parish point person training session

PARISH POINT PERSON TRAINING SESSION December 4 & December 10, - PDF document

12/13/2019 PARISH POINT PERSON TRAINING SESSION December 4 & December 10, 2019 Welcome & Opening Prayer 1 12/13/2019 Good and gracious God, Pastoral We, the Catholic people of Utah, come before You in prayer as we chart our course for our

  1. 12/13/2019 PARISH POINT PERSON TRAINING SESSION December 4 & December 10, 2019 Welcome & Opening Prayer 1

  2. 12/13/2019 Good and gracious God, Pastoral We, the Catholic people of Utah, come before You in prayer as we chart our course for our future. Planning We believe in a living faith grounded in ancient Scripture and our sacred Tradition. Prayer Open us to the needs of our people and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We celebrate through worship and prayer. Guide our sharing of the Gospel of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, with our families, our parishes and our communities. We live in the unity of our rich diversity. Allow the faith we share to overcome barriers and challenges that separate and isolate us. Trusting in the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, and of Saint Mary Magdalene, the patroness of our diocese, may our efforts lead to a deeper unity within our community, reflecting the loving unity that is the Holy Trinity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord of the past present and future, we ask to believe, celebrate, and live His redeeming love in Utah. Amen. Introduction of the Parish Participants Pastoral Center Staff & Diocesan Pastoral Council Bishop Solis Karin Hurley Ruth Dillon Deacon Dale Dillon Julie Boerio ‐ Goates Cole Stapley 2

  3. 12/13/2019 Two Dimensions of Pastoral Planning • Ministries & Programs – Things that we do. • Paradigm – The central IDEA that gives rise to, shapes and directs everything that we do. Ministries & Programs – What we do in our parishes/missions Faith Formation Sessions Celebration of Sacraments Bible Study Eucharistic Adoration Training for Prayer Groups Ministries Spiritual, Social Outreach to the & Service Groups Marginalized 3

  4. 12/13/2019 Paradigm – From what central idea or goal does each activity flow? Debt Reduction Building Community Day to Day Survival ??? Paradigm – From what central idea or goal does each activity flow? Creating Missionary Disciples 4

  5. 12/13/2019 Becoming a Missionary Church (also known as Evangelization) • To inform minds – Getting to know God • Formation of hearts – Getting to love Jesus • Transformation of lives – Serving and sharing this love with others From a change in central focus, other changes follow T o: Working toward the Future From: Day to Day with a Vision and a Path Collaboration Coordinating Ministries Pastoral Planning Crisis Management Empowering & Supporting DoingActivities Prayer & Discernment Business & Politics Perspective Changes From Maintenance to Missioning 5

  6. 12/13/2019 Every parish should be doing pastoral planning! Is the parish trying to be a vibrant community? One that reaches out to all? With the goal of teaching people the good news? And sending them out to live it with others? What’s working? What needs to be tweaked? Change in Presenter Julie Boerio ‐ Goates 801 ‐ 360 ‐ 3959 Wasatch Deanery Rep 6

  7. 12/13/2019 WHAT DOES THE PASTORAL PLAN SAY? PDF Files in English and Spanish available online. Start at www. ‐ us One Year of Implementation What’s Happened So Far? 7

  8. 12/13/2019 Diocesan Office Efforts Each office has submitted a report of its review of the plan and implementation to date Some highlights • Vocations • Booth at 2019 Congress with materials “Holiness is the first vocation.” • Divine Worship • Training Sessions for • SCAP, Cantors & Level II Eucharistic Ministers • Stewardship • Training for Pastors at Deanery Meetings Diocesan Office Efforts Office of Faith Formation & Hispanic Ministry Efforts on Faith Formation • Formation of a comprehensive faith formation • Certification of all catechists & DREs • 2 ‐ year programs for Sacramental Preparation • Adoption of curricular materials from approved publishers • Ongoing efforts to certify catechists • Saint George Catholic Church & Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Primarily English); Price & Vernal in Spanish • Presentation of Echoes of Faith classes (live & streaming) in English & live in Spanish • Negotiations under way with University of Notre Dame STEP program currently used by Lay Ecclesial Ministry formation program. 8

