Oral Presentations Bingo! Contents: Directions Bingo sheet Topic sheet for oral presentation* Directions: • Choose any of the assignments and prepare well, using the assigned rubric and Topic sheet.* • Be prepared to present your topic. • Complete a line (5 squares in a row, column, or diagonal). Once you have used a particular topic, you may not use it again, unless you are using your free choice. If you choose to repeat a topic, you must obtain permission. YOUR CHOICE: For this option, you may also choose to do a topic that is not on the board; however, you must first obtain permission from your teacher. *Topic sheet requires parent assistance and signature.
B I N G O Poetry - Debate - take one Present a well- Short story - Autobiography - Memorize and point of view, prepared speech Write on a topic Read an inspiring recite your research that view, on your intended of your choice autobiography to favorite poem. and argue that career. and read it to the class. State view persuasively. the class. why you chose it. Famous speech Poetry - Memorize Dramatic Debate- take Choose a picture - Choose a and recite your reading- Student one point of book to read to the topic and favorite poem. will read a work view, research class. present it well. while using voice that view, and and facial argue that view expressions to persuasively convey emotions. Poetry- Biography - Read Present a well- Dramatic reading- Memorize and an inspiring YOUR CHOICE prepared speech read a work while recite a biography to the on your intended using voice and meaningful class. State why career. facial expressions poem. Explain you chose it. to convey emotions. what it means Folklore - Music- Add musical Dramatic Poetry - Interior Share a accompaniment to reading- Memorize and monologue- Use a folklore, legend an oral reading; use Research a work recite one of character’s or a fable. an original or that holds special your favorite personality traits borrowed song to significance in poems. Explain and the context create a ballad history. Read or what it means clues in your novel from a selected recite it, while to create a reading; create a using voice and monologue that recording of facial reveals the inner background music expressions and workings of the from an body language to character’s mind. instrumental work convey emotions. that complement the mood of the work that you will read aloud. Present a well- Speech- Dramatic Poetry - Memorize Memorize a prepared speech Memorize and reading- Find a and recite your fable or legend on your intended recite a famous work that holds favorite poem. and recite it to career. speech. special the class significance in history. Read or recite it with expression.
Topic Sheet for Oral Presentation Month: ________________ Topic: _____________________________________________________________________________ Directions: Students are required to present a 2 – 2½ minute oral presentation. They should practice (on more than one occasion, if possible) in front of family and friends and work together to answer the questions on the back of this sheet. Stay within the time requirements. The presentation should include a visual aid of some sort (examples: costume, book, or some other visual aid. Submit this form on the day of the presentation. Parents: please complete the information below and sign the form. Please read your child’s notes that he/she has prepared for practice. My student has practiced his/her oral presentation for me and has met the requirements for this assignment. __________________________ Parent Signature Speaking/Listening Parent Response Presenter/student: _____________________ Listener: ___________________________ Directions: Please listen to your child’s oral presentation and review these points with him/her. Please time the presentation. Answer all questions about the speaker truthfully and review details of the presentation in order to help improve speaking skills. If necessary, please have the child perform more than once, in order to perfect the piece. 1. Was the speaker prepared (presentation memorized, visual aid, note cards, knew what to do)? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did the speaker make eye contact and use appropriate gestures (did not read directly from paper, did not move around too much, play with hair, etc.)? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the speaker speak clearly (not too quickly, too slowly; pronounced words properly)? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Was the introduction interesting (did he use a question, statistic, fact, song, etc.)? Yes/No 5. Did the speaker use visual aids effectively, if applicable? (not relevant, too small, readable?) Yes/No 6. Was the presentation well-organized and easy to follow? Did it include sufficient relevant details? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. How can the presentation be improved? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. How long was the presentation? ________________________________________________________
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