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NEW PRINCIPAL TRAINING FINANCE DIVISION Presentation to New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NEW PRINCIPAL TRAINING FINANCE DIVISION Presentation to New Principals Finance Division June 8, 2020 AGENDA Navigate the departments within the Finance Division Better understand the Finance Division expectations and requirements

  1. NEW PRINCIPAL TRAINING FINANCE DIVISION Presentation to New Principals Finance Division June 8, 2020

  2. AGENDA  Navigate the departments within the Finance Division  Better understand the Finance Division expectations and requirements  Contact the appropriate employees within the Finance Division

  3. FINANCE DIVISION TRAINING GOALS Understand your Budget - Budget and Grants Purchase Items - Procurement Pay for Items - Accounts Payable Pay Staff - Payroll Make Sure Everything is Correct - Fiscal Control and Treasurer It’s All Related ! - Financial Systems 3

  4. Not sure what department to contact within the Finance Division? FINANCE DIVISION 4



  7. BUDGET OFFICE Finance Division CFO Angie Banks Budget Office Director Melody Ellington Budget Analyst Budget Analyst Budget Analyst Joshua Sherman Lindsey Ericka Logan Armstrong 7

  8. MEET THE BUDGET TEAM Melody Ellington Director of Budget Joshua Armstrong Sherman Lindsey Ericka Logan Budget Analyst Budget Analyst Budget Analy st Budget Analyst Assignment List 8

  9. YOUR SCHOOL BUDGET The Budget Staff Is Responsible For The Following:  Managing General Operating Budget (GOB), Deseg/Expansion, Debt Service, and Capital Revenues and Expenditures (all non-grant funds)  GOB Staffing and Discretionary Budgets  GOB Budget Transfers/Adjustments  GOB Extra Service Spreadsheets and Pay Agreements 9

  10. GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET GOB FUNDS Fund 210 Fund 110 Fund 410 Purpose: Accounts for all Purpose: Accounts for all Purpose: : Accounts for all transactions related to the transactions for salaries & transactions related to operations of the District’s benefits for teachers & and purchased services at the regular programs. other certified staff. capital threshold amount. Example: Example: Example: o Non-Certified Salaries & o Certified Salaries & Benefits o Equipment (e.g. computers Benefits (excludes certified - Teachers above the capital threshold) o Extra Service for Teachers o Improvements and upgrade staff/teachers) o Purchased Services o Tuition Payments to facilities o Supplies & Materials o Equipment (e.g. computers below the capital threshold) 10

  11. SCHOOL STAFFING  Certificated: Formula-driven model based on student enrollment, DESE Pupil Teacher Ratios, and District staffing ratios  principals, A/Ps, teachers, librarians, counselors, etc.  Non-Certificated: Formula-driven model based on student enrollment and District staffing ratios  secretaries, teacher aides, ISS monitors, etc.  Staffing budgets and expenditures are not available on the school budget report - BusinessPLUS GL5000 11

  12. DISCRETIONARY BUDGET  Discretionary budgets and expenditures are available in school budget report - BusinessPLUS GL5000  Allocations are based on student enrollment, school type, and availability of funds School Allocations Type Amount HS $ 150.00 MS $ 125.00 ES $ 125.00 ALT $ 350.00 PK $ 100.00  Principals manage funds to purchase items needed for their school including supplies, technology, extra service, etc. 12

  13. BUDGET TRANSFERS  Transfers from one account to another may be requested if additional funds are needed for a specific purchase  Example: transfer $500 from supplies account to extra service account for additional afterschool tutoring 13

  14. EXTRA SERVICE  Extra service is how certificated staff are paid for time worked outside of the normal work day or contract dates  Schools submit Extra service time on a budget office spreadsheet  A signed pay agreement accompanies the extra service  Detailed extra service training will be provided at the June 17-18 administrator training and individually by Payroll 14

  15. EXPENDITURES: BUSINESS PLUS District account structure: School Type FUND FUNCTION OBJECT LOCATION PROJECT FISCAL YEAR Elementary 110 1111 641101 4000 000000 00 Middle 210 1131 613101 3140 000000 00 High 410 1151 654101 1220 500990 00 Alternative 110 1193 641202 6920 000000 00 Fund 110 = general Function 1111 = elementary instruction Object 641101 = supplies Location 4000 = Adams Elementary School Project 000000 = N/A For detailed description of the District account structure visit: BusinessPLUS Finance Division Training Manual 15

