proposed budget

PROPOSED BUDGET Preston County Board of Education For the Fiscal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PROPOSED BUDGET Preston County Board of Education For the Fiscal Year Ending: June 30, 2017 Organization Preston County Board of Education Robert McCrum George Keim, Jr. Kathy McNeil Ann Rob Dr. Clarissa Estep Member Member President

  1. PROPOSED BUDGET Preston County Board of Education For the Fiscal Year Ending: June 30, 2017

  2. Organization Preston County Board of Education Robert McCrum George Keim, Jr. Kathy McNeil Ann Rob Dr. Clarissa Estep Member Member President Member Member Term Expires: June 30, 2018 Term Expires: June 30, 2018 Term Expires: June 30, 2016 Term Expires: June 30, 2016 Term Expires: June 30, 2018

  3. Central Administration Stephen L. Wotring Superintendent Katrina Kerstetter Craig Schmidl Chief School Business Official Assistant Superintendent & Treasurer & Personnel

  4. Budget Instructions ■ Each County Board of Education must prepare a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year for each fund that the agency intends to maintain during the year and submit it to the State Board of Education for approval. ■ County Boards of Education must hold a public hearing on the proposed budget before the proposed budget document is submitted to the State Board for approval. ■ The proposed budget must be made available for public inspection at least 10 days prior to the hearing and must be published as a class II-O legal advertisement.


  6. Funds Maintained by Preston BOE ■ General Current Expense Fund (11): – The general current expense fund is used as the general operating fund of the board. All revenues and expenditures except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund are accounted for in this fund.

  7. Projected Revenues General Current Expense Fund PROPOSED REVENUE ACCOUNT TITLE TOTAL TAXES 7,503,524 Real/Personal Property - Regular Levy 7,503,524 LOCAL SOURCES 110,374 Interest 10,000 Reimbursements 44,884 QZAB Credit 36,000 Miscellaneous 19,490 STATE SOURCES 27,237,577 Basic State Aid 18,514,773 Retirement Allocation 1,776,154 Retirement - Unfunded Liability Allocation 3,032,710 PEIA Allocation 3,913,940 FEDERAL SOURCES 5,500 National Forest Land 5,500 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 45,223 Indirect Costs from Special Projects 45,223 BEGINNING BALANCE 1,000,000 Estimated Beginning Balance 1,000,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 35,902,198

  8. Projected Revenues General Current Expense Fund Estimated Indirect Costs from Beginning Special Projects, 0.13% Balance, National Forest Land , 0.02% Interest, 0.03% 2.79% PEIA Allocation, 10.90% Reimbursements, 0.13% Retirement - Unfunded Real/Personal Property - Liability Allocation, 8.45% QZAB Credit , 0.10% Regular Levy, 20.90% Miscellaneous, 0.05% Retirement Allocation, 4.95% Basic State Aid, 51.57%

  9. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Function Code) PROPOSED % of CATEGORY EXPENDITURES BUDGET Instruction 22,886,857 63.75% Supporting Services: Student 1,234,076 3.44% Instructional Staff 396,507 1.10% Central Administration 847,422 2.36% School Administration 1,859,624 5.18% Central Services 279,161 0.78% Operation and Maintenance of Facilities 3,681,394 10.25% Student Transportation 3,677,592 10.24% Capital Outlay 11,673 0.03% Debt Service: Prinicpal Retirement 374,646 1.04% Interest and Fiscal Charges 85,891 0.24% Transfers 426,271 1.19% Reserves 141,084 0.39% Total $ 35,902,198 100%

  10. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Function Code) ■ Terms: ms: – Instru tructi ction on: All activities related to instruction including salaries, textbooks, services, and supplies. – Support t Servi vices es: ■ Students: Attendance, social work, guidance, health services, psychologists, speech, occupational and physical therapy, and other pupil services. ■ Instructional Staff: Curriculum and instruction services, media library, professional staff development, technology. ■ Central Administration: Board expenses, superintendent’s office, assistant superintendent’s office, auditing, legal services, community relations, liability insurance, official bonds. ■ School Administration: Principal’s Office. ■ Central Services: Business office, printing/publishing, human resources, service staff development, employee assistance program. ■ Operation and Maintenance of Facilities: Maintenance, custodial, property insurance, telephone, natural gas, electric, garbage disposal, rental of buildings. ■ Student Transportation: Bus drivers, mechanics, fuel, parts, vehicle insurance. – Communi nity Servi vice ces: 4-H, public library allocation, pre-k collaborative. – Debt Servi vice: QZAB, Lease Purchase. – Transf sfer ers: Indirect Costs, Child Nutrition Program. – Reserves: For contingencies.

