MEP’s Presentation Model EU 1
Index 1. What is an MEP Presentation? 2. Formal requirements 3. Useful tips 4. Why is the MEP Presentation useful?
What is a MEP Presentation? It is a document containing a brief introduction of • your MEP’s position on the topic discussed; It must be sent prior to your arrival to the • organisers by September 15 ; When writing the MEP Presentation, you must • respect the “ staying in character ” principle. 3
Formal requirements Each Member of the European Parliament must send prior to the deadline an auto-presentation where they must specify: - Name, Surname, party group and country they represent - Official position on the topic under discussion - Most relevant solution he/she would like to propose to the Plenary No. of Words Max 400 Font Times New Roman Font Size 10 Format DOC or PDF Spacing 1,5 Language British English
Useful tips 1. Represent your country/DG as realistically as possible; 2. Keep it simple; 3. Make it official; 4. Get organized; 5. Cite your sources. 5
Why is the MEP Presentation useful? 1. It allows you to maximize your ability to stay in character ; 2. It is a useful summary of your position that you can consult during the simulation; 3. It is the basic framework and a good starting point for your opening speech ; 4. It can be used as a base for your final report 6
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