Advanced SOFC Stack for Hybrid Power Systems Scott L. Swartz, Ph.D. (P.I.) Nexceris LLC (Lewis Center, Ohio) Project Vision Nexceris will develop a pressure tolerant and ultra high efficiency solid oxide fuel cell stack that operates via internal reforming of methane and meets other requirements of hybrid power systems.
About Nexceris Nexceris, LLC Our Brands Founded in 1994 as NexTech Materials, privately held Technology Developer – advanced ceramics, electrochemical devices Product Developer – sensors, fuel cells, and catalysts Manufacturer/Distributor – sensors, fuel cells, and related products ISO 9001:2015 Certified – covers all products and services 1
About Nexceris Previous Nexceris Work for ARPA-E Subcontractor to DNV on AMPED project (10/2012 through 3/2015) Developed off-gas monitoring technology for lithium ion battery safety Working with the Navy to enable safe deployment of lithium ion batteries Commercializing this technology for Marine and ESS applications
About Nexceris Nexceris History in SOFC Technology 1994: Company founded, initiated work on SOFC materials development 2000: Established fuelcell and began selling products 2004: Initiated development of planar cell designs (three patents) 2006: Initiated SOFC stack development, focusing on military applications 2011: Focused efforts on SOFC materials for high performance & durability 2015: Established high power density SOFC stack design (starting point) SOFC Planar SOFC Materials Cells Stacks
Federal Funding: $2.15M Project Overview Project Duration: 24 months SOFC Stack Advanced Design and Cell Designs Modeling Advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack Advanced Proprietary SOFC Materials Internal Reforming Technology
Innovation: Planar SOFC Cell Designs FlexCell Hybrid Cell U.S. Patent No. 8,192,888 U.S. Patent No. 7,736,787 Two-layer structure with a perforated Identical to FlexCell, except that mesh layer mechanically supporting a an anode layer is located between thin electrolyte membrane the support and membrane layers 5
Innovation: High Performance Materials By optimizing the processing of ceria barrier layers, adverse reactions between the electrolyte and cathode materials are prevented, which greatly improves SOFC performance. 6
Innovation: Design for High Efficiency SOFC Stack Electrochemical Model Reaction Thermal Equilibrium Model Model Nexceris has process modeling capability and experience in designing SOFC stacks for ultra high efficiency systems. 7
SOFC Stack/Hotbox Testing Diagnostics Cavity Cathode 12-Cell Anode Heater Anode Stack/Hotbox Heater Stack Heater Controls Cathode Chimney 8
SOFC Stack/Hotbox Testing Targeted performance achieved during integrated stack/hotbox test. 9
Project Plan Task 1 Development of Work Plan Objective: Build a comprehensive work plan to enable ARPA-E to track technical progress. Task 2 Cell Development and Validation Objectives: Establish and scale-up fabrication process, demonstrate target cell performance. Task 3 Internal Reforming Process Development Objectives: Establish a CFD model of thermal gradients in an SOFC stack operating via internal methane reforming. Demonstrate approach for reducing thermal gradients. Task 4. Design of Pressure Tolerant Stack Objectives: Establish a 10-kW scale SOFC stack design for high pressure operation. Generate detailed specifications and CAD drawings of all stack components. Task 5. Stack Development and Testing Task 5 Objectives: Advance the SOFC stack design. Demonstrate targeted performance levels under application-specific conditions.
Tech-to-Market T2M Objectives Approach to Market. Nexceris aims to be an SOFC stack manufacturer. We work closely with system integrators to define the requirements and to customize our stack technology to those requirements. Anticipated First Markets. We anticipate that early adopter markets for the stack technology will come from the military and aerospace sector. We also expect demonstration opportunities in the commercial sector as the stack manufacturing technology is scaled up. Approach to Manufacture. Managing challenges associated with scale-up of SOFC stack manufacturing will be important. Establishing a scale-up and manufacturing plan will be a critical component of our T2M activities.
Challenges and Potential Partnerships Anticipated Technical Challenges Achieving target stack performance (with a new stack design platform). Proper stack sealing (since pressurized operation is being targeted). Achieving long-term stack durability (when operating at high temperature and current density). Reducing thermal gradients (precise control of the internal methane reforming reaction). Potential Partnerships We aim to build relationships with INTEGRATE system development teams, both to obtain guidance on SOFC stack performance targets and (ideally) to establish stack development/supply agreements for Phase II INTEGRATE projects.
Questions? Nexceris is grateful for the opportunity being provided by ARPA-E, and we look forward to working with all INTEGRATE program participants and stakeholders!
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