Next Practices Branding Strategy- Mobilizing Your Team to Win Company, Employer and Personal Branding Scott Scott Hamilton Hamilton Lau Lauren en El Eller lermey meyer er Jayso ayson Dunc n Duncan an
Executive Next Practices Institute .
Miller Farm Media
Agenda Step back to leap forward in 2013 A new look at branding strategy, methods, practices and alignment Company Branding Employer Branding Personal Branding
2008-2012 Global Brand Turbulence .
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Who is the Red Digital in Your Industry?
How has consumer behavior changed? B2C • They spend less, delay, trade down • Aspirations have not changed • Look for lower cost alternatives • Increased attraction to well know brands B2B • Budgets are reduced or eliminated • Stronger business case necessary for existing and new investments
Traditional Marketing is not working • 18%: Proportion of TV advertising campaigns generating positive ROI • 54 cents: Average return in sales for every $1 spent on advertising • 256%: The increase in TV advertising costs (CPM) in the past decade • 84%: Proportion of B2B marketing campaigns resulting in falling sales • 100%: The increase needed in advertising spend to add 1-2% in sales • 14%: Proportion of people who trust advertising information • 90%: Proportion of people who can skip TV ads who do skip TV ads • 80%: Market share of video recorders with ad skipping technology in 2008 • 95%: The failure rate for new product introductions • 117: The number of prime time TV spots in 2002 needed to reach 80% of adult population – up from just 3 in 1965 • 3000: Number of advertising messages people are exposed to per day • 56%: Proportion of people who avoid buying products from companies who they think advertise too much • 65%: Proportion of people who believe that they are constantly bombarded with too much advertising
So what does this mean for branding? • As marketers we are responsible for bringing the customer into the organization • We are the voice of the customer inside the organization and need to champion a market-driven culture • What does that mean for your organization? • What is your internal communication strategy? • How are you going to influence the rest of the organization?
Next Practices Ideas, processes, concepts and solutions that move us beyond the “status quo”. Not “how are others doing it best” but rather, “where do we go from here that represents a true fundamental shift in value”…
Where is the greatest opportunity for your brand to create value within your company and/or industry?
Value Creation Eliminate Raise Which factors can you eliminate that Which factors should be raised well your industry has long competed on? above the industry’s standard? Reduce Create Which factors should be reduced well Which factors should be created that the below the industry’s standard? industry has never offered?
ELIMINATE Star Performers Animal shows Aisle concession sales Multiple show arenas REDUCE ( Family audience to targeted adult entertainment) Fun & Humor Thrill and Danger Raise Unique Venue Create Theme Refined environment Multiple productions Artistic Music and Dance
Where is the greatest opportunity for your brand to create value within your company and/or industry?
Today’s Focus: PR, Social Media and Video. Clients. • Public Relations/Media Relations • Social Media • Video • Direct Email Marketing • SEO/Website • SEM • PPC • Advertising • Blogs • Market Research • Lead Services • Brochures & Sales Materials • Events • Telemarketing
What Happens in a Second: Clients.
U.S. citizens consume a average of 12 hours of information/media a day. ¾ of our waking time is spent receiving information, the majority of which is electronic. An average US citizen each day consumes 100,500 words (Source: UCSD)
Clients. Feeling Lost? Becoming a credible brand is central to ensuring you stand out from the crowd in today’s age of information overload.
Clients. Building a Brand: Step 1 jjjjllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll
Clients. Step 2: Take Your Brand to the Masses.
Clients. Why PR? 1. Public relations gets you noticed. 2. Public relations sets you apart from the competition. 3. Public relations builds third-party credibility. 4. Public relations establishes thought-leadership. 5. Public relations helps you attract sales/prospects.
Why Social Media? 1. Social Media allows companies to connect with customers on a 1:1 social level. 2. It increases your brand’s awareness. 3. It helps drive traffic to your website. 4. It allows you to obtain customer feedback. 5. It can help drive leads.
Millennium Dental Technologies. • Know Thyself: MDT’s Brand = Patient - Focused. • Most successful campaign to date focused on audience education and awareness — a platform fully aligned with their brand . • PR and social media were the vehicles for success.
Gum Disease Awareness Month. ( Proclamations Issued by Governors in 23 States and Counting…)
Media Relations. TV, Radio, Print, Online.
Clients. Social Media.
Insert Jayson’s Presentation HERE • The execution slides are part of Scott’s closing piece…
The Execution Issue For an marketers, success or failure is made in the first 100 days.
Next Practice: “Market - driven” firms are more profitable “Market -driven firms are, on average, 31% more profitable than self- centered firms.” “The Market Driven Organization: Understanding, Attracting, and Keeping Valuable Customers” George S. Day Wharton School University of Pennsylvania But, what does it mean?
Next Practice Behaviors required to be Market-Driven Factors Behaviors Customer Insight Measures behaviors related to understanding and acting on current customer needs and satisfaction Customer Foresight Measures behaviors related to understanding and attracting potential customers Competitor Insight Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to current and potential competitor strengths and weaknesses Competitor Foresight Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to current and potential competitors’ long -terms strategies Peripheral Vision Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to trends in the larger environment (Political, Economic, Social, and Technical) Measures behaviors related to aligning work to the firm’s current and Strategic Alignment evolving strategic goals and objectives Cross-Functional Measures behaviors related to interacting, sharing information, working with, and assisting colleagues from different work groups Collaboration
Next Practice: “Market - driven” firms are more profitable “Market -driven firms are, on average, 31% more profitable than self- centered firms.” “The Market Driven Organization: Understanding, Attracting, and Keeping Valuable Customers” George S. Day Wharton School University of Pennsylvania But, what does it mean?
segments Source: Harvard Business Review How to Market in a Downturn by John A. Quelch, Katherine E. Jocz Apr 01, 2009.
Source: Harvard Business Review How to Market in a Downturn by John A. Quelch, Katherine E. Jocz Apr 01, 2009.
Next Practice Centralized marketing collaboration- cloud based marketing communications and documentation
1. Communicate the Vision- Inspire .
Alignment to Marketing Initiatives Where are we going? Mapping the Ideal Future for clarity and build “common ground”
1. Communicate the Vision- Inspire .
Collective Market IQ Engage – people must “experience” what it is you want to them to support and do
Engage Internal Employees to the External “Experience” Measurable employee commitment, productivity and innovation rise in direct proportion to how they experience an activity.
Metrics that connect Line of site metrics- Every process, every level
5. Develop, Launch, Test
How Will You Create a Culture of Next Practices and Sense of Urgency?
Thank You! Next Steps 35 minute call- Brand Assessment 888/857.9722
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