program director youth philanthropy initiative of indiana

Program Director, Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana (YPII) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Jill Gordon Program Director, Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana (YPII) Director of Learning, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Kelly Collison, Executive Director Magnified Giving Camp Give by Magnified Giving Alison Kaufman, Program

  1. Jill Gordon Program Director, Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana (YPII) Director of Learning, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

  2. Kelly Collison, Executive Director Magnified Giving Camp Give by Magnified Giving

  3. Alison Kaufman, Program Coordinator Magnified Giving Camp Give by Magnified Giving

  4. Julie Gyure, B.A. in Organizational Leadership Class of 2018 University of Cincinnati Magnified Giving Alumna Camp Give by Magnified Giving

  5. Greg Witkowski School of Professional Studies Nonprofit Management Program Columbia University

  6. Teaching by Giving

  7. Outline • Experiential Philanthropy Courses • Funders: Leveraging Impact in Your Community • What Students Learn: Observations and Research

  8. Experiential Philanthropy • “ an experiential learning approach that provides students with the opportunity to study social problems and nonprofit organizations, and then make decisions about investing funds in them” ( Olberding, 2009, p. 463). • It includes granting money in a formalized process. • Actual funds • Formalized, collaborative process

  9. Funders • Experiential philanthropy leverages impact of grants: Support nonprofits while also teaching students philanthropic practice and community focused values. • Major Programs in Experiential Philanthropy • Learning by Giving Foundation ($10,000) • Philanthropy Lab ($50,000) • Mayerson Program at Northern Kentucky University ($2,000)

  10. Learning by Giving Foundation

  11. Why Students Learn: My Experiences • Taught experiential philanthropy since 2006 and brought the program to Indiana University. • Conducting research into student learning outcomes with Julie Hatcher and Elijah Howe. • My course… • Write a mission and vision and release a “request for proposals” each year. • Work together to vet applications, conduct site visits and finalize their grants. • Group decision on making the grant.

  12. What Students Learn: Research • Students in Mayerson program affirmed that they had increased: • Awareness of nonprofit organizations: 95% • Awareness of social problems: 90% • Sense of responsibility to help others: 89% (Ahmed and Olberding 2007/2008). • Another study showed that alumni of the program continued to give at higher rates than there age. There is selection bias in these results.

  13. What Students Learn: Research • Survey of 12 courses across the country. • Qualitative and quantitative student responses. • Initial evaluation shows students reported: • They learned to listen more to their colleagues. • They got a better understanding of what they value. • They learned to work in teams.

  14. Thank You Questions? Gregory R. Witkowski Columbia University School of Professional Studies Nonprofit Management Program Contact:

  15. Emily Jones Graduate Assistant for Student Services, IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Development Graduate Assistance, IU Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center

  16. The Process • $10,000 to give • Quest to understand local need in the city • Writing the mission and vision statements • Sending out the request for proposals • Evaluating and visiting the organizations • Deliberation • Awarding the grant

  17. The Organization Gained… • $10,000 • $3,000 allocated for operational costs • $7,000 for a specific program • Media coverage from local news • Publicity on the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy blog and website

  18. I Gained… • Real-world experience with decision-making • Valuable interactions with nonprofit organizations in my city • A deeper understanding of the nonprofit sector • A deeper understanding of the granting process • New perspective on need in my city • Experience evaluating Form 990s • Experience conducting sit visits • A first-hand witness of everyday people making a difference • Insight about myself: what I value and what I will fight to protect

  19. “I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the $10,000 we granted will make a real difference, just as this course has made a real difference in my life.”

  20. The Philanthropy Lab

  21. Learning by Giving Foundation

  22. Writing a Personal Mission Statement • My True North Activity • Youth as Philanthropists Resource • On YPII’s Website:


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