
Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Manipur - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transforming INDIA MANIPUR STATE Market for Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Manipur 22,327 TGA 28.56 Lakh population Dr. Brajakumar 24.5% decadal growth Directorate of Environment Government of Manipur,

  1. Transforming INDIA MANIPUR STATE Market for Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Manipur 22,327 TGA 28.56 Lakh population Dr. Brajakumar 24.5% decadal growth Directorate of Environment Government of Manipur, INDIA Coordinator, UNDP-GEF Project, Manipur

  2. STATE CONTEXT Electricity consumption • Power sector is largely vulnerable to climatic variability due totally depend over hydel power Agricultur al generation. 1% • Heavily dependent on central sector generating Industrial 5% stations located in the North Eastern Region of India Others 23% • Against a peak demand of 200 MW, the maximum Domestic availability of power is around 125 MW 63% • Vision 2020 in North East aimed to promot decentralized renewable power generation options • State government aims to promote renewable Commerci al energy based power generation option as a part 8% low carbon growth strategy

  3. CHALLENGES STATE PROFILE: MANIPUR  Erratic with high intensity rainfall leads to frequent floods, land slides, etc. • Manipur, one of the states situated in the North Eastern Region of India, is an isolated hill-girt state  3- 4 times of flood in pre-monsoon stretching between 92°58´E to 94°45´E longitudes and 23°50´N to 25°42´N latitudes.  About 50-60 % of total agriculture land, hill villages, bridges, roads, etc. gets effected • Manipur has a geographical area of 22,327 sq. kms, with 90% of the area is covered by hill.  Recurrent rockslides / mudslides due to torrential rains. • Total population of the state is 28.56 lakhs registering a population density of 128 per (2011  Failure of agriculture. population census)  High dependence on fossil fuel for transport & agriculture. • The Installed Capacity of Manipur is 233 MW (as on March, 2018_CEA).  High dependence on power purchases from Central Generating Stations (> 90%). • State share is 41.45 MW & Central is 191.90 MW, Electricity consumption mix  High T&D losses & minimal usage of energy efficient products throughout state. whereas Private Sector contribution was nil in Manipur. Agricultural Others 1% 23% • The average AT&C losses of Manipur in Sep’18 was 43.74% ( Industrial 5% • MSPDCL holds a consumer base of 0.34 million, which consumed 511.79 MU in Commercial 8% FY 2016-17. Domestic 63%

  4. BARRIERS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR Energy Efficiency: Renewable Energy: • 63% (~) of total energy consumed by domestic • Less attractive for private developers due to lack sector, consumption in industries is very low of awareness, availability of data, procurement process • Lack of awareness on energy conservation & • Non-availability of land for installation of SPV/RE energy efficient products among the stakeholders projects (forest covering area is around 78% of the total geographical area & around 90% of • Non-availability of energy efficient / star rated total land is designated as hilly terrain) products in local market • Due to hilly terrain and poor road and • Lack of BEE certified energy manager & energy transportation facility landing cost of SPV/RE auditor equipment are very high compared to other • Energy cost is very less as compared to other states in India states in India • Less fund available with the state Govt. to • AT&C losses are very high support RE projects • State Designated Agency for Energy Efficiency • No local SPV developer/manufacturer available became fully functional only in 2018 in Manipur.

  5. KEY PRIORITIES OF SAPCC IN ENERGY SECTOR  Installation of SPV Power Plant (of 1 – 40 kWp), Wind Solar Hybrid system (40 kW), solar street & home lighting system, home solar water heaters  HE Projects at Irang and Tuivai , Maklang – Tuyungbi  Hydro Electric (HE) Generation of 5 MW.  Preparation of State Energy Policy.  Strengthening of transmission, sub-transmission and distribution systems.  Enactment of revenue collection pre-paid system on power supply.  Energy Audit of All Government buildings.  Awareness, Development and propagation of non – conventional renewable energy generation  Conversion of CNG as transport fuel and introduction of Green public transport services/system  Phasing out the old and expired vehicle.  Training, Advance Communication System, Relay & Testing Laboratory, works related to Energy Conservation.

  6. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY STATE GOVERNMENT Energy efficiency: Renewable Energy: • Promotion of EE practices mainly • Off-grid system: SPV power plant, targeting the domestic sector. Small lighting systems such as Home Lighting, Solar Lanterns, Solar Power • Demand side management: Under Packs, Street Lighting Systems: 5,153 UJALA Scheme MSPDCL has kWp. distributed total 299,934 LEDs, which • Small hydro: 450 kW will save 38,952MWh/yr. & reduce 31,551 tCO2 annually (National UJALA • Solar Water Heater: 6,820 kWp. dashboard). • Grid interacted Roof-top Solar PV • Installing Pre-paid energy meter for all system (till Oct’18): 1,931 kWp. consumers, etc.

