Houston Independent School District PROCUREMENT SERVICES November 28, 2018
19 19-08 08-09 09 - End d User er Comp mput uting ing Dev evices. es. Houston ISD is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide end-user computing devices, leasing and services that support instruction and business operations – with a submission deadline of 2:00pm, December 19, 2018.
House Rules I. Scope of Work II. Project Timelines III. Proposal Submission Overview IV. Code of Silence and Conflict of Interest V. Proposal Response Requirements VI. Business Assistance Office – M/WBE Participation Goal VII. Risk Management Office – Insurance Compliance VIII. Addendum (if any) IX. Proposal Submission Forms X. Price and Pricing Schedule XI. Solicitation of Bids XII. Procurement Services – Downloading RFP XIII. Questions and Answers XIV.
Sign in. Silence / vibrate all cellphones. No one-on-one side conversations. Write questions and ask at the end or email the project manager.
Timeline Release RFP November 16, 2018 2:00pm on November 28, 2018, 4400 W. 18 th Street, Room 2C04, Houston, Texas 77092 Pre-Proposal Conference Last date for questions December 6, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. CST Proposals are Due by December 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. CST Evaluation Period December 21, 2018 through January 17, 2019 Selected Proposal(s) Next attainable Board meeting, after evaluation Approved (Tentatively February 2019).
General Information The instructions by the District are intended to afford Proposer(s) an equal opportunity to participate in the proposal process and provide a predetermined set of criteria representing the District’s business and service requirements. This proposal is governed by Texas Education Code (TEC), other applicable Texas state statutes, and all local Board of Education (Board) policies. • Request for Proposals are defined in the Texas Education Code 44.031 and Texas Government Code for Purchasing Contracts. Proposals will be received at : Houston Independent School District Board Services - Room 1C03 Attn: Kevin March – Procurement Services 19-08-09 - End User Computing Devices 4400 West 18th Street Houston, TX 77092
Proposal submissions must be in a binder, along with a copy on 1 USB Binders must be labelled with the Proposers name and address along with the RFP number and project name The physical USB and/or the file directory should also be labelled with the proposers name and project number HISD is not responsible if the mail service delivers the package after the cut off time. For hand delivered packages, ensure enough time is allowed for the receptionist to receive and time stamp your parcel Proposals received after the due date and time will not be considered Code of silence is in effect, so any general questions on the scope or this RFP should be directed to myself Questions related to MWBE – Business Assistance (713-556-7273) Questions related to Insurance – Risk Management (713-556-9225)
CODE OF SILENCE AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The Board of Education (Board) has adopted a “Code of Silence” policy (ref. Board Policy CAA (Local)) and a “Conflict of Interest Disclosures” policy (ref. Board Policy BBFA (Local))to enforce its commitment to ethical contracting standards and improve accountability and public confidence. It is important to avoid both the appearance of conflicts and actual conflicts of interest. The Code of Silence" shall mean a prohibition on any communication regarding any RFP, bid, or other competitive solicitation between: Any person who seeks an award from the District or its affiliated entities (including, but not ◦ limited to, the HISD Foundation and the HISD Public Facility Corporation), including a potential vendor or vendor's representative, and Board members, the Superintendent of Schools, senior staff members, principals, department ◦ heads, directors, managers, or other District representatives who have influence in the evaluation or selection process. The “Code of Silence” time period shall begin when the Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued and ends upon the execution of the contract. During the “Code of Silence”, campaign contributions, gifts, donations, loans, and any other items of value are prohibited between these parties, including candidates who have filed for election to the Board.
Board Policy CAA (Local) pertaining to the “Code of Silence” and Board Policy BBFA (Local) pertaining to “Conflicts of Interest Disclosures” are attached by URL link above and incorporated by reference. Please review the policies carefully and ensure that the policies are followed in all respects. Proposer(s) agree and understand that non-compliance with the “Code of Silence” policy may result in disqualification. Furthermore, the failure of a Board member to disclose a conflict of interest may result in the debarment of a vendor for 24 months.
To achieve a uniform review process and obtain the maximum degree of comparability, it is required that proposals be organized in the manner specified in Tab 2. Form # Form Name Form A Vendor Information (CHE (Local) Questionnaire) Form B M/WBE Participation Report Form C Reference Survey Instructions Form D Reference Evaluation Survey Form E General Certifications Form F Price Schedule Form G EDGAR Certifications Form H Exception Form Form I Conflict of Interest Instructions and form CIQ Form J Instructions for Completion of Disclosure of Interested Persons Certification (HB 1295) Form K IRS Form W-9 Form L: Provide a letter from your insurance provider that your firm can provide the levels of insurance required in this INSURANCE RFP or Certificate of Insurance on Acord Form. Form M: Acknowledgement Form Form N: Master Service Agreement (MSA), Non/Applicable Form O: Criminal History Background Check Certification * * NOTE : : DEPENDI DING ON THE RFP/RFQ, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL L FORMS AND APPENDICES CES THAT THE SUPPLIER MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLET LETE FOR THE APPLICALB CALBE RFP/RFQ.
MWBE E PARTICIPATI CIPATION ON GOAL: The Supplier shal all report their MWBE participation goal as a percent of the total compensation. This information shall be identified per firm, discipline and participation.
Documentation is require ired. Read pages B-1 through B-4 for full description of M/WBE Participation Report. One of the options on page 5 must ust be selected. Failure to select option and return the paperwork will be considered Non Non-Compl Complian iant. ◦ 20% for purchasing of goods & non-professional services over $50,000 ◦ 20% for construction over $50,000 ◦ 25% for professional services over $50,000
Section 1.25 The Supplier must carry insurance with responsible carriers acceptable to HISD rated A or better, by A.M. Best, with minimum limits of liability coverage, as stated below, against claims for damages caused by bodily injury, including death, to employees and third parties, and claims for property damage.
The Proposer(s) MUST provide the Acord Insurance form, or a letter from the insurance carrier on the insurance carrier’s letterhead indicating compliance in accordance with para 1.25 of this solicitation. Upon receipt of a letter of intent to award from Risk Management/Procurement Services, the Supplier must submit to risk management and Procurement Services the actual Acord Form prior to being recommended to the Board of Education for contract approval. The supplier will have three (3) business days from the date of notification to submit their certificates of insurance; failure to provide all the requirements will cause your proposal to be non-responsive. All question reference this document should be reference to the Houston Independent School District Risk management department at 713-556-9225. FAILURE TO PROVIDE either the Acord form or memo of insurability at the time of submission shall CAUSE YOUR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE.
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