  11. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Function Code) Reserves , 0.39% Interest and Fiscal Charges, 0.24% Transfers, 1.19% Prinicpal Retirement, 1.04% Capital Outlay, 0.03% Student Transportation, 10.24% Operation and Maintenance of Facilities, 10.25% Central Services, 0.78% Instruction, 63.75% School Administration, 5.18% Central Administration, 2.36% Instructional Staff, 1.10% Student, 3.44%

  12. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Object Code) PROPOSED % of OBJECT EXPENDITURES BUDGET Salaries 20,929,574 58.30% Employee Benefits and Fixed Costs 10,356,444 28.85% Professional and Technical Services 477,008 1.33% Purchased Property Services 358,079 1.00% Other Purchased Services 506,317 1.41% Supplies 2,208,408 6.15% Equipment - 0.00% Other 640,097 1.78% Transfers 426,271 1.19% Total $ 35,902,198 100%

  13. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Object Code) ■ Term rms : – Salari ries: All professional and service salaries including substitutes – Benefits ts: FICA, retirement, workers compensation insurance, health and life insurance (PEIA), dental/optical insurance, long-term disability insurance. – Pro rofess ssional nal and Tech chnical al Servi vices es: Professional educator services, staff development, other professional services (legal, audit, architects), technical services. – Purch chase se Pro roperty ty Servi vice ces: Water/sewage, garbage disposal, snow removal, repair services, rentals. – Other Purch chased d Servic vices es: In-lieu of transportation, property and liability insurance, postage, telephone, internet, legal ads, printing/binding, travel. – Supplies: Instructional, custodial, maintenance, natural gas, electric, food, books, periodicals, software, fuel. – Equipme ment nt: Vehicles, furniture, machinery, technology related hardware. – Other: Dues and fees, debt service, reserves. – Transf sfer ers: Indirect Costs, Child Nutrition Program

  14. Proposed Expenditures General Current Expense Fund (by Object Code) Supplies, 6.15% Other, Transfers, 1.19% Other Purchased 1.78% Services, 1.41% Purchased Property Services, 1.00% Professional and Technical Services, 1.33% Employee Benefits and Fixed Costs, 28.85% Salaries, 58.30%

  15. Revenue (County & Medicaid) 34,902,198.00 Match WVEIS (009) Personnel (County) (27,201,110.00) Match WVEIS (89-299) before Supplements Personnel (Medicaid) - Match WVEIS (89-299) before Supplements Overtime (89,500.00) Substitutes (545,134.00) Bus Shuttles & Electricity (34,200.00) Board Members (21,600.00) Supplemental (3,500.00) PHS Student Workers (3,000.00) Coaches (64,500.00) Supplemental Fixed Charges (68,034.00) ACA Insurance Benefits (9,000.00) Retiree Premiums (Obj. 215) (188,730.00) Retirement Unfunded Liab. (235) (3,032,710.00) Unemployment (Obj. 251) (25,000.00) (31,286,018.00) Match WVEIS (89-299)after Supplements Rounding - Correction toMatch WVEIS (89-299)after Supplements Reserved for Contingencies 141,084.00 Reserved Match WVEIS (842) Expenses (Medicaid) - Expense Allocated Match WVEIS (300-989) Expenses (County) 4,475,096.00 Expense Allocated Match WVEIS (300-989 minus 842) 3,616,180.00 (1,000,000.00) Remaining 31,286,018.00 Match WVEIS (89-299) before Expenses - Estimated Deficit Beginning Balance Match WVEIS (009) 34,902,198.00 31,286,018.00 Match WVEIS (89-299) after Deficit Beginning Balance Estimated Deficit/Surplus Beginning Balance (007) 1,000,000.00 4,616,180.00 Match WVEIS (300-989) Match WVEIS (007/009) with Beginning Balance 35,902,198.00 35,902,198.00 Match WVEIS (89-989) Check: - (over)under

  16. TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET Total Operating Budget For 2016 – 2017 $3 $35, 5,90 902, 2,198 98


  18. Funds Maintained by Preston BOE ■ Special Revenue Fund (61): – The special revenue fund is used to account for funds from specific sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. This fund is used to account for all federal and state special projects, including the child nutrition program.


  20. Projected Revenues Special Revenue Fund LOCAL SOURCES, 0.90% TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND, 5.87% STATE SOURCES, 26.79% FEDERAL SOURCES, 66.44%

  21. Proposed Expenditures Special Revenue Fund (by Function Code) PROPOSED % of CATEGORY EXPENDITURES BUDGET Instruction 2,274,402 31.32% Student 366,230 5.04% Instructional Staff 230,893 3.18% Central Services 4,885 0.07% Student Transportation 328,223 4.52% Food Service 2,011,240 27.70% Transfers to General Fund 45,223 0.62% Reserved 1,999,755 27.54% Total $ 7,260,851 100%


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