PA STEM Regional Competition Rubric Project Presentation School Name: IU Represented: Phase 1: Device/Project Proposal (1000 word document (max) submitted prior to the regional competition) 0 1 2 3 4 No Evidence Pre-Emerging Emerging Progressing Advanced 1.1 : No description of a A vague description A vague description A detailed A detailed Description of a problem or need in of a problem is of a problem is description of the description of the real-world the community was provided. provided. problem is problem is provided. problem and addressed. provided. need in the The need in the The need in the Students elaborate on community community community was Students elaborate the need in the was not addressed. addressed. on the need in the community by offering community by a detailed solution offering a solution pertaining to the noted not related to the problem. problem. 1.2 : Students do not Students identify a Students identify a Students identify Students identify and Local business / identify any potential company potential company and describe describe a potential industry potential company partner. partner. potential company company partner. partnership and partners. partner. connection No indication was Limited indication of Significant attempt made to how how students Detailed indication made to explain the students utilized utilized partner in of how students process team took to partner in construction of utilized partner in include how construction of prototype. construction of community partner prototype. prototype. added to value of prototype construction. *1.3 : No budget Budget presents Detailed / itemized Budget attached. with little details budget plan with documentation related to the price, quantity, and Limit = $500 OR prototype. description of how the items were Budget exceeded used in the the limit. prototype. *Attach as separate document to proposal. 1.4 : There is no plan to Students provide a Students provide a Students provide a Students provide a Plan and identify the costs of generic plan to generic plan to detailed plan to detailed plan to identification of improvement. improve their improve their improve their improve their project. the costs of project. project. project. improvement There are detailed ($750 at the There are no costs There are minimal The costs are costs associated with state level) associated with this costs associated outlined but do not this improvement. improvement. with this go into detail. improvement.
0 1 2 3 4 No Evidence Pre-Emerging Emerging Progressing Advanced 1.5 : No technical Proposal used few Proposal used Proposal used Proposal displayed Written terminology was technical terms as some technical many technical command of communication used or it was used they applied to the terminology as it terms as it applied technical including inappropriately. need/problem and applied to the to the terminology as it conventions device / prototype. need/problem and need/problem and applied to the Many grammar / prototype/device. prototype/device. need/problem and spelling errors that Some grammar / prototype/device. interfere with the spelling errors that Few grammar / Few meaning. interfere with the spelling errors that grammar/spelling No grammar or meaning. seldom interfere errors that DID NOT spelling errors. with the meaning. interfere with meaning. 1.6 : No research was Proposal contained Proposal contained Proposal contained Proposal displayed Research and presented limited use of few external many external significant external Formatting throughout external sources sources of research sources of research sources of research to proposal. throughout. to back up content to adequately back showcase a proper presented. up content backing of content No in-text citations Little to no in-text presented. presented. or proper works citations or proper Few in-text citations cited page exists. works cited page exist (with little to In-text citations In-text citations are exists. no errors in exist (with no evident throughout the formatting) errors) throughout proposal with no throughout proposal the proposal. The errors. The works with an adequate works cited page is cited page is correctly works cited page noted and is formatted based on housing external showcased using formatting guidelines sources. proper formatting. and sources are listed in alphabetical order. 0 X__ = ____ 1 X__ = ___ 2 X__=___ 3 X__=____ 4 X__=___ Totals Phase 1: Device/Project Proposal Max 22 Points
Phase 2: Device/Project Presentation (20 minutes (max) during the regional competition) 0 1 2 3 4 No Evidence Pre-Emerging Emerging Progressing Advanced 2.1 : The device does The device The device The device solves The device Articulates not address a addresses a addresses a a problem in the effectively solves a purpose of problem in the local problem in the local problem in the local local community problem in the local device in community, and its community, but its community, but its and its benefit to community and its addressing a benefit to benefit to benefit to Pennsylvanians is benefit to local community Pennsylvanians Pennsylvanians Pennsylvanians somewhat Pennsylvanians is need, how it is not articulated. is not articulated. is not articulated. articulated. clearly articulated. benefits Pennsylvanians, Device Device Device Device Device improvements and what improvements are improvements are improvements are improvements are are strongly research was not supported by not supported by supported by supported by supported by used to justify research. research. research. research. research. recent improvements 2.2 : Students did not Students Students Students Students Explanation and communicate the communicated the communicated the communicated the communicated the presentation of use of the Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Engineering Design Process, but do not Process. Process. Process. Design Process Process. demonstrate understanding of the Students do not Students provide Students provide steps. outline the steps of vague outline of the detailed outline of the the Engineering steps of the steps of the Design Process in Engineering Design Engineering Design their presentation. Process in their Process in their presentation. presentation. 2.3 : Device displayed Device displayed Device exhibits Device exhibits Device exhibits Craftsmanship poor craftsmanship limited/ below adequate/ average quality/ above exceptional and creativity of and did not appear average craftsmanship and average craftsmanship and the device to be age craftsmanship and appeared to be age craftsmanship and appeared to be age appropriate. did not appear to be appropriate. appeared to be age appropriate. age appropriate. appropriate. Device did not Device displayed Device displayed display creativity in Device did not some creativity in Device displayed exceptional creativity function and/or use display creativity in function and use of good creativity in in function and use of of materials. function and/or use materials. function and use of materials. of materials. materials. 2.4 : No evidence of the Limited/vague detail Detail provided in Detail provided in Students demonstrate Presentation and team’s ability to provided in the the documentation the documentation significant evidence of Communication document the documentation of of the engineering of the engineering documentation of the of Engineering engineering design the engineering design process in design process in engineering design Journal process in digital or design process in written form. written form. process in written Documentation written form. digital or written form. (digital or form. Picture/Drawings Picture/Drawings analog) were not were represented Graphics included represented throughout the throughout the journal throughout the documentation with were specific to the documentation. little/no prototype and specifications included specifications noted. relative to project. 2.5 : No mention or Scale was Scale was Scale was Scale was thoroughly Scale of the understanding of mentioned, but mentioned with described with a articulated and device and/or scale. understanding was minimal moderate level of demonstrated clear mass production not demonstrated. understanding. understanding. understanding. No calculations No calculations were Calculations were were demonstrated demonstrated for No calculations Calculations were sophisticated/ for mass mass production. were provided, or simple and/or complex and accurate production. were entirely somewhat for mass production of inaccurate for mass inaccurate for mass the device production. production of the device.
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