
PSOTC Bosnia-Herzegovina Partnership Training and Education Centre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PSOTC Bosnia-Herzegovina Partnership Training and Education Centre Peace Operations Training Institutes Partner Institution Message From the Commandant: Welcome to the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC); a multinational

  1. PSOTC Bosnia-Herzegovina Partnership Training and Education Centre Peace Operations Training Institute’s Partner Institution

  2. Message From the Commandant: Welcome to the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC); a multinational training and education centre to develop Officers and NCOs for deployment on multi-national Peace Support Operations. “When you get where you are going, remember where you have been” Colonel Jasmin Čajić

  3. Mission statement PSOTC performs training and education in the field of peace support operations (PSO) for Armed Forces of BiH (AFBiH) and for members outside of Ministry of Defence (MOD), as well as acts as a NATO Partnership and Regional centre for training and education in PSO, with the goal of reaching NATO and UN compatible standards for members of the Ministry of Defence (MOD)/AFBiH and providing support to AFBiH in overall efforts of BiH ’s contribution to international peace and security.

  4. The PSOTC Partners:

  5. PSOTC Organizational Chart Commandant Command PR Officer Sergeant Major Directing staff Staff Local staff =14 Local staff =21 International Staff = 5 Chief Head of Training and Education Department of Staff Staff Training Department UK Advisor Head of Head of Head of Head of Finance S6 S1 S3 S4 Head of Librarian /Repro/Webmaster TEDS IT NCO Associate Finance Plans NCO S1 NCO Ops NCO Comms NCO Cashier Administrator/ S1 NCO Escort Head of NCO Head of Head of Head of MTT OFC Section Courses Section WSSC Section NCO Maintenance Logistics Directing Directing Directing Directing Staff NCO NCO Staff TBC Staff Staff Directing Directing Directing NCO Storage clerk Driver Staff TBC Staff Staff Directing Staff Driver Driver Cleaner Directing Directing Directing Staff Staff Staff Directing Directing Staff Staff 12

  6. NATO and UN Centre

  7. Education and Training activities conducted in 2013

  8. PSOTC Programme for 2013 26.03.2013 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Counterins PSO Staff NCO urgency International Staff Course Gender on MEDIA Course Officers Skills PSOSNCOC 1/13 Induction PSO Train Managem NATO PSOTC COIN International PSO Staff Officers Course (Building Integrity Course for ent in PSOTC CIMIC the Trainers winter ISOSC 1/13 Course Course for Senior Instructors Course PSO summer leave Course 18 – 28 leave IPSOSC 1/13 22 JUL – 16 NCO included) Course 23 – 31 MAR 2 – 26 APR 14 – 18 AUG 9 – 13 3 JUN – 19 JUL DEC 26 AUG – 27 SEP 11 – 15 FEB 7 – 10 JAN DEC NATO NATO Selected MAY Selected Course NATO Selected Course Course UN Police UN Police Euro- Course Gender Course PSO Junior Atlantic 2/13 Utility in Defence 1/13 NCO Course PSO Security Attachés PSOJNCOC 30 SEP – 11 Course Course Course 4 – 15 MAR 1/13 included OCT Regional Mobile 21 – 25 UN 2 - 6 DEC UN 13 – 24 MAY Mobile Training 3 – 7 JUN Accredited OCT Accredited Training Team, MTT Course Course Team, MTT 1 SWE SRB 21 JAN - 1 11 – 22 FEB FEB Regional Mobile Building Seminar UN International Training Building Integrity for led Ops, Tactical Info Team, MTT 2 Integrity SEE MTT 3 Ops Course in PSO Workshop DNK Course 13 – 17 MAY 30 SEP – 11 20 - 22 MAR 12 – 14 NOV 28 – 31 OCT US ODC OCT NATO HQ TBC TBC Rule of Advanced SSR in PSO AF BiH PR AF BiH PR Law AF BiH PR International Course Course Course Seminar Course Humanitarian Level 2 1/13 2/13 3/13 Law Course 11 – 15 NOV 18 – 22 FEB 13 – 14 MAR 25 – 27 9 -12 APR 21 - 24 OCT SEP TBC CSS BiH MoD BiH MoD BiH MoD IHL NATO MTT, Comprehensive Euro- NATO MTT, Operations Atlantic Academic Planning Security Instructor Course Seminar Course 27 – 28 MAY 4 - 8 NOV 15 – 26 APR NSO NSO

  9. Achievements in 2013 • Done 29 training activities: - Resident Courses: 15 - Mobile Training Team (MTT): 3 - Other courses and seminars: 11 • Total 742 participants: - Bosnia and Herzegovina: 488 - International participants: 254

  10. Achievements in 2013 • MTT implemented in the Republic of Serbia, Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark • NATO accreditation: - Building Integrity in Peace Support Operations Course (BIPSOC) - Senior Non-Commissioned Officers Buildin Integrity Course (SNCOBIC) • VIP visits to PSOTC: 44

