profiling extracellular micrornas

Profiling Extracellular microRNAs Dr. Moemen Abdalla Senior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Recent Work & Current Methods for Profiling Extracellular microRNAs Dr. Moemen Abdalla Senior Research Scientist Norgen Biotek Corp. Dr. Christoph Eicken Head of Technical Services Microarrays LC Sciences, LLC

  1. Recent Work & Current Methods for Profiling Extracellular microRNAs Dr. Moemen Abdalla Senior Research Scientist Norgen Biotek Corp. Dr. Christoph Eicken Head of Technical Services – Microarrays LC Sciences, LLC Norgen Biotek Corp. The Sample Preparation Experts

  2. Webinar Outline  Brief review of microRNA basics: history, biogenesis, function  Recent developments of microRNA research in extracellular fluids and exosomes  Current methods for sample preservation and extraction of various complex extracellular sample types including exosomes  Current methods for microRNA discovery and profiling from extracellular sample types  Case studies and application examples

  3. What is in the Circulation (Bodily Fluids)? Schwarzenbach, H. et al. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 11, 145 – 156 (2014) [abstract]

  4. MicroRNA MicroRNAs account for approximately 1% of the human genome and are highly  conserved in nearly all organisms; In mammals, miRNAs are assumed to regulate more than 50% of all protein-coding  genes; There is a growing evidence that miRNAs serve as a ‘ hub ’ in gene regulatory  networks that control numerous targets rather than regulate a small number of specific genes.

  5. MicroRNA Biogenesis Schwarzenbach, H. et al. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 11, 145 – 156 (2014) [abstract]

  6. Stability of cf-miRNAs in body fluids Data have demonstrated that serum cf-miRNAs remained stable after being  subjected to severe conditions that would normally degrade most miRNAs; Despite the presence of RNase activity in plasma, incubation of plasma at room  temperature for up to 24 h or being subjeced to up to eight freeze-thaw cycles had minimal effect on cf-miRNA levels; Differential centrifugation and size-exclusion chromatography identified two  populations of cf-miRNAs in blood; 1. Protein – bound cf-miRNA 2. cf-miRNA associated with vesicles

  7. Why Study Extracellular miRNAs? Since miRNA expression is tissue specific, miRNA signature profile has been partially  established for each tissue; This specificity together with the remarkable stability of cfmiRNA make miRNAs  useful biomarkers with robustness and reproducibility in cancer diagnosis; The assessment of multiple miRNA expression levels, also referred to as miRNA  signatures, can accurately predict prognosis in various types of cancers.

  8. MicroRNA and Cancer MicroRNA functioning as a tumor suppressor

  9. MicroRNA and Cancer MicroRNA functioning as an Oncogene

  10. Circulating miRNAs detected in body fluids 2008 • Serum - Chen X et al.(2008) Characterization of microRNAs in serum: A novel class of biomarkers for diagnosis of cancer and other diseases. Cell Res 18:997 – 1006. [article] • Plasma - Mitchell PS et al.(2008) Circulating microRNAs as stable blood-based markers for cancer detection. PNAS USA 105:10513 – 10518. [article] • Exosomes - Taylor DD, Gercel-Taylor C. (2008) MicroRNA signatures of tumor-derived exosomes as diagnostic biomarkers of ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 116(1):153. [abstract] • Urine - Melkonyan HS et al. (2008) Transrenal nucleic acids: from proof of principle to clinical tests. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1137:73-81. [abstract] • Cerebrospinal fluid - Cogswell JP et al. (2008) Identification of miRNA changes in Alzheimer's disease brain and CSF yields putative biomarkers and insights into disease pathways. J Alzheimers Dis 14(1):27-41. [abstract] 2009 Siddeek et al. 2014 • Saliva - Park NJ et al. (2009) Salivary microRNA: discovery, characterization, and clinical utility for oral cancer detection. Clin Cancer Res 15(17):5473-7. [article] 2010 • Cows milk - Hata T et al. (2010) Isolation of bovine milk-derived microvesicles carrying mRNAs and microRNAs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 396(2):528-33. [abstract] • Breast milk - Kosaka N, Izumi H, Sekine K, Ochiya T. (2010) microRNA as a new immune-regulatory agent in breast milk. Silence. 1(1):7. [article]

  11. Diagnostic and prognostic value of circulating miRNAs in patients with different cancer entities Schwarzenbach, H. et al. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 11, 145 – 156 (2014) [abstract]

  12. Current Challenges in Using miRNAs as Biomarkers 1. Data on circulating miRNAs in some diseases are still limited, and often sample size (number of patients) is small. 2. The concentration of miRNAs in circulating blood is low - Extraction of sufficient amounts can be difficult. Large sample volume may be required. 3. Normalization is tricky – No constitutively expressed circulating miRNAs have been found. 4. No universally implemented guidelines for the collection, extraction, normalization, analysis of samples for miRNA analysis. Various platforms/techniques exist.

