progress on the update of the state of the baltic sea

Progress on the update of the State of the Baltic Sea report Work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Progress on the update of the State of the Baltic Sea report Work still planned Name 4/17/2018 Surname 2 General HOLAS II 9-2018 recommended changing the name of the supplementary reports to thematic assessments. State of the

  1. Progress on the update of the ’State of the Baltic Sea’ report Work still planned Name 4/17/2018 Surname 2

  2. General • HOLAS II 9-2018 recommended changing the name of the supplementary reports to thematic assessments. • State of the Baltic Sea overviews • Harmonizing the presentation of the graphics, e.g use the same color scheme for all. – Threshold values should be presented as a full line – the assessment period as a lightly grey colored area. – The threshold value line should be of the same color preferably dark green, dashed, in all graphs Name 4/17/2018 Surname 3

  3. Introduction Chapters • Corrections to new text included under climate and hydrology. Estonia to provide suggested revised text, including updates to Box 1.1 to include an introduction to H2S and to explain the negative values presented. • remove the word “principles” in relation the ecosystem approach, to avoid confusion with HELCOM principles. • For Figure 1.3 an arrow from fish to birds needs to be added • include a graph on changes in the development of time of oxygen deficiency in deep water. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 4

  4. Indicators • based on the updated indicator information the associated figures and result related text of the State of the Baltic Sea report and supplementary material will be updated in April 2018. • Re-calculate the oil spills indicator based on new sub basin division. • Finalizing the indicator reports for endorsement by State and Conservation WG. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 5

  5. Integrated assessments: Eutrophication • elaborate on the confidence levels in the thematic assessment report. • Extending the line showing MAI. • Include updated figures on eutrophication status, maps on nutrient levels (direct- and indirect effects), pie charts as well as table on changes since the latest assessment period in the summary report. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 6

  6. Integrated assessments: Hazardous substances • Include a list of indicators in the integrated contamination status figure, • including explanatory information on the colors used in the image • Include a condensed text on the threshold values in the summary report • Clarifying what 12 substances are assessed Name 4/17/2018 Surname 7

  7. Integrated assessment: Biodiversity • exclude sprat and cod in the Bothnian Bay from the assessment in BEAT. • the data description for extraction of fish layer to be amended with information on min and max landings, as well as better clarifications on the scaling methods. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 8

  8. Integrated assessements: BSPI/BSII • Complementary information to be added to metadata records. • possible corrections depositing of dredged material will be integrated to data used in the index calculations pending clarification by Denmark. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 9

  9. Integrated assessements: BSPI/BSII • explore the possibility to weight the data layer on fish extraction by the ratios of F/Fmsy 4.17 • rename the benthic habitat/oxygen deficiency layer ‘Availability of deep water habitat, based on occurrence of H2S’ • add figures presenting the data coverage for human activities and ecosystem components Name 4/17/2018 Surname 10

  10. Intrgrate Assessments: Economic and Social Analyses • Compiling and analyzing data call results. • correct figure 3.2 b and 3.2e. • Clairfy the discrepancy between the number of passengers in relation to the value added between Finland, Sweden and Estonia. • Clarify implications of cost of degradation in a more easy wording as well. • Explore the possibility to modify figure 3.1. by moving the pressures found at the bottom of the right hand list to the top Name 4/17/2018 Surname 11

  11. Marine Litter • Revisions to chapter to put less focus on the methodology and more information content. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 12

  12. Underwater sound • Updates to table 4.4.1 as a result of the correspondence drafting group consisting of Denmark, Estonia, Germany and Sweden • replace the current sound map with the same one as used in the BSII Name 4/17/2018 Surname 13

  13. Non-Indigenous Species • More clearly address the lack of recovery option and how NIS spread. • Update the table by removing species which no longer fullfill the criteria. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 14

  14. Commercial Fish • for eel the dramatical decline should be acknowledged by a stronger wording than “considerable”, • move the paragraph on methods in order to highlight the results section, • cross reference the impacts of fishing section to the food web section of the summary report Name 4/17/2018 Surname 15

  15. Hunting of Mammals and Birds • simplify the language regarding the hunting of common eider and longtailed duck. • clarify if the Danish data includes inland hunting or only hunting taken place by the Baltic Sea. • include figures for hunting of cormorants in DE and link to Birds Directive under derogation. • include updated statistics on seal hunting from Finland. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 16

  16. Conclusions and Future Outlook Chapter • a more integrated, cross sectorial approach, • better reflect sustainable use of marine resources and effects of increased blue growth, • strengthen the messages that there is delay in implementing measures under the BSAP. Name 4/17/2018 Surname 17


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