parks and recreation

Parks and Recreation Master Plan PROS Consulting Varallo Public - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan PROS Consulting Varallo Public Relations City of Franklin BWSC ETC Institute Dr. John Crompton Kiser Vogrin Design City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 2

  1. Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan

  2. PROS Consulting Varallo Public Relations City of Franklin BWSC ETC Institute Dr. John Crompton Kiser Vogrin Design City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 2

  3. Research Needs and Analysis Assessment Implementation Plan Development Plan and Community Recommendations Outreach Planning Process City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 3

  4. 12 125 Variety of interests represented discussions participants Focus Groups City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 4

  5. Create a “Riverwalk” along Harpeth River More connectivity from neighborhoods to parks, between parks, to Downtown and Cool Springs Focus Groups Connectivity City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 5

  6. Challenging trails East of I-65 and Southeast are Nature-focused parks underserved Historic parks Neighborhood parks Complete improvements at Bicentennial Park Focus Groups Key Comments City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 6

  7. Public Workshops Highest priority comments • New Battlefield (Historic) Park at Carter House and Columbia Avenue • Creation of a Riverwalk City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 7

  8. Statistically Valid Survey Presented previously during BOMA Work Session City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 8

  9. Demographics Estimated population growth 74,772 88,348 Projected growth by 2019 Projected growth by 2029 Increase since 51 completion of 2004 % parks master plan City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 9

  10. Park, Trail, and Facility Overview and Analysis City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 10

  11. Park, Trail, and Facility Overview and Analysis KEY OBSERVATIONS  Historic Parks – over 1/3 of total park  Eastern and southeastern areas are acreage underserved  Lack of multi-use trails  Lack of neighborhood parks  No true “regional” park  Harpeth River is a tremendous resource City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 11

  12. Park, Trail, and Facility Overview and Analysis KEY OBSERVATIONS  City is dependent on Williamson  Bicentennial Park master plan is County for indoor recreation and outdated soccer  Potential for Harlinsdale  No joint use agreement as “Signature” park with Franklin Special  Operational issues at Liberty Park and School District Jim Warren Park  No facilities for lacrosse, rugby, ultimate Frisbee City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 12

  13. Park Classification City of Franklin Inventory Summary Breakdown City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 13

  14. Park Classification Williamson County Inventory Summary Breakdown City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 14

  15. Level of Service Standards City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 15

  16. Park Equity/ Service Areas City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 16

  17. Priority Rankings Scoring System  Unmet needs for facilities and trails  Importance ranking for facilities and trails Planning Team Evaluation  Factor derived from the consultant’s evaluation of facility and trail priority based on survey results, demographics, trends, standards, and overall community input City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 17

  18. Priority Rankings Facilities City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 18

  19. Priority Rankings Trails City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 19

  20. 10 YEAR recommendations City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 20

  21. Land Acquisition  Acquire 100+ acres for new parks  Land should be in east and southeastern portion  Acquire land for neighborhood parks in underserved areas City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 21

  22. New Parks  Carter’s Hill Battlefield Park  New East/Southeast Multi-Purpose Park  New neighborhood parks City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 22

  23. Improvements to Existing Parks Bicentennial Park  Environmental remediation  Utility upgrades  Pavilion repairs  Re-master plan City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 23

  24. Improvements to Existing Parks Park at Harlinsdale Farm  Equestrian warm up arenas  Restoration of houses  Renovations to the Main Barn  Design and construction of a Tennessee Walking Horse Museum  Restoration of the Hayes House  Renovations to the North Barn City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 24

  25. Improvements to Existing Parks Jim Warren Park  Remove football fields  Add splash pad  Add baseball fields  Evaluate maintenance area  Add “universal” playground  Reconfigure parking and pedestrian/vehicle access  Add “miracle” baseball field  Expand skate park City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 25

  26. Improvements to Existing Parks Liberty Park  Renovate multi-purpose field City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 26

  27. Improvements to Existing Parks Eastern Flank Battlefield Park  Interpretive displays  Complete rock wall  Complete fiber project City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 27

  28. Improvements to Existing Parks  Build two splash pads  Other miscellaneous improvements  Maintenance facilities  Historic cemetery repairs/improvements City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 28

  29. Facilities Indoor Recreation Facility  W illiam son County partnership - new indoor facility in Franklin City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 29

  30. Multi-Use Trails

  31. Eastern Flank Battlefield Park to Pinkerton Park/Collins Farm to Carter’s Hill 31

  32. Pinkerton Park to Bicentennial Park and the Park at Harlinsdale Farm 32

  33. Aspen Grove to Mack Hatcher Parkway

  34. The Park at Harlinsdale Farm to Cheek Park and Judge Fulton Greer Park

  35. Bicentennial to Jim Warren Park

  36. Eastern Flank to Five Mile Creek

  37. Five Mile Creek to Robinson Lake and Ladd Park 37

  38. Riverwalk Images City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 38

  39. Multi-Use Trails Mountain Bike Trails Blueways  Partner with local mountain bike  Install 5 access points in associations City’s Canoe Access plan  Trails at Liberty Park and on park land dedication property City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 39

  40. Land Park Land 1 requirement Dedication Fee-in-lieu alternative 2 to land requirement Three elements Parks development fee 3 City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 40

  41. Capital Improvement Plan Funding Sources  City funds  Adequate facilities tax  Park land dedication fund  Capital fund  Hotel-motel tax  Bond issue City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 41

  42. Capital Improvement Plan Other Funding Sources  Friends of Franklin Parks  Franklin’s Charge  Williamson County City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 42

  43. Capital Improvement Plan Grants  TDEC Local Park and  Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Recreation Fund Organization Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program  TDOT Enhancement  Historic City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 43

  44. Capital Improvement Plan Operating and Maintenance Costs City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 44

  45. City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 45

  46. Completion of improvements at existing parks, Implementation of greenway trail network, Land acquisition particularly at Bicentennial and Harlinsdale particularly the “Riverwalk” (not included in CIP) Top Priorities City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 46

  47. Implementation Plan City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 47

  48. F r a n k l i n P a r k s D e p a r t m e n t VIS IO N Provide h igh qu a lity, a ccessib le p a rks, h istoric sites, tra ils, a n d recrea tion a m en ities th a t w ill crea te p ositive recrea tion a l h ea lth y exp erien ces for a ll resid en ts a n d visitors of th e City th a t m a kes livin g, w orkin g, a n d p la yin g in Fra n klin th e City of ch oice for th e region . Implementation Plan City of Franklin | Parks and Recreation Master Plan Consulting Services 48


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