  13. Technical Challenges to analyze miRNAs Levels of cfmiRNA expression are known to be significantly affected by pre-analysis  factors, such as; 1. Sample preparation and, 2. RNA extraction methods Different miRNA profiles may be obtained depending on the extraction method  which will bias the analysis. Haemolysis is also known to markedly influence miRNA expression patterns, because  of a contamination of abundant intracellular miRNAs In other body fluids — such as urine, saliva and pleural effusions — it is also important  to remove cells and cell debris completely.

  14. Common RNA Extraction Methods from Bodily Fluids Phenol:Chloroform Silica Column Chromatography Most Bodily Fluids RNA Extraction Products are based on Technologies Developed Historically (circa 1980’s)

  15. Phenol:Chloroform Sample Prep has Base-Bias (Loss of Diveristy) Phenol:Chloroform Molecular Cell 46, 893 – 895, June 29, 2012 [article] Extraction Procedures tend to have bias in RNA (particularly miRNA) recovery based on GC contents

  16. Silica Column Sample Prep has Size-Bias (Loss of Important Small Regulatory RNAs) Total Silica Total Silica RNA Column RNA Column RNA Resolved on Agarose Gel Electrophoresis RNA Resolved on Bioanalyzer Missing Small RNA including microRNA and siRNA

  17. Phenol or Silica Sample Prep was not designed for Bodily Fluids Applications Extracelleular RNA Isolation Supplier LT Supplier Q Phenol Yes Yes Yes Use of Phenol Silica Silica N/A Column Chromatography Yes Yes Yes Isolate miRNA Yes Yes Yes Carrier RNA Requirement to achieve Sensitivity Most RNA sample prep products ADAPTS Last Generation Technology to fit into Next Generation Applications

  18. Silicon Carbide as a Matrix for Nucleic Acid & Protein Purification for Next Gen Applications • Chromatographic Applications:  Diversity: Binds All Types of DNA or RNA (including miRNA) without use of Phenol  Sensitivity: Superb Sensitivity (Single Cell Level) without use of Carrier  Applications: Spin columns, 96-well Si and Slurry (Liquid Biopsies/Bodily Fluids) Si C Si Si

  19. Diversity Norgen Biotek Corp. The Sample Preparation Experts

  20. True RNA Diversity includes RNA of ALL SIZES, Large and Small Norgen’s Silicon Carbide Column technology is the only product in the Market that bind RNA sequences at equal rate without bias and without the use of Phenol Norgen Qiagen Norgen Qiagen RNA Resolved on Agarose Gel Electrophoresis RNA Resolved on Bioanalyzer Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit (#17200) Competitor = Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit Small RNA including microRNA and siRNA

  21. Better miRNA Diversity Recovered = Better Biomarker Discovery from Clinical Samples “We are amazed not only by the total amount of miRNA but also by how many different miRNAs can be detected. In fact, this is way more than you use in an average tissue sample. ” (Customer Testimonial, Based on LC Sciences miRNA ) Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit (#17200) Norgen (100 m L Plasma) mirVana (600 m L Plasma) Competitor = Ambion mirVana Kit

  22. True RNA Diversity - Consistent and Un-Biased microRNA 2.0 mRNA 2.0 Variability Variability 1.5 1.5 1.0 Norgen 1.0 Trizol 0.5 0.5 miRNeasy 0.0 0.0 miR-450b miR-21 miR-548a miR-556 miR-29a miR-15b miR-30b miR-192 miR-17 miR-373 miR-34a miR-125b miR-133a miR-150 miR-937 miR-328 miR-933 CDC42 TP53 LAST2 S15 GAPDH HNRPK CDK4 BIM p21 BCL2 BRCA1 BRCA2 MDM2 Cyclin 3 SIRT1 Actin Phenol + Silica-based Total RNA Trizol has high variation in miRNA Kit (miRNeasy) has high variation recovery in mRNA recovery  “Nucleating Effect” of Alcohol  Extremely High Alcohol Precipitation Concentration to Bind RNA to Column (“Precipitate -Out Effect”) Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit (#17200) Competitor = Trizol and Qiagen miRNeasy Kit RNA Isolation from Cultured Cell p53 RT-PCR Panel

  23. Sensitivity Norgen Biotek Corp. The Sample Preparation Experts

  24. Emerging and Challenging Biological Sample Requiring Both Diversity and Sensitivity (Exosomes) Cellular RNA Exosome RNA Norgen Norgen Best Yield and Best RIN Value Best Yield and Best Size Diversity of RNA Eldh et al (Uof Gothenburg). 2012. Molecular Immunology 50:278-286 RNA Isolated from Exosome (Ultracentrifugation) [abstract] Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit (#17200, Identical to miRCURY RNA Kit) Competitor = Ambion mirVana, Qiagen miRNeasy, Trizol

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