  9. 12/13/2019 Parish Efforts – Reporting on What’s Been Done (May 2019) It’s not too late to start! At least half of the parishes & missions had reported How Often Did Your Committee Meet? Weekly, Several months activity by Spring 2019. A WEEKLY, SEVERAL MONTHS 1 9 times 3 few more have arrived. MONTHLY 9 TIMES 3 7 times MONTHLY 7 1 Monthly 3 Frequency of Meetings 4 TIMES 3 4 times 3 TIMES 3 3 times 3 2 TIMES 3 Diversity found in reports: 2 times SEVERAL 1 Number of meetings Monthly, no data MONTHLY NO DATA 2 Participants 10 1 0R 2 TIMES 10 1 or 2 times Priorities of parishes NEVER 1 Data from 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Parishes Responding Spring 2019 Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) Bishop Solis has tasked the DPC (under direction of Fr. Cavalier, OP) to serve as liaisons to the parishes. • Specifically to accompany those planning, implementing and assessing efforts at the local level, offering assistance as needed. The Goal Is To Be Available As Needed. 9

  10. 12/13/2019 Role of the Point Person in the Parish/Mission Each pastor/administrator has been invited to appoint a point person to work with the Diocesan Offices and DPC. • Receive training in how to do parish ‐ based pastoral planning • Facilitate communication between the Parish and Diocesan Offices/DPC Identify where to go for help Assist in preparation of semi ‐ annual reports that detail what’s happened, & what’s planned Pastors may decide they do not need a point person now, but they are free to do so later should the need arise. • Step 1: Know the plan. • Step 2: Distinguish among different groups responsible for specific Objectives and Strategies • Step 3: Describe the state of the parish in Proposed Steps relation to each goal for Implementing the Diocesan • Step 4: Identify areas in need of development. Pastoral Plan • Step 5: Make a plan for bringing that vision in the about. Parish/Mission • Step 6: Share the plan with the Diocesan Pastoral Council • Step 7: Check in on a regular basis to report progress 10

  11. 12/13/2019 Know the plan: • Five Goals, Objectives & Strategies Prayerfully reflect on it together. STEP 1 Some suggestions from Bishop Solis KNOW THE PLAN • Schedule meetings; invite all parish leaders, including young adults& members of all language communities, to read and study the Pastoral Plan. • Parish point persons could work with the pastor in organizing and facilitating the discussions, and track and provide reports on the progress of the implementation. Pastoral Plan Priorities: Report Structure • Faith Formation For Each Priority • Vocations Introduction Goals • Stewardship Objectives • Eucharist & Catholic Identity Strategies • Dignity Of The Human Person 11

  12. 12/13/2019 WHAT DOES THE PASTORAL PLAN SAY? FIVE PRIORITIES • Faith Formation • Vocations • Stewardship • Eucharist And Catholic Identity • Dignity Of The Human Person Know the Plan Faith Formation – The Top Diocesan Priority This Year Goals Diocesan Parish 1 Articulate comprehensive vision of faith formation; broaden efforts of Office of Faith Formation include adult faith formation, collaborate with other offices* charged with more specialized adult faith formation 2 Promote & enhance comprehensive Youth Ministry in parishes & missions 3 Clarify & promote consistent application of Diocesan Religious Education Guidelines within parishes & missions 4 Enrich liturgical preaching in the Diocese * For example: • Office of Worship – ministry & Liturgical formation • Office of Hispanic Ministry 12

  13. 12/13/2019 Identify who/what group has responsibility for specific objectives and strategies STEP 2 SORT OUT WHAT PART •Different parts of the plan apply to different levels in the Diocese (Diocesan, Deanery or BELONGS Regional, Parish or Mission). These are not TO PARISH distinguished in the plan. The organization of the plan does not make that clear. Let’s look at an example! √ Looking at Step 2 For Faith Formation Goal 1 FAITH FORMATION Goal 1 OBJECTIVE(1) ADULT FAITH Comprehensive vision of faith formation; To make continuing adult faith formation and spiritual formation FORMATION include adult faith formation (AFF) priorities in parishes & missions. (AFF) Work with other offices who also do AFF STRATEGIES (6) DIOCESAN PARISH/MISSION Rename Diocesan Office from Religious Education to Faith Formation Assess needs of adult parishioners and special populations (singles, widowed, divorced, separated folks; those in assisted living facilities, jails & prisons Promote understanding of, and commitment to, principles of adult faith formation; make materials (printed & multimedia) available Develop program to form & certify catechists for AFF, including specialized training for RCIA team leaders Implement marriage prep & enrichment catechesis based on chapters 4&5 of Amoris Laetitia Train priests, deacons & lay leaders to conduct marriage prep and enrichment classes. 13


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