USAID Energy Investment Activity (EIA) Project Security of Gas Supply in Bosnia and Herzegovina Conference COMPANY AND NG TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM BASIC INFORMATION TSO „ GAS PROMET “ AD PALE PRESENTATION Termag Hotel Jahorina, Pale July 2,3 2018
Company: GAS PROMET AD, Srpskih ratnika 17, 71340 Pale, BiH Core business: Natural gas transportation (TSO) Total transported quantity: 241 million cm (2017, 100% of gas entering BiH) To other TSOs: 176 million cm (2017, for 2 TSOs: BH Gas & Sarajevogas AD) Established: 1998
Republic od Srpska Улаз из Србије NG Transportation System БС „Шепак“ p izlaz =3 bar за Мали L=19.700 m Зворник Year of construction: 1979 NO 400 (Ø16“) ГМРС „Зворник“ DOP: 50 bar WP : 45 bar (max) L=3.073 m L=1.687 m Q max =10.000 Sm 3 /h NO 15 0 (Ø6“) NO 100 (Ø4 “) МС „Каракај“ p ulaz =16(50) bar Q max =12.000 Sm 3 /h Q = 0.7 bcm/year P = 750 MW p=16(50) bar Одвојак за Length: 60 km (20 + 40) p izlaz =0,2 bar p izlaz =3 bar Братунац за Зворник за Зворник ГМРС „Бирач“ (топлане) ( домаћинства ) D = 16’’ (406.4 mm) Δ = 6.35 mm ППС „Каракај“ Q max =26.000 Sm 3 /h Q max =110.302 Sm 3 /h p ulaz =20(50) bar One directional flow from SRB p=20(50) bar p izlaz =3 bar Излаз за Алумина д.о.о. CS : Batajnica, Belgrade, SRB Entry points: 1, Exit points: 0 МС „Инд. зона“ Q max =1.000 Sm 3 /h Излаз за Индустријску зону МС „Сарајево“ p=3 bar CTP : State border, Drina river Q max =100.000 Sm 3 /h p=20(50) bar CMP : MS Karakaj, Zvornik МС „КПГ станица“ UGS: none , LNG: none Q max =20.000 Sm 3 /h Излаз за компресорску станицу P=20(50) bar Guaranteed delivery parameters at L=40.000 m NO 400 (Ø16“) CMP Karakaj, Zvornik: WP : ≥ 30 bar БС „Шековићи Q : 1 860 000 cm/day Ентитетска линија Легенда ( at distance from CS :of 136 km) БС – блок станица МС „Кладањ“ ППС – примо - предајна станица ГМРС – главна мјерно - регулациона станица МС – мјерна станица System Users (during last 3 years): Излаз за Сарајево и Зеницу 3 from abroad, 3 from BiH Exits: Sarajevo, CNG, distributions
Natural gas Transportation system in BiH Year of construction: 1979 DOP: 50 bar WP : 45 bar (max) Q : 700 million cm/year ( η ≈ 1/3) P : 750 MW Length: 195 km (20 + 40 + 135) D : 16’’ (406.4 mm) Δ : 6.35 mm (5 XL52, API) One directional flow from SRB CS : Batajnica, Belgrade, SRB Entry points: 1 (one) Exit points: 0 (none) CTP : State border, Drina river CMP : MS Karakaj, Zvornik UGS: none LNG: none Guaranteed delivery parameters at CMP Karakaj, Zvornik: WP : ≥ 30 bar Q : 1 860 000 cm/day ( at distance from CS :of 136 km)
100% Energy consumption in 90% 22 23 24 25 28 Bosnia and Herzegovina 80% 7 8 8 8 70% 9 6 3 3 3 3 60% Nafta/ Oil Total energy consumption Obnovljivi izvori energije/ RES 50% Plin/ Gas 40% by fuel (upper figure) Ugalj/ Coal 66 65 67 64 30% 63 20% 10% Total energy consumption 0% by fuel, kilotonne of oil 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 equivalent (ktoe) Obnovljivi izvori Električna Ugalj Nafta Plin Ukupno energije energija Imported fuels: Coal Oil Gas Total Renewable Energy Electricity Sources Oil and Natural Gas 2008 3.860 1.331 351 575 -142 5.975 . 2009 3.880 1.502 190 719 -257 6.034 . Natural gas (≈3%) 2010 4.026 1.635 199 874 -329 6.405 . (heating & industry) 2011 4.747 1.689 227 560 -128 7.095 . 241 million cm (2017) 2012 4.373 1.549 209 543 -4 6.670 .