  11. Residential courses ( 2005 – 2013 ) GRC MLT POL DNK 1 4 BiH 2 857 11 MDE SRB ALB 27 IRL 3 8 37 FIN 2 MNE ARM CHE JOR FRA 28 1 6 4 5 AUT MAR KAZ HUN SVN 7 18 8 1 4 TUR AZE NOR GEO KGZ 7 1 7 3 2 UKR MKD QAT HRV DEU 5 26 3 3 55 SWE ISR USA NLD 4 UK 3 14 1 1 RUS CZE Overall: 1171 1 1 12 Updated on 23 Dec 2013

  12. Gender on PSO Train the Trainers Course 11 – 15 Feb. 2013 26 participants: 6 BiH, 6 ALB, 6 MKD, 6 MNE, 1 SVN , 2 SRB

  13. SSR in PSO Course 18 – 22 Feb. 2013 24 participants: 19 BiH, 1 SRB, 1 DEU, 1 MKD, 1 UK, 1 USA

  14. UN Police Course 04 – 15 Mar. 2013 41 participants: 35 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 CRO, 1 MKD, 2 SWE, 1 SRB

  15. Counterinsurgency Course - COIN 18 – 28 Mar. 2013 19 participants: 16 BiH, 1 CRO, 1 USA, 1 SRB

  16. Building Integrity for SEE - Workshop 20 – 22 Mar. 2013 27 participants: 12 BiH, 1 SVN, 1 RUS, 1 MKD, 2 SRB, 1 ESP, 1 ARM, 2 MNE, 1 UKR, 1 LAT, 1 MDA, 1 GEO, 2 BUL

  17. International Staff Officers Skills Course - ISOSC 02 – 26 Apr. 2013 18 participants: 16 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 MKD

  18. NATO MTT, Comprehensive Operations Planning Course 02 – 26 Apr. 2013 26 participants: 23 BiH, 2 SVN, 1 ALB

  19. Media menagment in PSO 07 – 10 May 2013 19 participants: 19 BiH

  20. Mobile Training Team, MTT 21 Jan – 01 Feb. 2013 – Sweden 11 – 22 Feb. 2013 - Serbia Sweden: 12 participants Serbia: 32 participants

  21. International Tactical Info Ops Course 13 – 17 May. 2013 15 participants: 9 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 CRO, 1 IRL, 1 MKD, 1 USA, 1 NLD

  22. PSO Junior NCO Course 13 – 24 May 2013 13 participants: 9 BiH, 1 CRO, 1 MNE, 1 MKD, 1 SRB

  23. Euro Atlantic Security Course 03 – 07 June 2013 35 participants: 28 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 AUT, 1 CRO, 1 HUN, 1 MKD, 2 TUR

  24. International PSO Staff Officers Course (IPSOSOC) 03 Jun. – 19 Jul. 2013 21 participants: 16 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 CRO, 1 MNE, 1 SRB, 1 FRA

  25. PSO Staff NCO Course (PSOSNCOC) 26 Aug. – 27 Sep. 2013 25 participants: 21 BiH, 1 AUT, 1 KAZ, 1 MKD, 1 SRB,

  26. BI for Senior NCO Course (BI SNCOC) 23. – 27 Sep. 2013 28 participants: 21 BiH, 1 AUT, 1 GEO, 1 JOR, 1 KAZ, 2 MKD, 1 SRB

  27. Meeting of Regional PSO TC Commandants 26 Sep. 2013

  28. Meeting “ Friends of PSOTC” 27 Sep. 2013

  29. Meeting “ Friends of PSOTC” 27 Sep. 2013

  30. Meeting “ Friends of PSOTC” 27 Sep. 2013

  31. UN Police Course 2/13 30 Sep. – 11 Oct. 2013 41 participants: 30 BiH, 2 ALB, 2 HRV, 1 MKD, 2 MNE, 2 SWE, 2 SRB

  32. 33

  33. Gender Utility in PSO 21. – 25 Oct. 2013 34 participants: 18 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 AUT, 3 HRV, 1 FRA, 5 MKD, 2 MNE, 1 SRB, 1 TUR, 1 UKR

  34. Building Integrity in PSO 28. – 31 Oct. 2013 24 participants: 12 BiH, 1 ALB, 1 CZE, 1 HRV, 1 HUN, 1 JOR, 1 MDA, 1 MKD, 1 MNE, 1 RUS, 1 SVN, 1 SRB, 1 TUR

  35. NATO MTT, Academic Instructor Course 04. – 08 Nov. 2013 28 participants: 24 BiH, 1 MKD, 1 SRB, 1 TUR, 1 UK

  36. MTT – UN Led Operations 25. – 27 Nov. 2013 Danska : 46 participants

  37. Defense Atachee Course 02. – 06 Dec. 2013 31 participants: 11 BiH, 1 TUR, 3 SVN, 1 KAZ, 1 BEL, 1 HUN, 1 ROU, 2 USA, 1 ALG, 1 CAN, 2 EST, 1 LIT, 1 IND, 1 ITA, 1 CZE, 1 EGY, 1 KUW

  38. CIMIC Course 09. – 13 Dec. 2013 18 participants: 14 BiH, 1 MKD, 1 MNE, 1 SRB, 1 FIN,

  39. Responsibility to Protect Civilians UNSCR 1894


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