-scanner] 3 logfile acix-scanner.log IndeX (ACIX) (ACIX) Scanner (on CEs) Logs of the loglevel /var/log/arc/ nordugridmap [nordugridmap] 3 logfile nordugridmap.log utility (creates gridmap-files) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 8
Subsystem: ACIX scanner Subsystem: ACIX scanner Log Default Default logfile Block Name What is it options loglevel path Logs of The ARC Cache IndexThe /var/log/arc/arc- loglevel ARC Cache [acix-scanner] 3 acix- logfile IndeX (ACIX) scanner.log (ACIX) Scanner (on CEs) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 9
Log Format Log Format We tried to unify, but there are still cases in which we preferred better debugging info over strict format (e.g. multiline errors) [ D a t e ] [ C l a s s | M o d u l e ] [ l o g l e v e l ] [ p i d / t h r e a d ] e r r o r m s g [2018-11-06 04:46:45] [Arc.MCC.TLS] [ERROR] [3799177/868] Failed to accept SSL connection [2018-11-06 04:31:25] [CEInfo] [INFO] [2048688] ############## A-REX infoprovider started Jura is difgerent INFO: Initialised, job log dir: /var/spool/arc/jobstatus/logs VERBOSE: Expiration time: 2592000 seconds 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 10
Logrotation Logrotation As usual, only performed on default locations. You need to create your own system logrotate confjgfjle to tackle your own setup 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 11
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