Natural gas consumption in BiH & Republic of Srpska (1996-2017, million cm) ПОТРОШЊА ПРИРОДНОГ ГАСА У БОСНИ И ХЕРЦЕГОВИНИ И РЕПУБЛИЦИ СРПСКОЈ 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Босна и Херцеговина Република Српска
The structure og natural gas consumption in Republic of Srpska (1996-2009) (predominant industry Al 2 O 3 plant in Zvornik)
Republic of Srpska NG consumption by sectors (period 2008-2017, in cm) 90,000,000 80,000,000 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 Industrija 40,000,000 Distribucija 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Yearly variation of NG consumption in Republic of Srpska (based on last 10 years monthly average, in cm) 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 Industrija 2,500,000 Distribucija 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII
Future development of NG Transpotrtation system in Republic of Srpska Demand forecast in 2030 0.9-1.0 bcm/year First priority: ’’horizontal connection’’ (Sava, South stream, ...) Second priority: ’’vertical connections’’ Zenica-Doboj (gas ring) Under construction: Sepak-Bijeljina (25km)
Future Natural gas Consumption in Republic of Srpska (2005-2030) Growth of BDP (S1-high, S2-moderate, S3 – low), in million cm/year Source: Republic of Srpska Strategy of energy sector (2005-2030)
HYDRAULIC CALCULATION OF EXPANDING GAS FLOW ( for TSO GPP TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ) Structure: single pipeline, no rings, no UGS, 1 KS, one direction of flow Total Length = 176 km * (136 + 20 + 40) Diameter = 16“ (DN 400) DP = 50 bar OP = 45 bar (max. at KS Batajnica, Belgrade) No of CS = 1 Batajnica KS, Belgrade, Serbia (at beginning of transportation route) Max flow = 100% load = 77.500 m3/h (at MS Zvornik) Delivery pressure = 30 bar (min, at MS Zvornik, i.e. at 136 km from KS) Z factor according to AGA NX-19 (corrected) λ factor (hydraulic friction) calculation based on Re Number Simulated as expanding flow of compressible fluid Simulated for set of 8 input pressures, with 100%,75%,66% and 33% load Results: diagrams of p, v, Z and ρ
Q1: Current vs. designed pipeline capacity • NG Entry point for B&H: PPS ZV (Zvornik, Karakaj) Guaranteed delivery parameters at PPS ZV: - flow: Q max = 1.940.000 cm/day ( ≈ 80k cm/h) - pressure: p min = 30 b , p max = 45 b (g), ( Δ p ≈ 13b/136 km) • Transportation capacity: Q ≈ 710 m cm/year (ƞ ≈ 0.34) • Year of last pigging: 2011. • 241 mcm in 2017: (RS: 68.7 FBiH: 172, SRB: 0.4) • at (2.4 mcm/d, 50b): Q y ≈ 880 m cm/year ( Δ p ≈ 18b/136 km) NG Pressure at B&H entry point PPS Zvornik, Januar 2017, (bar, g) 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 182 363 544 725 906 1087 1268 1449 1630 1811 1992 2173 2354 2535 2716 2897 3078 3259 3440 3621 3802 3983 4164 4345 4526 4707 4888 5069 5250 5431 5612 5793 5974 6155 6336 6517 6698 6879 7060 7241 7422 7603 7784 7965 8146 8327 8508 8689 Series1 Series2
Q2: Is Current pipeline Capacity sufficient for B&H ? • Yes, for reasonable demand , (in 2017: ƞ TR = 242/710 ≈ 0.34 ), but • It barely covers winter daily maximum: ( Jan 2017 : 1.87 mcm/day) • Daily average consumption (2017): 241/365 = .66 mcm/day • Daily capacity booking (2018): (ƞ BK = 0.927) 1.8 of 1.94 mcm/day • Capacity booking (2018): 5/6 FBiH, 1/6 RS (is this unfair?) • Age of pipeline 39, (1979) (2/3 of average expected lifetime) Technical measures to mitigate this (booking) situation: - shaving winter consumption peaks (using auxiliary fuel) - pipeline weak point reconstruction (up to DP = 50 b) - construction of Compressor station(s) ( Δ p ≈ 1/3 at CMP Zvornik) - construction of UGS in B&H (if feasible/needed) - creating “gas rings” for better network use (whenever feasible) - building new natural gas infrastructure. (next 10-15 years)
Q3: Are the pipeline reconstruction & repair necessary ? • Regular maintenance is conducted, pigging is due . • Depending on future solutions, (previous slide): - intelligent pigging (pipeline inspection) should be done - based on results, remaining lifetime to be estimated - additional reconstruction and repair works might be needed - Feasibility Study should be done, including each proposal : - building new Compressor station(s) - construction of UGS in B&H (Tuzla salt mine) - creating “gas rings” structure where possible - building new infrastructure. • Could this (Feasibility Study) be focal point of this USAID EIA Project in Natural Gas Sector (?)
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