protection of arithmetic circuits against physical attacks

Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks Arnaud - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks Arnaud Tisserand CNRS, Lab-STICC LIP Lyon, 2018.11.09 Summary Introduction Physical Attacks Arithmetic Circuits Protections Conclusion and References Arnaud

  1. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks Arnaud Tisserand CNRS, Lab-STICC LIP Lyon, 2018.11.09

  2. Summary • Introduction • Physical Attacks • Arithmetic Circuits • Protections • Conclusion and References Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 2/28

  3. Introduction Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 3/28

  4. Applications with Security Requirements • medical devices • home automation • digital administration • e-commerce • transports • communications: cell. phones, Internet, industrial networks. . . • IOT • WSN • embedded systems • cloud computing • RFID tags • smart { grids | cities | buildings | . . . } • . . . Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 4/28

  5. Security and Embedded Systems Integrated circuits perform security tasks, somewhere in the system. . . Cases where a close access is difficult: Cases where a close access can be possible: Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 5/28

  6. Physical Attacks Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 6/28

  7. Attacks Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 7/28

  8. Attacks Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 7/28

  9. Attacks software theoretical social engineering Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 7/28

  10. Attacks timing analysis power analysis observation EMR analysis software fault injection perturbation reverse engineering theoretical physical probing social engineering invasive EMR = Electromagnetic radiation Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 7/28

  11. Attacks Types of attacks (non-exhaustive): timing analysis power analysis observation EMR analysis software fault injection perturbation reverse engineering theoretical physical probing social engineering invasive EMR = Electromagnetic radiation Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 7/28

  12. Observation Attacks Question : what can/should be measured? Answer : everything that can “enter” and/or “get out” in/from the device • computation time • power consumption • electromagnetic radiation • temperature • sound • number of cache misses • number and type of error messages • ... The measured parameters may provide informations on: • global behavior (temperature, power, sound...) • local behavior (microprobe, # cache misses...) Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 8/28

  13. Power Consumption Analysis General principle: 1. measure the current i ( t ) in the cryptosystem 2. use those measurements to “deduce” secret informations crypto. secret key = 962571. . . i ( t ) R V DD traces Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 9/28

  14. Differences & External Signature An algorithm : r = 0 for i from 1 to n do if k i = 0 then r = r + a else r = r × b Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 10/28

  15. Differences & External Signature An algorithm has a current signature : r = 0 for i from 1 to n do if k i = 0 then r = r + a else r = r × b I t i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I + I × k i 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 10/28

  16. Differences & External Signature An algorithm has a current signature and a time signature: r = 0 for i from 1 to n do if k i = 0 then r = r + a else r = r × b T t T + T × I t i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I + I × k i 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 10/28

  17. Observation Attacks Source: [9] Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 11/28

  18. Observation Attacks Source: [9] Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 11/28

  19. Perturbation or Fault Injection Attacks Typical techniques : • perturbation in the power supply voltage • perturbation of the clock signal • temperature (over/under-heating the chip) • radiation or electromagnetic (EM) disturbances • exposing the chip to intense lights or beams • etc Accuracy : • time: part of clock cycle, clock cycle, code block (instruction sequence) • space: gate, block, unit, core, chip, package • value: set to a specific value, bit flip, stuck-at 0 or 1, random modification Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 12/28

  20. Perturbation on the External Clock Principle : voltage CLK time • Normal clock (at a given frequency, duty cycle ≈ 50%) Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 13/28

  21. Perturbation on the External Clock Principle : voltage MCLK CLK time • Normal clock (at a given frequency, duty cycle ≈ 50%) • Clock with a modified duty cycle Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 13/28

  22. Perturbation on the External Clock Principle : voltage glitches GCLK MCLK CLK time • Normal clock (at a given frequency, duty cycle ≈ 50%) • Clock with a modified duty cycle • Glitched clock • Etc. Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 13/28

  23. Clock Glitch Attack Example Source : paper [1] presented at FDTC 2011 conference Setup : AVR ATMega 163 microcontroller @ 1MHz mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 EOR R15,R5 0010 0100 1111 0101 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 14/28

  24. Clock Glitch Attack Example Source : paper [1] presented at FDTC 2011 conference Setup : AVR ATMega 163 microcontroller @ 1MHz mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 EOR R15,R5 0010 0100 1111 0101 glitch 59 ns i + 1 NOP 0000 0000 0000 0000 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 14/28

  25. Clock Glitch Attack Example Source : paper [1] presented at FDTC 2011 conference Setup : AVR ATMega 163 microcontroller @ 1MHz mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 EOR R15,R5 0010 0100 1111 0101 glitch 59 ns i + 1 NOP 0000 0000 0000 0000 mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 SER R18 1110 1111 0010 1111 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 14/28

  26. Clock Glitch Attack Example Source : paper [1] presented at FDTC 2011 conference Setup : AVR ATMega 163 microcontroller @ 1MHz mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 EOR R15,R5 0010 0100 1111 0101 glitch 59 ns i + 1 NOP 0000 0000 0000 0000 mode glitch period cycle instruction opcode (bin) normal - 0000 0000 0000 0000 i NOP normal - i + 1 SER R18 1110 1111 0010 1111 glitch 61 ns i + 1 LDI R18,0xEF 1110 1110 0010 1111 glitch 60 ns i + 1 0000 1000 0010 1111 SBC R12,R15 glitch 59 ns i + 1 NOP 0000 0000 0000 0000 Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 14/28

  27. Arithmetic Circuits Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 15/28

  28. Example of Crypto-Processor Architecture key mng. code register external interface CTRL mem. file interconnect FU 1 FU 2 FU 3 Functional Units : ± , × , ÷ in finite fields F p or F 2 m with 20 – 8000 bits elements and (small) vectors/matrices Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 16/28

  29. Protections Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 17/28

  30. Protections Principles for preventing attacks : • embed additional protection blocks • modify the original circuit into a secured version • application levels: circuit, architecture, algorithm, protocol. . . Arnaud Tisserand. CNRS – Lab-STICC. Protection of Arithmetic Circuits against Physical Attacks 18/28

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