ag agenda

AG AGENDA 6:30-6:50 Opening Remarks Region 4 Updates Operation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WE WELCOM COME R egional gional I nter nter S ervices vices F ami y A ssistance ssistance C ommittee amily ommittee January 27, 2015 15 Wright St State te University Nutter tter Cent Center Be Berry y Room oom AG AGENDA 6:30-6:50

  1. WE WELCOM COME R egional gional I nter nter S ervices vices F ami y A ssistance ssistance C ommittee amily ommittee January 27, 2015 15 Wright St State te University Nutter tter Cent Center Be Berry y Room oom

  2. AG AGENDA 6:30-6:50 Opening Remarks Region 4 Updates Operation Military Kids 6:50-7:10 Featured Presenter: Dan Bauer Junior Officer Leadership Program ‘GE Veteran Initiatives ’ 7:10-7:40 Service Member & Community Service Organization Introductions 7:40-8:00 Closing & Networking

  3. AC ) Regional ISFAC (RISF RISFAC Objective  Combine service efforts to support all Ohio service member families  Build regional teams which are closer to units and families  Establish awareness of Troop and Family Assistance Centers and purpose  Enable individuals and organizations local support and collaborative venue  Institute single regional “Mil itary Support point”

  4. C X l e HOME fa HOME Ii: How to Take < X P ... >ols Help • Safety • Tools • lfj. • 1 Stste AQenclo6 I Onine SeNlces Ohio ISF AC Ohio Inter-Service FamilyAssistance Committee Statean dR ionalPartne J o i n i n gF o r c e sinS u p p o r tofO h i o 'sMilitaryC o m m un ity HOME About Us ISFAC RISFAC Homefront Partners Jommg Forces Contact Meetings & Events ISFAC Contact Information I T o o a y JD October 2014 ... t:)Print Week Month Agenda - The 1 SFAC calender rellects programs end ISFAC n u \l\kd F., Sa· events hosted by Ohio's nu 1i1sty endI SFAC Ma y 6 , 2014 Sur IVon Tue Oct 1 2Q August HI, 2'J 14 psrtners. Por.:ag; i:;tt jj)µ mm SS W e5:3C 1>f" COS Region 1 RISFAC To add evems to ! hs calendar please conlSCi. +2 more +2 'TlOl'e homefrom April 17. 2014-Cleveland July 24. 2 0 l 4-Akron a 5 7 10 1 ¢ftiit.$li 9ain legal P ;:scpm Amp mm ss W m Free L £ i;tit1!fl@ e G p mVe:era19a Region 2 RISFAC .irder - 2 '!Ve 3Cpm RJSI · +2 mor2 7pm April 16. 2014-McConne.s1 1 1e July 16. 20 4-Chilh l c o1h e :a 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;ra @ m : : m • 5L"'n W a d s wlMftt::tflij l!'l f ; .:_ ; : :sopmWon 1o.m Job Fe Region 3 RISFAC +4 mor2 April 2 i. 20 14 ' am Wadsw 3:30pm Kent July 29. 2014 19 20 21 22 23 24 ::5 • • l!'l fji,' r . a 1 Region 4 RISFAC Sam legal P B:l01 m Cent 1toam VCAP Dilm Cosf.o 7pm Mun:le l @ f f l i Q I G:30pn RISS 1pm Voga o f1 ? A '·f13 April 2 i. 2014-Scdney , + J l ; ! t t t t t i l @ i l .. J +3 MOre +2 more July 22. 2014-Dsyton . , Z7 2{j 3il 31 o m 1.:-- w ril 2 11am .SS We Region 5 RISFAC 1 • 1 : -1 1 1 m 1 4 January 13. 2015-Bowllng Green +2 more 6 +·More +Z rrore Apnl 14. 2015-Msnstield Events shown in time UN1e Eastern Time Region 6 RISFAC ADril 9 2014 July Q, 20 14 State and Regional ISFAC stance Comnittee (lSFAC) s a state levef conwnittee The Inter-Service Fami l y Ass i of regional, state, and federal ageflcies and organizations that meet quarterly to collaborate and align resources in support of Ohio troops and milituy families The Ohio SFAC .s feclllts!ed by the ONG Family Readiness end Warrior Support on behslf c l Major General Deborah A. Ashent"t-irs1. ""lie h 1Ju1anl Genera l , S?a:e of Ill r.i ur'. I' I

  5. Z zz's i l l lfhe S ea s Q ve r i dgwt Cleveland Aquarium Who: Ohio Military Families There is a minimum age of 5 years old to participate and adult overnight stay is required When: March 28-29, 2015 Cost: $15.00 per person Overnight onsite parking cost $6.00 (cash only) Activities: Guided aquarium tour, animal encounter, SCUBADive presentation, craft, scavenger hunt, other fun activities, evening snack and breakfast, and waking up next to one of the amazing exhibits. Registration: https:/ Registration is open tc 70 people and closes on March 20, unless it is full by then. Questions? Contact Amy Seward, Contractor, or 614.336.4241 0 THE Omo STATE UNIVERSITY -································

  6. W A"TID: 201 § f KI ( AMPf OU" !l l OR! August 8 -14 Who : Teens and young adult s to be Counselors i n Training (CIT) - 15 years old as of August 8 Counselors - 16 year olds and older Apply here: Application Deadline: Do you want to serve military kids in a camp setting? CIT's - April 30 Cou nselor - May 30 Are you a: • • Good commu nicator Self -starter Resilient individual Problem solver Creative thinker Questions? Contact: Detail-orient ed worker Amy Seward, Contractor Leader Program Coordinator Team player Ohio National GJard Solid work ethic Phone number: 314.336.4241 Then apply today to be a CKI Camp Email: Counselor and have the best week in 2015! *Prior camp counselor experience is not necessary, but recOIIllilended. • Hours as a camp counselor count 0 . . towards high school service learning . ( . } , TH'SO HIO STAT£ _.) graduation requirements! 'I ( / ··· "ti , /

  7. Featured Presenter Dan Bauer Junior Officer Leadership Program ‘ GE Veteran Initiativ es’

  8. Thank you for attending. Please continue to network with each other. We will see you at our next RISFAC Meeting. April 28, 2015 6:30 – 8:00 PM American Legion Post 217 Sidney, Ohio


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