quick overview of various quick overview of various

Quick overview of various Quick overview of various logfjles, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quick overview of various Quick overview of various logfjles, loglevels logfjles, loglevels Florido Paganelli, Lund University 7-9 Nov 2018, ARC Retreat Ume Consistent log confjguration Consistent log confjguration Every subsystem log

  1. Quick overview of various Quick overview of various logfjles, loglevels logfjles, loglevels Florido Paganelli, Lund University 7-9 Nov 2018, ARC Retreat Umeå

  2. Consistent log confjguration Consistent log confjguration  Every subsystem log is now confjgured using the same option inside the subsystem 0 FATAL block: 1 ERROR – logfile= <full path to the 2 logfjle> WARNING – loglevel= [0-5] 3 INFO  If not specifjed, defaults will 4 VERBOSE kick in. 5 DEBUG  Some blocks have more than one logfjle, their confjguration varies (see table in next slide) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 2

  3. Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Block Log Default Default logfile path What is it option loglevel Name Main arex logs loglevel [arex] 3 / var / log/arc/arex.log (former grid- logfile manager.log) specialized log about started /var/log/arc/arex- and finished jobs. [arex] joblog N/A jobs.log If not specified no job logs are created. Configuration N/A /var/log/arc/ option to specify [arex] helperlog job.helper.errors the location of log for helpers 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 3

  4. Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel Logs of the [arex/cache/ loglevel /var/log/arc/ cleaning 3 cleaner] logfile cache-cleaner.log functionality of the cache Logs of the data As Undefined, if option [arex/data- loglevel staging defined not present not staging] logfile capabilities of A- in [arex] created REX. loglevel N/A /var/log/arc/ Logs of Web [arex/ws] logfile ws-interface.log Service interfaces 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 4

  5. Subsystem: A-REX Subsystem: A-REX Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel Logs of the loglevel [arex/jura] 3 /var/log/arc/jura.log accounting logfile system jura loglevel /var/log/arc/ Logs of the N/A [arex/ganglia] logfile gangliarc.log ganglia daemon 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 5

  6. Subsystem: gridftp Subsystem: gridftp Log Default Block Name Default logfile path What is it options loglevel loglevel /var/log/arc/ Logs of the gridftp [gridftp] 3 logfile gridftpd.log server 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 6

  7. Subsystem: Information System Subsystem: Information System Log Default Default Block Name What is it options loglevel logfile path /var/log/ Logs of A-REX’s loglevel arc/ [infosys] 1 information logfile infoprovide providers rs.log System Logs of the ldap [infosys/ldap] slapd_loglevel 0 defined server /var/log/ Logs of the bdii_debug_level arc/bdii/ [infosys/ldap] WARNING LDAP/BDII bdii_log_dir bdii- subsystem update.log 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 7

  8. Subsystems: DataDelivery, ACIX, Subsystems: DataDelivery, ACIX, nordugridmap nordugridmap Log Default Default logfile Block Name What is it options loglevel path /var/log/arc/ Logs of A-REX’s [datadelivery- loglevel 3 datadelivery- information service] logfile service.log providers Logs of The ARC Cache IndexThe loglevel /var/log/arc/arc- ARC Cache [acix-scanner] 3 logfile acix-scanner.log IndeX (ACIX) (ACIX) Scanner (on CEs) Logs of the loglevel /var/log/arc/ nordugridmap [nordugridmap] 3 logfile nordugridmap.log utility (creates gridmap-files) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 8

  9. Subsystem: ACIX scanner Subsystem: ACIX scanner Log Default Default logfile Block Name What is it options loglevel path Logs of The ARC Cache IndexThe /var/log/arc/arc- loglevel ARC Cache [acix-scanner] 3 acix- logfile IndeX (ACIX) scanner.log (ACIX) Scanner (on CEs) 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 9

  10. Log Format Log Format  We tried to unify, but there are still cases in which we preferred better debugging info over strict format (e.g. multiline errors) [ D a t e ] [ C l a s s | M o d u l e ] [ l o g l e v e l ] [ p i d / t h r e a d ] e r r o r m s g [2018-11-06 04:46:45] [Arc.MCC.TLS] [ERROR] [3799177/868] Failed to accept SSL connection [2018-11-06 04:31:25] [CEInfo] [INFO] [2048688] ############## A-REX infoprovider started  Jura is difgerent INFO: Initialised, job log dir: /var/spool/arc/jobstatus/logs VERBOSE: Expiration time: 2592000 seconds 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 10

  11. Logrotation Logrotation  As usual, only performed on default locations. You need to create your own system logrotate confjgfjle to tackle your own setup 07/11/18 www.nordugrid.org 11


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