Name: Date: Period: Directions and Rubric for Magnified Giving Presentation Project Directions: For this project, you will be working individually. Your goal is to research a non-profit organization with a mission you think contributes to the greater good of our community. In your video presentation, you will share the top 10 reasons to choose that organization to receive a $1,000 donation. This assignment works with 2 other documents: “Initial Research Handout” Presentation Script for Magnified Giving Project” those two documents must be completed, along with your presentation, and turned in to receive full credit. Follow these steps: 1. Locate all documents: ● Directions and Rubric for Magnified Giving Presentation Project (this document, check!) ● Initial Research Handout for Magnified Giving Project ● Presentation Script for Magnified Giving Project 2. Complete the “Initial Research” Handout for 3 DIFFERENT non-profit organizations. 3. Select only one non-profit organization to feature in your presentation —pick the one that means the most to you, that you believe you can convince your classmates and teachers is most deserving of receiving $1,000. 4. Complete the “Presentation Script for Magnified Giving Project Handout.” 4. Review the rubric below, and give yourself a grade based on your own presentation script—is there anything you need to add?
My Self-Score ________________/50 5. Use your creativity to determine what type of presentation you will create. 6. Create your presentation in Google Slides to easily share with your teacher. 7. Review your presentation for Grammar, Spelling and Clarity. 8. Email/upload your Presentation, 3 “Initial Research” documents (completed), a copy of your “10 reasons why” guided notes (completed). Emerging (0-2 pts) Developing (3 pts) Proficient (4 pts) Advanced (5 pts) Score Written Clarity: What is the evidence Presents an Presents a general Presents a clear Presents a clear Communication unclear perspective perspective and original that the student can present perspective perspective a clear perspective and line of reasoning? Line of reasoning Line of reasoning Line of reasoning can be followed is clear and easy to Line of reasoning is unclear, or follow is clear and difficult to follow convincing Addresses alternative or Addresses opposing alternative or perspectives when opposing appropriate (4 pts) perspectives in a ____/5 pts way that sharpens one's own perspective Elements found 1)A RGUMENT /T HESIS - Argument/Thesis Argument/Thesis Argument/Thesis Argument/Thesis in Script S OCIAL C AUSE AND N ON - is unclear is somewhat clear is clear (4 pts) is clear and P ROFIT (0-2 pts) but general (3 pts) specific(5 pts) _____/ 5 pts What is the evidence that the student can communicate an argument/thesis? 2)CLAIMS/SUPPORTING Includes unclear Includes Includes specific Includes specific IDEAS or irrelevant claims/supporting and significant and most claims/supporting ideas relevant to claims/ideas that What is the evidence that the significant ideas (0-2 pts) the claims/ideas that student develops
argument/thesis support the sharpen the _____/ 10 claims/ideas to support the (3 pts) argument/thesis argument/thesis pts argument/thesis? (4 pts) (5 pts) *2x points 3)E VIDENCE Draws on facts, Draws on facts, Draws on facts, Facts, experience What is the evidence that the experience, or experience, and/or experiences and and research are student can present a research in a research research to support synthesized to minimal way inconsistently a perspective support a perspective with supportive perspective evidence? Demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates an limited incomplete or understanding of Demonstrate an understanding of uneven the topic (4 pts) in-depth _____/ 5 pts the topic understanding of understanding of (0-2 pts) the topic (3 pts) the topic (5 pts) 4)C ONCLUSION : A NALYSIS Summarizes but Summarizes and Clearly explains Explains how does not explain attempts to explain how evidence evidence supports AND S YNTHESIS how evidence how evidence supports the the What is the evidence that the supports the supports the argument/thesis argument/thesis in student can analyze and argument/thesis argument/thesis a nuanced way synthesize ideas? (0-2 pts) (3 pts) Makes specific Draws superficial connections and Makes insightful _____/ 5 pts connections or Draws general or draws meaningful connections, conclusions from broad connections conclusions from draws meaningful the evidence or conclusions the evidence conclusions and from the evidence raises important Presents evidence Explains the implications from without noting Acknowledges and strengths and the evidence strengths, attempts to explain limitations of limitations, or strengths or evidence, Optional: Clearly discrepancies limitations of addressing any explains the between sources evidence, and/or discrepancies strengths and (when appropriate) discrepancies between sources limitations of (0-2 pts) between sources (when evidence, (when appropriate) appropriate) addressing any (3 pts) (4 pts) discrepancies (when appropriate) and analyzes how the
strengths, limitations, and/or discrepancies affect the argument (5 pts) Presentation O RGANIZED , C REATIVE Missing several Most of the All and all a solid The presentation Quality points and does information was presentation but flows clearly, is AND NEAT not appear to have presented as found some organized prof-read the requested but was grammatical, professionally, and presentation disorganized . punctuation, and grammar/punctuati (0-2 pts) (3 pts) spelling errors. (4 on/spelling are all pts) done well. (5 pts) _____/ 5 pts Turned in all 3 Incomplete/Late N/A N/A Neat, Complete, A TTACHMENTS elements of the and ON TIME!! project on time. What do I need to share? The actual presentation! Initial Research Handout for Magnified Giving Project Presentation Script for Magnified Giving Project ____/ 5pts ____________________ Total/50 points Source: Rubric Modified from New Tech Network, see complete New Tech Network Rubrics at
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