Outline of Financial Position
Outline of Summary of Financial Results Financial Position Interim profit increased 5.2% year-on-year due partly to recording profits after accounting for effects of revising retirement benefit system on extraordinary income Change from (Unit: million yen) FY 9/18 FY 9/19 Change May 2019 Gross operating profit 27,869 28,953 1,084 ① Gross operating income (Unit: million yen) announcement Interest income 24,812 24,931 119 Announced 26,600 Fees and Commissions 4,628 4,902 273 108.8% Other operating income (1,572) (880) 691 28,953 9/19 (actual) Of which, gain and loss (231) 1,474 1,705 from government bonds ② Net operating income and other bonds Provision of general ③ - 35 35 5,500 allowance for loan losses Announced Expenses 20,549 20,909 360 ④ 145.6% 8,009 9/19 (actual) Net operating income 7,319 8,009 689 ①-③-④ Core net operating Ordinary income ①-②-④ 7,550 6,569 (980) income 5,800 Core net operating income (less investment Announcement 6,751 6,163 (588) trust cancellation gain and loss) 119.8% Non-recurring gain and loss 1,439 (1,060) (2,500) 6,948 9/19 (actual) Of which, disposal of ⑤ 54 521 466 bad debts Interim net income Reversal of allowance for 105 (105) ⑥ - doubtful accounts 6,000 Announcement Gain and loss from stocks and 1,461 (752) (2,214) 114.4% other securities 6,863 9/19 (actual) Ordinary income 8,758 6,948 (1,810) Extraordinary gain and loss (38) 2,311 2,349 Interim net income before income 8,720 9,259 538 • Net operating profit increased due mainly to other operating income. taxes • Ordinary income decreased, but interim net income increased due to a Interim net income 6,522 6,863 341 gain from the revision of retirement benefit systems. • Each profit item exceeded the interim forecast announced in May and Credit-related ③ + ⑤-⑥ (51) 556 607 remained robust. expenses 8
Outline of Interest Income Financial Position An increase in interest on loans contributed to an increase in interest income of 0.5% year-on-year (Unit: million yen) FY 9/18 FY 9/19 Change Factors behind increase/ <Head Office and all branches (both domestic and international operations departments)> decrease in interest income Interest income 24,812 24,931 119 Loans Deposits Securities Total interest income 27,061 27,676 614 (Unit: million yen) Loan interest 16,692 17,493 801 +17 +801 +172 Increase in Interest and dividends +1,658 foreign 9,672 9,844 172 on securities Other currency funding costs, +647 696 337 (358) Other etc. +32 Interest expenses 2,249 2,745 495 (856) (14) Interest on deposits 513 496 (17) (475) (871) Other 1,735 2,248 513 Average Yield factor balance factor Yield on loans 24,931 (head office and all branches) 24,812 Deposit-loan yield margin (domestic operations departments) 1.06% 1.00% minus 0.06 P Loans Deposits 1.15% 1.05% +119 million yen 1.00% 0.91% 0.86% 1.10% FY 9/18 FY 9/19 1.02% 0.98% 0.90% 0.85% <Head office and all branches (including Historical overall profit margins domestic and international operations 0.05% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% departments)> Returns on securities investments 0.22% 0.22% (domestic operations departments) 1.10% 1.03% 0.14% 1.02% 0.95% 0.08% 0.94% 0.08% FY 3/16 FY 3/17 FY 3/18 FY 3/19 FY 3/16 FY 3/17 FY 3/18 FY 3/19 FY 9/19 FY 9/20 9
Outline of Fees and Commissions Financial Position An increase in housing loan handling fees, etc. contributed to an increase in fees and commissions of 5.9% year-on-year (Unit: million yen) Graph of fees and commissions (non-consolidated) (Unit: million yen) FY 9/18 FY 9/19 Change Corporate solution Depository assets-related Fees and commissions 4,628 4,902 273 Other Fees and commissions 6,772 7,244 471 4,902 Commissions related to depository 4,671 4,628 1,031 1,094 63 478 assets 4,344 415 4,283 526 466 Investment trust commissions 453 405 (48) 445 1,094 930 1,031 Insurance sales commissions (*) 504 573 69 1,056 972 Financial instruments brokerage 32 65 32 commissions Defined contribution pension 41 50 9 commissions 3,325 3,329 Corporate solution commissions (*) 526 478 (47) 3,071 2,865 2,822 Housing loan handling fees 1,099 1,411 311 Fees and commissions expenses 2,143 2,341 197 (expenses) Of which, payments of housing loan 1,381 1,546 164 guarantee and insurance premium, etc. 1H FY17 2H FY17 1H FY18 12 FY18 1H FY19 (expenses) * Enterprise insurance commissions are included in Corporate solution commissions instead of Insurance sales commissions. Commissions related to depository assets (Hyakugo Bank + Hyakugo Securities) (Unit: million yen) Housing loan handling fees (Unit: million yen) Hyakugo Bank Hyakugo Securities (after excluding the Bank’s brokerage amount) 1,411 1,881 1,398 1,642 1,615 1,585 1,099 1,420 Year-on-year 825 521 610 Increase of 613 886 490 311 million yen 706 ( up 28.3% ) 1,094 1,056 1,031 972 930 1H FY17 1H FY17 2H FY17 1H FY18 12 FY18 1H FY19 2H FY17 1H FY18 2H FY18 1H FY19 10
Outline of Expenses Financial Position Expenses increased 1.8% year-on-year due mainly to an increase in non-personnel expenses. (Unit: million yen) Expenses and core OHR Personnel expenses Taxes Non-personnel expenses (Unit: million yen) FY 9/18 FY 9/19 Change OHR (core gross profit basis) Expenses 20,549 20,909 360 76.95% 76.09% 75.80% Personal 74.25% 11,360 11,191 (169) expenses 73.12% Non-personnel 8,038 8,641 602 expenses 1,150 1,076 (73) Taxes 20,909 20,754 20,549 20,462 20,438 1,076 1,229 932 1,150 886 Major factors underlying increase in expenses 8,163 8,038 8,641 8,267 8,302 Non-personnel expenses Supplies expenses 172 million yen (PC and office equipment, etc.) Depreciation expenses 11,360 11,361 11,284 11,228 11,191 107 million yen (Branch systems, etc.) 1H FY19 1H FY17 2H FY17 1H FY18 2H FY18 11
Outline of Credit Costs (nonperforming loans ratio) Financial Position An increase in the provision of allowance for general loan losses caused a year-on-year increase in credit costs (Unit: million yen) Credit costs (non-consolidated) (Unit: million yen) FY 9/18 FY 9/19 Change Provision of specific allowance for loan losses Other Loss on sale of receivables (51) 556 607 Credit costs Provision of general allowance for loan losses and other securities Credit cost ratio Of which, provision of general ( * ) (714) 35 749 allowance for loan losses Of which, provision of specific ( * ) 608 520 (88) 0.05% allowance for loan losses 0.03% Of which, loss on sale of (0.00%) (0.00%) - - - receivables and other securities 0.03 P Credit cost ratio (0.00%) 0.03% (0.08%) * Before reversal of allowance for loan losses FY 3/19 FY 9/19 Change 863 97 52,250 53,343 1,092 Nonperforming loans (51) 556 54 291 1 (34) Nonperforming loans coverage ratio 109 334 608 520 (1,326) 291 139 56 35 79.70% (434) 79.15% 79.12% (714) 78.38% 78.10% (1,214) Nonperforming loans ratio 2.13% 2.04% 1.67% 1.50% 1.49% (168) 1H FY17 2H FY17 1H FY18 2H FY18 1H FY19 FY 3/16 FY 3/17 FY 3/18 FY 3/19 FY 9/19 12
Outline of Deposits (including negotiable certificates of deposit) Financial Position Individual deposits and corporate deposits both remained strong, increasing total deposits 2.4% year-on-year (Unit: 100 million yen) Total deposits (average balance) (Unit: 100 million yen) FY 3/19 FY 9/19 Change 51,139 Tokyo and Osaka Total deposits 49,929 51,139 1,210 295 (average balance) Aichi Prefecture 49,929 267 Mie Prefecture 44,687 45,844 1,156 Mie Prefecture 48,141 235 4,973 4,999 25 Aichi Prefecture 46,961 4,999 260 46,584 267 295 27 4,973 Tokyo and Osaka 345 4,644 (Unit: 100 million yen) 4,497 FY 3/19 FY 9/19 Change 4,255 Individual deposits 36,979 37,636 656 (average balance) 34,271 34,808 537 Mie Prefecture 2,688 2,806 117 Aichi Prefecture 45,844 Tokyo and 20 21 1 Osaka 44,687 (Unit: 100 million yen) 43,261 42,204 Mie Prefecture 41,983 FY 3/19 FY 9/19 Change An increase of 115.6 billion yen year-on-year (2.6%) Corporate deposits 10,244 10,555 311 (average balance) 7,974 8,231 256 Mie Prefecture 2,025 2,053 28 Aichi Prefecture Tokyo and 244 271 26 FY 3/18 FY 3/16 FY 3/17 FY 3/19 FY 9/19 Osaka * Mie Prefecture includes Shingu and Internet branches. 13
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