Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Regional expert workshop on essential fish habitats, H organized by Pan Baltic Scope project and HELCOM E Riga, Latvia, 12-13 December 2018 Baltic flounder HELCOM Pan Baltic Scope EFH WS 2018
Proposed map Baltic flounder spawning area Oroginal model based on Orio et al. 2017, cut by environmental parameters: DEPTH < 30 m Salinity > 5 Alt. Salinity 5-8 2
Salinity limit? Demersal model (Orio et al. ) General model (Orio et al. ) 3
Salinity limit? Demersal model (Orio et al. 2017) Demersal model (Nissling et al. 2002 ) General model (Orio et al. ) 4
Initial feedback from experts Estonia: we have seen spawning Baltic flounder around peninsulas in more eastern areas in Gulf of Finland . Finland: We have found many YOY flounders at the SW Finnish coast from salinities of 4.5-6 psu, at least some years. This could be explained either by that actual spawning has taken place in higher salinity outer in the archipelago, or possibly that some Baltic flounder sub-stock can tolerate lower salinities at least occasionally. Lithuania: Flounder does not spawn in the Curonian Lagoon. As the Curonian lagoon is not suitable for flounder spawning, it should be in light blue (no spawning). The same situation could be with Vistula lagoon, but Polish colleagues should confirm that. Sweden: Additional data for mapping of juvenile flounder is presented for information. It represents mixed data for Baltic and European flounder (See also Annex 3). The data could be considered for the further development of maps describing EFH of juvenile flounder. 5
Proposed way forward 1) Use the map on Baltic flounder, after the following adjustments: … • (consider the initial comments) • (critically evaluate the proposed maps) 2) Consider the possibility to develop an EFH map on juvenile flounder 6 7
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