  16. BUSINESS PLUS GL5000 Fund Function Object Location Project Fiscal Year 110 1111 634302 4000 000000 00 Object Description : This object code is a 6 digit number that describes the type of expenditure e.g. 641101- supplies Original Budget: This represents the adopted original budget that was approved by the board Current Budget: This represents adjustments to the original budget e.g. budget transfers, etc. Ecumb (Encumbrances): A dollar amount held (committed) to pay for goods or services. Actual: shows the dollar amount that was actually paid from your budget Available Balance: indicates the dollar amount available to spend. Current Budget minus Encumbrances/Actuals = Available Balance 16

  17. BUDGET OFFICE STAFF Contact Information: Melody Ellington, Director of Budget Phone: 345-2494 Joshua Armstrong, Budget Analyst Phone: 345-4425 Sherman Lindsey, Budget Analyst Phone: 345-2262 Ericka Logan, Budget Analyst Phone: 345-2319 17

  18. BUDGET OFFICE Questions??? Don’t remember what we just covered?? Our page may have the answer for you. Visit our webpage at 18


  20. GRANTS OFFICE Finance Division CFO Angie Banks Grants Management Office Director Victoria Glaspy Grant Compliance Grant Compliance Lead Grant Analyst Grant Analyst Grant Data Specialist Manager Analyst Paul Cady Shaun Hykes LaToya Johnson Nichelle Hunter Derek Roberts 20

  21. MEET THE GRANTS TEAM Victoria Glaspy Nichelle Hunter Paul Cady Derek Roberts Shaun Hykes LaToya Johnson Director of Grants and Grants Compliance Grant Compliance Compliance Manager Sr. Grant Analyst Grant Compliance Analyst Grant Analyst Specialist LaToya.Johnson@slp 314.633.5310 314.345.2474 314.345.4532 314.633.5425 314.345.2259 314.345.2270 Adult Education and Title I.A (Building Non-Public Services Monthly Reporting Special Education (IDEA) Literacy Allocations & Admin) Local Tax Effort for: Special Education Non- CTE Base and CARES Public Performance Title I Parental Involvement Medicaid (Back-up) Title II.A Early Childhood Special Title II - Admin Education Perkins Title I Transportation Food Service Title III Project Lead the Way Title I Neglected and PHL SPED Technology Grant (PLTW) Delinquent RECORDS Title III - Immigrant Missouri Foundation for Buder Trust SPED Photo Copy Home Works! Title I.D Health Title IV.A Title II - Professional Any Incoming Grant Simon Fund Prevention Grant Development ARCHS GRANT CARES Medicaid TANF 21st Century CentralVPA Auditorium Title I(a) - Focus and Title I- Early Childhood CTECERT Priority Enterprise Funds Title III - LEP and Immigrant Roosevelt Afterschool Title I - Homeless Athletic Banquet School Improvement Grant (SIG) Alive and Well Grant Foster Care Transportation Support Staff Scholarship Refugee Impact Duke University Grant Tech Grant (ATT) TAYLOR Resiliency Grant (TIPS) ITEF Homeless - McKinney Truancy Prevention Vento Grant Parson Blewett Parents as Teachers/ Before and After Care PIIP Montessori ReadingCert 21 GiftedCert

  22. GRANTS MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Grants Management is responsible for:  All Federal, State and Local grant compliance as well as managing revenues and expenditures  Grant funded Extra Service and Pay Agreements  Grant funded Budget Transfers  Grant funded Vouchers  Medicaid 22

  23. GRANT FUNDS GRANT FUNDS Incidental Funds Certificated Funds Capital Funds 140,150,160 250, 260 440, 450, 460 Purpose: Accounts for all Purpose: Accounts for all Purpose: : Accounts for all transactions related to regular transactions for salaries & transactions related to supplemental operations. benefits for teachers & and other purchased services at the capital certified staff. threshold amount. Example: Example: Example: o Non-Certified Salaries & Benefits o Classroom Equipment o Certified Salaries & Benefits – o FCS, PBIS, Intervention (654301) Teachers Specialist o Items that are more than o Contractual Services o AICs, Supplemental Math $1,000 per Item o PD for teachers (631201) or Reading Teachers ( Examples, are iPad Carts, o Transportation (634201) o Extra Service for Teachers for Smart Boards, Promethean o Supplies & Materials Extended Day and Tutoring Boards) o General Supplies (641101), o Software Licenses more Computers less than 1K per (613101), or Professional than $5,000 (654401) item (641201) Software Development (613102). Licenses less than 5K (641202) 23

  24. TITLE I - PART A, SCHOOLWIDE Title I-Part A funds should be used to upgrade the entire educational program in a school so that all students may benefit from the use of these funds. Activities must be a part of the schoolwide plan and support an identified academic need through the school’s comprehensive needs assessment. 24


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