policy analyst recruitment and development program

Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program 2 Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program 2 Overview Government of Canada context Natural resources in the Canadian economy Overview of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program

  1. Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program

  2. 2 Overview  Government of Canada context  Natural resources in the Canadian economy  Overview of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)  Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program  How to apply for 2018

  3. 3 Government Context An Ambitious Agenda … • Inclusive and sustainable growth • Social inclusion and diversity • Open and transparent government • A safer and stronger Canada … with a focus on engagement • Strong global partnerships • Working closely with P/Ts • Strong relationships with Indigenous communities • Consulting on key priorities • A focus on results and delivery

  4. 4 Natural Resources: A key driver of Canada’s economy

  5. 5 Key policy challenges Cumula tive L o w-c o st c o mpe titio n e ffe c ts Gre e nho use Ac c e ss to ne w I nfra struc ture g a s e missio ns ma rke ts Climate Change Missio n Compe titive ne ss Re silie nc y and I nno va tio n and Cle a n E nvir onme ntal Pr ote c tion te c hno lo g y Innovation Skille d la b o ur Natur al Ada pta tio n Re sour c e s Re g ula to ry syste m De ve lopme nt Co mmunity c a pa c ity Public Indige nous Confide nc e Par tic ipation Sc ie nc e Ma jo r pro je c ts Co nsulta tio n a nd e ng a g e me nt E nviro nme nta l a nd sa fe ty c o nc e rns Mutua l b e ne fits

  6. 6 NRCan’s role  NRCan has a broad mandate to promote the sustainable development of Canada’s natural resources  At NRCan, we:  Provide national and international leadership  Foster competitiveness and environmental stewardship  Develop and share expert science capacity in energy, mining, forestry and earth sciences  Have knowledge and expertise used to protect Canadians (e.g., earthquakes, wildland fires)  Develop and administer regulations (e.g., nuclear, interprovincial energy infrastructure, offshore resources)

  7. 7 What you can do at NRCan  At NRCan, you could have the opportunity to:  Advise decision-makers on reducing greenhouse gas emissions  Collaborate with other countries, provinces and territories, universities, the private sector, and more  Consult Indigenous peoples on major resource projects  Provide policy advice on oil and gas pipelines  Promote energy efficiency in homes and buildings  Support the research and development of innovative technologies in energy, mining and forestry  Contribute to climate change adaptation policy and research  Promote sustainable mining practices in Canada and abroad

  8. 8 PARDP Testimonials What is your background and how does it contribute to your work? I completed a Master’s degree in International Relations through which I learned to approach issues from different perspectives, and developed the research, analysis, and writing skills I use everyday at work. My knowledge of the international context and my experience abroad also help me better support the market development program where I currently work and to quickly adapt to change. What do you like most about working for government? The government offers a wide variety of career options and many opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across different sectors and departments, as well as with external stakeholders. Amélie Veillette, 2015 recruit ( Policy Analyst, Trade, Economics What’s your favourite thing about living in the National Capital Region? and Industry Branch, Canadian The Gatineau National Park is great for outdoors like hiking, biking and Forest Service ) cross-country skiing. Nature is a few steps away! What was the highlight of your time in PARDP? I enjoyed being involved in our program’s renewal, as part of the Softwood Lumber Action Plan announced in June 2017. It was also a rewarding experience to attend a conference on wood construction in Vancouver and to meet with our program stakeholders.

  9. 9 PARDP Testimonials What is your background and how does it contribute to your work? I completed a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in International Relations, including exchanges in Spain and Chile. My background has been directly useful in understanding the public policy environment here and abroad. Spanish proficiency is useful to me now in my role on Canada-Mexico relations. What do you like most about working for government? My job is a great way to indulge my passion for public affairs. There is no end of things to learn, and my work is always aimed at supporting Canada’s interests, so work is personally rewarding and socially useful. Jérémie Lebel, 2015 recruit What’s your favourite thing about living in the National Capital Region? ( Policy Analyst, International Affairs Division, Strategic Policy and Results Ottawa and Gatineau both offer beautiful riverside bike paths and beaches. Sector ) What was the highlight of your time in PARDP? I had great fun preparing a Minister’s trip to Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia as an analyst in the Intergovernmental Affairs Division. I had to define a program, prepare briefing materials, coordinate logistics, and address many small issues. I had to draw on contacts established throughout the year and interact with people at all levels while under pressure. Ministerial trips are always a thrill.

  10. 10 PARDP Testimonials What is your background and how does it contribute to your work? I have an MBA in International Development Management, a Master's in International Affairs, and a Bachelor's in Economics and Global Political Economy. I have also completed the Canadian Risk Management (CRM) training. Prior to joining NRCan, I worked at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). My background allows me apply a holistic (business, non-governmental, international, and socio-economic perspective) and a risk-informed approach to public policy issues. What do you like most about working for government? My colleagues - it is humbling and rewarding to learn from my peers and superiors. What’s your favourite thing about living in the National Capital Region? Pratibha Dhillon, 2015 recruit One my favourite things to do is to run or bike through the Experimental ( Policy Analyst, Strategic Policy Farm and enjoy the rural and relaxing environment. Division, Lands and Minerals Sector ) What was the highlight of your time in PARDP? During my first year of PARDP, I had the opportunity to lead the infrastructure file, providing briefings and presentations to various departments and committees, including the Minister's office at NRCan. The highlight for me was my director's trust and confidence in my ability and skillset to undertake this work and represent NRCan's position in front of internal and external senior officials. This experience gave me an insight into how I want to be managed and how I would manage.

  11. 11 PARDP Testimonials What is your background and how does it contribute to your work? I studied mechanical engineering and I have a Master’s of Energy Systems. I spent a few years working at a solar photovoltaic installation start-up in California before starting at NRCan. My academic background provides me with all of the tools to confidently tackle energy related policy questions. Through the years, I’ve also gotten pretty good at Excel spreadsheets, which comes in handy with data analysis and visualisation. What do you like most about working for government? One day I’m writing a short article about provincial electricity markets, the next I’m submitting electricity data to the International Energy Agency, or working with teams in the U.S. and Mexico to develop a map of North– Dimitri Maxime Temnikov, American energy infrastructure. Government also provides tremendous 2017 recruit leadership opportunities. I’ve really enjoyed helping the Young Professionals ( Policy Analyst, Energy Policy Network organize insightful and fun events. Branch, Energy Sector ) What is one of the most exciting files you’ve worked on? What made it exciting? The Energy Fact Book! This is an annual NRCan publication filled with valuable information about the Canadian energy sector. This year, we revamped the design considerably, making it more visually appealing and user friendly. We are also launching a website for all of the facts. It’s rewarding to contribute to the creation of a product that hundreds if not thousands of people will be referencing to inform their decisions.

  12. 12 We work across Canada  NRCan is active in every region of the country, with approximately 3,700 employees  Our staff includes policy analysts, economists, scientists, engineers, and more  The policy and economic analysis community plays a critical role in the department

  13. 13 What can NRCan offer you?  NRCan’s signature accelerated development program, PARDP offers continuous support and opportunities to:  Launch your career in a world-class Public Service  Gain diverse policy experience in a fast-paced environment  Work on national and international issues affecting all Canadians  Have unparalleled access to senior leaders and decision makers  Access training, learning & mentoring with senior leaders Official language Professional Strong professional & training opportunities Development social networks

  14. 14 Program highlights  Two 12-month assignments: Access to an extensive Diverse career In-depth knowledge network of past PARDP experience of how NRCan works grads  Accelerated development: Salary of Starting salary of $81,858 - $94,219 at $63,428 (EC-03) program end (EC-05)


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