presentation to the pcsd board of education peekskill

Presentation to the PCSD Board of Education Peekskill Middle School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation to the PCSD Board of Education Peekskill Middle School Jamal Lewis, Principal June Campolongo, Assistant Principal Courtney Simon, Assistant Principal February 13, 2018 How We Continue to Do Our Work

  1. Presentation to the PCSD Board of Education Peekskill Middle School Jamal Lewis, Principal June Campolongo, Assistant Principal Courtney Simon, Assistant Principal February 13, 2018

  2. How We Continue to Do Our Work

  3. Demographics Snapshot

  4. What Changed This School Year? Leadership Approach - We are focusing on A Cruise Ship Approach to Serving our ❏ students, families, and one another Answering the Questions: Who Are We, What Do We Want to Become, and What ❏ Are We Doing (enduring purpose) Staff is Breathing - Staff is Calmer - Admin is Breathing - Admin is Calmer ❏ Keys to Success: This is Important, You Can Do It, I Won’t Give Up On You ❏ PKMS Building Focus: Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today ❏ Changed School Leadership Team members and our focus ❏ Members changed their thinking, instructional approaches, their response, their ❏ assessment design, their communication with one another, their wanting to contribute to professional growth Looking at different ways to keep students in school, engaged, wanting to ❏ learn/explore/question

  5. School Leadership Team Ben Bloom Paul Coster Jose Fernandez Luz Gonzalez Milagros Guzman Jacqueline Kilanowski Michelle Luongo Daniel Robinson Nora Sachs Pat Salvatorelli Lenore Viola Sara Wallach

  6. School Comprehensive Education Plan-Tenet 2 By June 2018, teachers will have received training on what higher order thinking questions are, how to create them, and how to support best instructional practices to improve and enhance student learning and engagement. Grade-Level Training, Residency Program Training by Staff, Admin, and Outside ❏ Partnerships Department Training by Staff and Admin - Staff doing this work - volunteering to ❏ train one another Observation Pre and Post Conversations surrounding questioning and task design ❏ Observable Evidence: Tasks with increased question rigor, assessment is ❏ multi-leveled, professional conversations at meetings discussing questioning, staff attending workshops and courses on questioning, annotating text, common tasks Department leaders analyzing how students are learning-ENL staff providing training ❏

  7. School Comprehensive Education Plan-Tenet 3 By November 2017, 100% of teachers will be using student performance data such as F & P, State assessments, and formative and summative assessments to inform instruction as evidenced in data meetings, student action plans, department, grade-level, and faculty meetings. For 2017-2018 the smart goal will be continued. Established Data Team since 2014 ❏ Monthly Data Meeting focused on Infractions and Academics ❏ Academic Performance Analysis at GLM, Dept., and Clinical Meeetings ❏ RtI Protocol at Grade-Level Meetings ❏ F&P Assessments - Fall, Winter, Spring ❏ As of November 2017, 24% of Grade 6, 30% of Grade 7, and 20% of Grade 8 on Grade ❏ Below Question for us: Will students continue to show growth? Will this progress show on our ❏ upcoming state assessments? Will staff continue to be innovative in terms of how they instruct and engage? Will we continue to examine data and make necessary instructional adjustments and design targeted interventions?

  8. F & P Data June 2017 (EOY) vs November 2017 (BOY) Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 8 June November June November June November At or Above 37% 57% 47% 51% 39% 47% Approaching 32% 19% 16% 19% 26% 33% Below 31% 24% 37% 30% 35% 20%

  9. School Comprehensive Education Plan-Tenet 4 According to school F&P scores, as well as other relevant data, there is a need for every staff member, as well as administrators, to share, discuss, and implement a variety of best practices as it relates to students’ learning and achievement and enhanced instruction. Each staff member is required to conduct two classroom visitations - One in Fall ❏ and One in Spring We maintain the data in a Google Drive file and they have to indicate: What ❏ Danielson Framework Domain and Element (s) addressed, What SCEP Tenet (s) addressed, what are they focused on, What best practice/strategy/method/approach will be implemented as a result of visitation Staff conducts walkthroughs independent of what administration requires ❏ Administration emails staff instructional feedback post classroom ❏ visitations/walkthroughs Increased staff conversation regarding best practices and student learning during ❏ department and grade-level meetings

  10. School Comprehensive Education Plan-Tenet 5 According to our infraction data, the PKMS community needs to support the social emotional development of all students by creating new experiences that lead to healthy relationships. During the 2017-2018 school year, the clinical department will assist staff in sustaining the current character education program. Continue building Character Education video library for use during bi-weekly town hall meetings and ❏ bi-weekly Thursday follow-up exercises Continue to train staff during grade-level, faculty meetings, and PD days on the fundamentals of ❏ character education Create Character Education follow up exercises for teachers and topic for community classroom ❏ discussion - student mediation Guardians of Equity work - building observations, posters throughout the building, Be The Reason ❏ Someone Smiles Today Internet Safety, District Attorney Presentation, Cool Speak Motivations, Work with Manya about ❏ “seeing students” and creating opportunities for ALL students to be called upon, create lessons including choices Parent involvement and engagement ❏

  11. School Comprehensive Education Plan-Tenet 6 By June 2018, Peekskill Middle School will demonstrate a measurable increase in family, community and school staff involvement to benefit student success and promotion of social-emotional well-being as evidenced by: increased student attendance; improved academic records; increased parent and staff attendance for all school events, sustained and increased academic, mental health, and social community support. "Dads, Bring Your Child To School Day" ❏ N.A.A.C.P. Parent and Staff Monthly Meeting to discuss topics that impact our youth and ❏ families Year-round meetings with students and families to discuss student' academic, social, and ❏ emotional progress Second Annual Family Literacy Night celebrate, promote, and encourage reading and parent ❏ support of reading and writing Parent Workshop on the Social/Emotional Well-being of the Middle School Student (Bilingual ❏ and Quarterly) Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Bookbag & Black History Oratorical Contest ❏ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Etiquette Workshop for girls promoting social and emotional ❏ health

  12. A ction Steps related to Tenets 2-6 Science Department continues to attend training sessions for new standards ❏ Social Studies Department continues to attend training sessions for new ❏ standards Math Department is committed to a new textbook (Big Ideas) that addresses ❏ current standards and supports ELLs, RtI, and contain online features Administration is working with online program representatives for tiered and ❏ student-specific software - built-in Rti, ELLs, and online features Partnering with ENL Consultant and Director of Literacy - Strengthening ❏ Question and Maintaining High-Level Conversations Progress Monitoring Tool based upon F&P Winter Results ❏ Continue to investigate ways in which to engage families ❏ Continue to examine various data points to direct instruction and response to ❏ learning

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