UN ESCAP Procurement Isabelle Dupuy Chief Procurement Officer Procurement Unit Division of Administration UN Economical and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific January 2015
Presentation UN ESCAP Procurement 1. Principles of UN Procurement 2. Detailed UN Procurement Process 3. Total UN Procurement 4. UN Convention against corruption 5. Questions
1. Principles of UN Procurement Procurement activities of the UN system are based on the following principles: The objectives/needs of the UN Organization Fairness, integrity & transparency Effective international competition Best value for money These principles cover all stages of a procurement exercise from sourcing to execution of a contract.
1. Principles of UN Procurement Other general principles: Staff members must adhere to the ethical standards and responsibilities that apply to procurement activities in order to protect the integrity, fairness and transparency of the procurement process. • Oath of office: All staff members make a written declaration that they will “exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to the [staff member] as an international civil servant of the United Nations, to discharge these functions and regulate [their personal] conduct with the interest of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of [the staff member’s] duties from any Government or other source external to the organisation.
1. Principles of UN Procurement Other general principles: • “Zero tolerance” policy govern the staff involved in the procurement activities. Provisions are included in the Supplier Code of Conduct regarding acceptance of gifts or hospitality; as well as restrictions on employment of former UN staff members. • Mandatory Financial Disclosure programme for Procurement Officers on annual basis is reviewed by an independent third party.
2. Detailed UN procurement process 1. EOI 1.A. Once the need is established UN Procurement publishes on the UN website an EOI Expression of Interest (indicating the UNSPSC United Nations Standard Products and Services Code under which vendors are registered in UNGM UN Global Marketplace ). 1.B. The vendors send back the Response to the Expression of Interest and will therefore be invited to the bids.
2. Detailed UN procurement process 2. Solicitation 2.A. For Complex Bids : 2.A.1. Issuance of an RFP - Request for Proposal This solicitation document will include - the description of the SOW Scope of Work or TOR Terms of References - the definition of the evaluation criteria - the period of award (fixed + optional) - the price list
2. Detailed UN procurement process 2.A.2. the evaluation will be based on Best Value for Money: - separate Technical + Financial evaluations - 60% technical score 40% financial score - no direct reporting line between the members of each committee. 2.B. For standardized needs ITBs Invitation to Bids : - lowest price of technically conforming bids 2.C. The bid opening is public, vendors that cannot attend can request the list in writing.
2. Detailed UN procurement process 3. Award - all awards are published: http://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/contract-awards - Awards are based on model contract attached to the solicitation + UN GCC General Conditions on Contracts (exist for Goods, Goods and Services, and Services) http://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/about-us/conditions-contract - Debrief: once the contract is awarded to the winner, a pilot debriefing program is open for unsuccessful bidders for high value bids. - Dispute resolution (if necessary) will follow UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) arbitration rules.
2. Detailed UN procurement process 4. Post Award 4.A. Contract Management: Although this is not directly a responsibility of Procurement, the Requisitioner can call Procurement for assistance in a performance review, performance resolution, partial payment of invoice… 4.B. Contract Administration: Procurement will be involved in all aspects that require the contract to be modified (change in specifications, in timeframe, …) 4.C. Vendor Review Committee: Once confronted with serious under performance of a vendor, the requisitioner and/or the procurement officer may raise the issue to the Vendor Review Committee that may decide to suspend temporarily or indefinitely the vendor from the registrer of Vendors.
2. Detailed UN procurement process Please refer to the Procurement Manual for details on the UN procurement process http://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/about-us/procurement-manual
3. Total UN Procurement Goods and Services (UN System) 2009-2013
3. Total UN Procurement Volume (US$M) by organizations (Top 10) 3500 2,997 3000 2,741 2,629 2,477 2500 2000 2012 1500 2013 953 1000 772 749 585 366 500 289 0
3. Total UN Procurement Major Items Procured by the UN procurement system Goods Services Food Air Charter Services Pharmaceutical Supplies Security Services Vehicles Engineering Services Computers and Software Construction Shelter and Housing Freight Services Telecommunications Equipment Consultancy Services Laboratory Equipment Telecommunication Services Chemicals (POL) Building Materials Security Equipment
3. Total UN Procurement UN Secretariat around the world
3. Total UN Procurement UN Secretariat around the world
3. Total UN Procurement UN Secretariat around the world
United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) & Public Procurement 173 State Parties Including all countries in this meeting + Peer Review of Implementation From 2015: Focusing on Chapter II (Preventive Measures) including article on public procurement Article 9. 1: Public Procurement (mandatory requirement) Public distribution of information Transparency Pre-established conditions for participation core Competition through Objective and predetermined principles criteria for decision-making Objective criteria System of review and appeal Accountability Declaration of interest and training for procurement personnel
UNCAC Anti-Corruption & Public Procurement Chapter II-Preventive Measures Article 9. Public procurement and management of public finances 1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, take the necessary steps to establish appropriate systems of procurement, based on transparency, competition and objective criteria in decision-making, that are effective, inter alia, in preventing corruption. Such systems, which may take into account appropriate threshold values in their application, shall address, inter alia: (a) The public distribution of information relating to procurement procedures and contracts, including information on invitations to tender and relevant or pertinent information on the award of contracts, allowing potential tenderers sufficient time to prepare and submit their tenders; (b) The establishment, in advance, of conditions for participation, including selection and award criteria and tendering rules, and their publication; (c) The use of objective and predetermined criteria for public procurement decisions, in order to facilitate the subsequent verification of the correct application of the rules or procedures; (d) An effective system of domestic review, including an effective system of appeal, to ensure legal recourse and remedies in the event that the rules or procedures established pursuant to this paragraph are not followed; http://www.unodc.org/documen More information @ (e) Where appropriate, measures to regulate matters ts/corruption/Publications/2013/ regarding personnel responsible for procurement, such www.unodc.org as declaration of interest in particular public Guidebook_on_anti- procurements, screening procedures and training www.track.unodc.org corruption_in_public_procureme requirements. nt_and_the_management_of_p ublic_finances.pdf
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