
STEM Source: Tennessee STEM Innovation Network Agricultural and STEM - PDF document

1/22/2014 I ntroduction Objectives: Develop a better understanding of STEM Develop a closer connection to state standards Outline resources to help link enhance your program Stimulate School Field Trips with STEM Mr. Steve Gass,

  1. 1/22/2014 I ntroduction Objectives:  Develop a better understanding of STEM  Develop a closer connection to state standards  Outline resources to help link enhance your program Stimulate School Field Trips with STEM Mr. Steve Gass, Curriculum Cluster Consultant Dr. Bethany King Wilkes, Curriculum Cluster Consultant Career and Technical Education Division Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 2 I ntroduction Putting it in Context  Getting to today: STEM Across Career Clusters  Implementing Common Core standards.  PARCC Assessments. PARCC will become the K ‐ 12 assessment in • Tennessee in 2014 ‐ 15; the TCAP will be phased out • Student performance in new standards is reflective of PARCC tasks. Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 3 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 4 Transportation What is STEM? Career Technical Education (CTE), & Logistics Agricultural and STEM Education Agriculture, STEM education is an area of Food & Natural Health study but it is also a way of Resources Sciences teaching and learning that is STEM careers exist project-based, collaborative, Science, and focused on solving real- Technology, across all 16 CTE career Engineering, Mathematics world problems. Manufacturing clusters. STEM programs educate the Information Six STEM intensive career clusters. Technology whole student, emphasizing innovation, problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity. STEM Source: Tennessee STEM Innovation Network Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 5 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 6 DRAFT COPY 1

  2. 1/22/2014 STEM Competitive Advantage and Economic Need How can STEM STEM jobs education be applied 20% to Tennessee 20 percent of 26 million Agritourism activities? U.S. jobs require some Non ‐ STEM jobs STEM knowledge.  Farming  Corn Maze  Pumpkin Patches  Christmas Trees 18% 21%  Beef & Dairy STEM jobs across 18% 17% Tennessee Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 7 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 8 Applying STEM to Agricultural Education Applying STEM to Agriculture Science Connection Technology Connection • Agriculture is a high-tech business • Biology and chemistry – processes happening in plants • Robotics and soil • Geographic Information System (GIS) • Germination • Global Positioning Systems (GPS) • Nitrogen cycle • Aquaponics • Photosynthesis Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 9 10 Applying STEM to Agricultural Education Applying STEM to Agricultural Education Engineering Connection Mathematics Connection • Enables farming to be more • Genetic engineering of plants and economically efficient and have animals to create genetically modified increased productivity. organisms. • Measuring, weighing, land marking. • Food production • Estimate the yield of a certain field of • Seed companies grain. • Estimate hours needed to seed and • Farm equipment manufacturers harvest. Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 11 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 12 DRAFT COPY 2

  3. 1/22/2014 Recommendations What I s Common Core • Develop pre- and post- activities for teachers to use with  The Common Core State Standards provide a students prior to/after visits to your farm. consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents • Post activities on your web site. know what they need to do to help them.  The standards are designed to be robust and • Post information showing how the activities on your farm relate to science, technology, engineering, and relevant to the real world, reflecting the mathematics. knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. • Align agritourism activities to curriculum standards. Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 13 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 14 Common Core I nformation Career and Technical Education Resources http:/ / education/ cte/ Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 15 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 16 CTE Career Clusters Valuable Links New Programs of Study Webinar FAQ & Myths/Facts Resource List Equipment List and more! New Course Standards Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 17 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 18 DRAFT COPY 3

  4. 1/22/2014 New Common Core Standards Common Core Standard for Middle School Look and Feel Agriculture Large Animal Sciences 6. Identify, research, and determine the significance of zoonotic diseases associated with large animals. Compare and contrast findings from multiple  19) Examine illustrative models of plants to differentiate credible sources relating to a specific disease (including student’s own basic plant structures. Describe how form and function experience or laboratory experiment, case studies, and scholarly journals). Justify the use of different methods of infection control in the prevention or of structures are related. Explain components and management of a zoonotic disease and evaluate the efficacy of existing large processes involved in plant reproduction and growth. animal biosecurity measures. (TN CCSS Reading 1, 5, 9) (TN CCSS Reading 2; TN Science Grade 7: 2; TN Science Grade 8: 2) 12. Create a visual representation to differentiate between ruminant and non ‐ ruminant animals and monogastric and polygastric animals, comparing and contrasting their anatomical and physiological differences. Explain the relationships of digestive system types to the ability of an animal to digest and absorb different classes of feed. (TN CCSS Reading 7, TN A&P 5) Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 19 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 20 Third Grade Math Common Core State Standard Third Grade Math Common Core State Standard 5. Geometric Measurement: understanding concepts Garden Design Activity of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area. b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units. Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 21 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 22 Next Steps Where you can get resources NOW: Next Steps  Science: Plant Conservation and Biodiversity – newsletter&user_id= NSTA&message_id= 2 Where you can get resources NOW: Resources 734422  General education course standards at  Science: School Gardens – newsletter&user_id= NSTA&message_id= 3  CTE standards: 122560  Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources standards  Technology: Robots in agriculture –  STEM standards at  Technology: GPS/GIS used in agriculture – .4.1.pdf  Math Common Core standards:  Technology: Aquaponics –  English Language Arts Common Core State Standards  Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)  Agricultural Engineering – /cards/agricultural  Existing Common Core Task Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 23 Agricultural and STEM Education through Agritourism 24 DRAFT COPY 4

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