Our financial position / Wandsworth CCG Board - 10 th June 2015 Excellence in specialist and community healthcare
St George’s in context NHS Providers estimate aggregate deficit for provider sector of £0.9bn 14/15 and planned deficits £2.0-2.5bn 15/16 Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
System pressures have hit St George’s – operationally & financially Rising demand for emergency care, especially >70yrs Increased staffing costs to cover peaks in demand Income lost from planned activity that was cancelled Costs from procedures carried out elsewhere Shortfall in cost improvement plans (esp. capacity related) Not enough control on our spending Actions were taken but they weren’t enough Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The impact since Dec 2014 is very dramatic Monthly Surplus/(Deficit) 5,000 Surplus/(Deficit) (£000s) 0 (5,000) (10,000) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Actual Plan Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit) 10,000 Surplus/(Deficit) (£000s) 0 (10,000) (20,000) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Plan Actual Surplus /(Deficit) over 4 M1 - M4 (£m) M5 - M8 (£m) M9 - M12 (£m) month period (£1.0) £4.9 £1.7 Plan (£1.6) £1.9 (£17.0) Actual (£0.6) (£3.0) (£18.7) Variance Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
What drove the deficit? Cumulative variance Income, Pay and non-pay 2014/15 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Income variance 0 Pay variance M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 £k Non pay variance -5,000 Overall variance -10,000 -15,000 -20,000 -25,000 Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trends in Income & Expenditure • The charts shows the movement in the cumulative variance to plan across SLA income, other income, pay and non pay over the last two financial years • The chart on the left shows the position in FY14 • The chart on the right shows the position in FY15
Re- setting St George’s on a sustainable footing • CIP delivery • • Implement downside mitigations from LTFM Deliver 15/16 Plan • Introduce weekly run rate controls • • Reduce Capex in 15/16 by £11m Protect Liquidity • Increase working capital loan • • IBP/LTFM review Re-set Organisation • Service line review on Sustainable • Restructuring corporate cost base Footing • Workforce efficiency programme • Alternative approaches to service delivery, organisation configuration and/or partnerships • Post project evaluation of investments since 13/14 • Revised 5 year capital programme • Identify £100m improvement over three years • • Strengthen financial management, budget setting & Improve financial forecasting systems Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Monitor investigation overview Monitor sent a letter to our Chair, Christopher Smallwood, on 1 May 2015 to notify of decision to open investigation Investigation into whether a potential breach of our license as a foundation trust has taken place – finances and performance (RTT, ED, Cancer) Triggered by the scale and rapidity of the deterioration in our financial position in the third and fourth quarters Scope will include the adequacy of our financial reporting and forecasting in 2014/15 and our plans for 2015/16 Monitor also want to “understand why St Georges has been unable to sustain its progress in treating patients more promptly, as requested at the time of its foundation trust authorisation” Culminates in: Report from the independent accounting review; Update from our turnaround advisory contract; Plans to complete the turnaround. Senior staff briefing re: finances 1 May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Monitor investigation – where we stand Reviews FY15: Internal – Finance team are currently working on completing the narrative Monitor – Monitor team are preparing an analysis of trust finances for David Bennett, CEO PwC – appointed 20 th May to conduct Independent Accounting Review. Full review will take 6 weeks in total. Turnaround Support: 27 th May – held interviews for Turnaround Directors and advisory support. KPMG appointed. Turnaround Director: will be the programme director for service review work KPMG: will provide advisory support. Their resources will be used to assist IBP/LTFM workstreams 1,2, and 5 year plans Turnaround work will result in plans to complete turnaround, covering 1, 2 and 5 year horizons Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Maintaining quality & safety We have measures in place to secure quality: Senior clinical input into decisions QIA process for CIPs and run rate plans led by Jennie Hall & Simon Mackenzie Safe staffing reporting systems operational in clinical areas New weekly monitoring of quality indicators to pick up early warning of problems: Serious incident numbers/themes Incidents (falls, pressure ulcers) Staffing incidents (Datix) Complaints Sickness (when available) Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Takeaway Messages National challenge: The financial/operational pressures are NHS-wide, however it is our responsibility to manage the implications for St George’s We’re all in this together: We need to work together to deliver the 15/16 plan: managing our weekly activity and meeting our budgets for the year. Communication is key: open dialogue must be maintained and everyone can contribute. All thoughts, concerns and ideas will be valued and listened to Quality and safety: will continue to be priorities and there are measures in place to ensure this Senior staff briefing re: finances May 2015 / St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Thank you / Questions and answers Excellence in specialist and community healthcare
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