Orford FC Junior Football Club Football Presentation Season 2016/17 Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub Mike Hannon Suite Sunday 11 th June 2017
Chairman’s Preface I would like to take this opportunity to give a very warm welcome to all of you and welcome you to Orford FC Juniors Presentation for Season 2016/17. It's at this point we should all give a big thank you to all the managers, coaches and volunteers who do a fantastic job, week in week out, helping to ensure that the children are able to play football in a safe and enjoyable environment. We are also extremely fortunate to have many generous sponsors, who are always here to support many of our teams, and I take this opportunity to thank all sponsors too. The club is continuing to go from strength to strength, with us now having 12 teams and a thriving 4 to 6-year-old Academy giving us a total of just over 170 children within the Junior Section of the club. We are currently a Charter Standard Club and we have been working very closely with Liverpool FA to put together a 3 to 5-year development plan. The Development Plan has been submitted to Liverpool FA and they have been impressed with the direction in which the club is going and I have been informed that they are currently in the process of submitting the plan to the FA with a view to hopefully the club attaining the status of Charter Standard Community Club. All of our teams have at least one Level 1 Qualified coach and all of our volunteers, including the committee have completed their enhanced CRB checks, which we have to renew every 3 years. Each and every coach has attended a 3-hour Safeguarding Children and a 3 hour Basic First Aid course and these are renewed every 3 years. All of these people are willing unpaid volunteers, and all associated with the Club should know that we are very proud to have every single one of our volunteers looking after the children in complete safety. I hope you all enjoy the presentation and the rest of the day. Many thanks, Aaron Jones Junior Section - Chairperson
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Orford Academy The Orford Academy was started again by Ivan Hudson and Aaron Jones 3 years ago. At the end of the first year, we were lucky enough to have enough children to allow us to setup a new under 7s and new under 8s teams to play in the Warrington Junior Football League for season 2015/16. With a bit of persuading we managed to get Trish Youd, Rob Robinson and Cheryl Watkins to come onboard as managers/coaches of these new teams. The numbers within the Academy continued to grow and again with a little persuading we were able to get Mark Lee and Cy Prior to step forward and offer to Manage the new under 7s teams to play in the Warrington Junior Football League for season 2016/17. It was at this point that Ivan handed over the reins for the Academy to James Kneale, with assistance from Lee Darwin and David Llewellyn (Dids). During this last 12 months, the numbers have grown again, with currently 27 players attending the Monday night sessions. We are always trying to learn new things so that we can make the sessions as interesting as possible while trying to make sure that each of the children are in a safe and fun environment. Our philosophy is to ensure that each player has as much time with a ball at their feet as possible and are following the new FA guidelines in long term player development. In addition to the football skills development we believe it helps improve their social skills, confidence and discipline while also helping them to make new friends. We would like to thank Aaron, Dids and Mark Stewart for their continued support and would also like to welcome on board Rob Appleton & Carlo Mullen who will be joining our new Under 7s teams for 2017/18 season. It is a privilege to coach such a great bunch of kids and only hope they enjoy it as much as we do. Manager James Kneale / Lee Darwin Coaches Aaron Jones / David Llewelyn / Mark Stewart
This little girl is one of our academy players and a charity close to our club’s heart. We wanted to help raise awareness. On the 24th July 2016 Lottie Evans, aged 3 from Warrington in Cheshire, was on holiday in Wales with family and friends celebrating a 50 th birthday. On the Saturday, we arrived in the caravan and Lottie appeared to be well, however on the Sunday Lottie’s parents noticed throughout the morning that Lo ttie was extra clumsy and dropped around 4 drinks, as the day went on Lottie was very irritable and quiet, she would not eat and was would not sit still she was sliding off chairs onto the floor. Lottie’s parents through she may be tired from a late night so put her in her buggy for a sleep. When Lottie woke up she was unable to walk she fell over and it was noted that Lottie was unable to speak, however still at this point her parents did not think that Lottie was suffering anything as severe as a stroke. Within the group there was a paramedic she suggested we took Lottie to be checked out at the hospital. It was an hour’s drive to Bangor from Abersoch and in this journey Lottie was sick. When we arrived and Lottie was seen (this was not rushed y the hospital we waited sometime before she was seen by a DR). We were told in A&E that Lottie had Bells Palsy and had not had a stroke and they would not explain the issue with walking and not talking and therefore would admit her. Throughout the evening, Lottie had 2 CT scans, the DR told us that the student nurse who was in the room had noticed signs relating to strokes and that is why this was investigated 0 we are so thankful for the student nurse raising this and the CT scans being authorized to take place. In the early hours of Monday morning myself (Lottie’s mum) and dad were taken into a room, we were told that Lottie had suffered a stroke and she would need to be transferred to Alder Hey first thing for further tests to find out the reason why she had h ad a stroke. I asked whether Lottie would recover and I was told “probably not” my heart sunk at think time Lottie could not walk or speak and had lost the use of the whole right side. We were told that they had only ever known about 1 case that have recovered it is very serious. On Monday 25 th July Lottie was taken by ambulance from Bangor hospital to Alder Hey, on arrival and speaking to the DR he was very positive about Lottie’s recovery and in fact we were given quite a ray of light. Lottie was an inpatient for 2 weeks on the neurology ward. In this period, Lottie had a number of tests and throughout her time in the ward she improved every day. Lottie has right sided weakness. Over the past few months Lottie has significantly improved however she still has facial palsy and aphasia but having physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and facial palsy therapy Lottie has made such significant improvements and has regained all the skills she lost as part of the stroke. Despite everything that has happened we consider ourselves blessed, many parents don’t get to take their children home from hospital after a pediatric stroke and tragically around the world stroke is currently one of the top ten causes of death in children. As a parent and being faced with uncertainty of what the future will hold and many questions I turned to google for some support – what I found is that there is no UK support groups currently available for children and so I have found myself with many questions still unanswered.
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