  7. Activities under GEF-UNDP Project on RE & EE Target of India in Energy and allied sector by 2030 • Energy Audit at Govt. buildings and water pumps • To achieve 40% installed capacity of power – • 5 Grid connected solar photovoltaic power plants at 5 non fossil fuel PHCs of 87.2 kWp DC Capacity, Estimated Generation of 1,27,312 kWh and GHG emission reduction of 104 Manipur State – Target in 2030 and Now • Installation target of 50MW by the year 2022 tCO 2 /annum [MANIREDA] RE Activities by MANIREDA as on August 2017 • Target of Gross metering 30MW and Net metering • Installed 36,933 units of 4,316.85 kW of RE activities 20MW of small lightings, wind solar hybrid, small hydro • Pre-paid system for power supply in both domestic power, etc. and industries / commercial [even in Govt. offices] • 25 units of 156 kW Grid connected rooftop SPV plant • Conversion of CNG • 3392 units of 6820 kW Solar Heaters [100 & 1000 LPD] Government of Manipur

  8. Transforming Market for Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Manipur v

  9. SOLAR FOR HEALTH INITIATIVE  Energy is essential in the provision of health services as there are certain appliances providing a range of services in health facilities that cannot be operated without energy  Reliable and continuous energy for functioning of medical refrigerators, sterilizers, lamps, suction machines for deliveries, incubators, microscopes, centrifuges, X-Ray viewers, etc.  Unreliable electricity access leads to vaccine spoilage, interruptions in the use of essential medical and diagnostic devices, and lack of even the most basic lighting and communications for maternal delivery and emergency procedures.  Decentralized, renewable energy solutions, coupled with energy efficiency measures, have great potential to expand health facility access to cost-effective, reliable electricity in many low-income settings where the grid is unreliable or non-existent.

  10. STATE ACTION (RE): SPV PLANTS FOR HEALTH SECTOR • Under Implementation 99.2 kWp solar project for 5 PHCs and JNIMS • Total Investment (INR): around 1.1 Crore • Power Generation: 144 Andro (12 kW) MWh per annum • GHG Mitigation: 139 tCO2/annum.

  11. ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS  Major consumption of electricity in Manipur is attributed to building energy consumption (63%)  Low energy efficiency in buildings is on account of use of old and inefficient equipment and appliances  By implementing energy conservation measures in PWD Office Complex around 60 % energy saving has been achieved.

  12. STATE ACTION (EE): IMPLEMENTATION OF EE RECOMMENDATIONS AT PWD OFFICE COMPLEX Sl. Location Baseline Reading Savings in kWh per Annual Annual Savings No (December 2017)(Energy month (@ Rs Savings in in Rupees Consumption in INR ) 5.7/kWh) kWh 1 Electric Circle 11217 287 3440 19608 2 Building Division-1 6445 36 427 2436 3 D-Block 7455 442 5301 30216 4 Quality Control Block 13973 1261 15128 86232 5 Block-B 13091 874 10484 59760 6 Block-A (Floor 1) 2467 55 661 3768 7 Block A Chief Engineer 14586 1163 13956 79548 (South) 8 Block A Chief Engineer 6829 332 3983 22704 (North) 9 Drivers Shed and CRPF Mess 14883 548 6571 37452 10 Total Energy saving (kWh/yr) 59,952 Annual GHG emission reduction is around 58 tCO 2 /annum.

  13. STATE GOVT. OWNERSHIP Renewable Energy: Energy efficiency: • AT&C loss reduction target 15-20% by 2020. • MANIREDA has set a target to implement 50 MW rooftop SPV • Setting up State designated agencies under project throughout Manipur by 2022. MSPDCL to address the EE activities in the state. • Implementation of Off-grid PV system • Preparation of ECBC compliances for the new & in Community halls & youth centers. upcoming projects. • Skill development & promoting RE • Conducting Energy audit in all water pumping based entrepreneurs form Manipur. system & replacement of inefficient pumps with • Targeting private & by/multilateral energy efficient pumps under AMRUT scheme. funding agencies for implementing • Promotion of EE product & campaign. large scale SPV projects through PPP • Demand side management. mode.

  14. Thank You v


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