rodger hunw ick principal holli mcnally asst principal

Rodger Hunw ick, Principal Holli McNally, Asst. Principal 260 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rodger Hunw ick, Principal Holli McNally, Asst. Principal 260 Chalfonte Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 Mr. Hunw ick , principal Mrs. McNally assistant principal Our Counselors Mrs. Fachini-Kurily & Dr. Niforos Ms. Ow sen

  1. Rodger Hunw ick, Principal Holli McNally, Asst. Principal 260 Chalfonte Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236

  2. Mr. Hunw ick , principal

  3. Mrs. McNally assistant principal

  4. Our Counselors Mrs. Fachini-Kurily & Dr. Niforos

  5. Ms. Ow sen Principal’s Secretary

  6. Attendance Secretary- Mrs. Lapish

  7. Mrs. Etsios Office Secretary

  8. Leading and Learning

  9. We love our parent volunteers

  10. Required Classes

  11. Mathematics

  12. Social Studies

  13. Science

  14. Information/Narrative Language Arts

  15. Computer Skills Every other day for one semester. Students will learn introductory computer skills in the following subject areas: databases, desktop publishing, graphics, multimedia, spreadsheets, word processing, and info. access and a review of keyboarding skills.

  16. 6 th Grade Electives

  17. Spanish & French Introduction

  18. Choir

  19. Explorations in Drama

  20. Orchestra

  21. Band & Percussion

  22. Art Class

  23. Lifeskills

  24. Technology

  25. Physical Education

  26. Additional Electives 7 th & 8 th Grade

  27. Broadcast Journalism

  28. Journalism – Brow nell Beat

  29. Brow nell

  30. 6 th Grade Olympics

  31. 7 th grade English – Mythology & Greek Day


  33. The Stable  The Stable is the Brownell school store  Students manage the store and profits go to Brownell and charities

  34. W.E.B. Where Everyone Belongs

  35. The 6 th Grade Clue Party

  36. After School Activities & Clubs

  37. Study Club Study Club is offered three days a week after school.

  38. Drama Club

  39. Art Club

  40. Yearbook Club

  41. Robotics Club

  42. Boys’ Basketball

  43. Girls’ Basketball

  44. Wrestling

  45. Girls’ Volleyball

  46. Track

  47. Community Service

  48. Students Taking a New Direction - S.T.A.N.D. STAND is a student service organization that is available to 6th- 8th Graders Haunted H d House se

  49. N.J.H.S. National Junior Honor Society NJHS is a national organization committed to scholarship and leadership. Seventh and eighth graders with the requisite GPA and conduct grades will be invited to apply for membership . Haunted H d House se

  50. Sixth grade is a time to develop friendships

  51. The Lockers

  52. Lunchroom

  53. Lunchtime – Bundle up!

  54. Brow nell Staff  We can’t wait to meet you!

  55. Student Planner

  56. SCHOOL DAY  Mondays: Late start  Tuesday – Friday  8:20 a.m. – 3:18 p.m.  9:05 a.m. – 3:18 p.m.  5 minutes passing time  5 minutes passing time  30 minute lunch –  30 minute lunch – all 6 th graders eat together all 6 th graders eat together  56 minute classes  51 minute classes  12 minute advisory  5 minute announcements  5 minute daily announcements

  57. Grade 6 Six Period Day REQUIRED COURSES • Math 1 Unit • Science 1 Unit • Social Studies 1 Unit • ELA -Narrative 1 Unit • ELA - Informational Writing 1/2 Unit • Computer Skills 1/4 Unit TOTAL = 4 ¾ Units Students will select an additional 1 ¼ units to complete a six period schedule.

  58. Grade Six Elective Courses All Grade 6 Electives are Every Other Day French Introduction 6 ½ unit full year Spanish Introduction 6 ½ unit full year Choir 6 ½ unit full year Orchestra 6 ½ unit full year Explorations in Drama 6 ½ unit full year Percussion 6 ½ unit full year Band ½ unit full year 6 th Grade Art ¼ unit one semester 6 th Grade Lifeskills ¼ unit one semester 6 th Grade Physical Education ¼ unit one semester 6 th Grade Technology ¼ unit one semester

  59. Counselors  Academic Advising  Peer Situations  Problem solving  Career exploration

  60. Academic Supports  Academic Assistance  Math Foundations  Reading Foundations  Study Club  PBIS Homework Help

  61. How does Brow nell Staff Communicate w ith Parents?  Back-to-School Night  Pinnacle Online Gradebook  Brownell Reporter  Principals’ Roundtable  Brownell Website (Monthly)  PTO Meetings  Quarterly Report Cards  Parent Conferences  Brownell Facebook page  Phone, E-mail,  Brownell Twitter Appointment  Parent-Teacher Conferences in Nov. and March

  62. What are some extra-curricular activities for 6 th graders?  Clue Night  Art Club  Fun Nights  Basketball  STAND  Drama Club (Students Taking A  Swim Club New Direction)  Yearbook Club  Student Council  Robotics Club

  63. What are some future (7 th & 8 th ) extra-curricular activities? In addition to STAND, Student Council, Art Club, Drama, Swim Club, Yearbook, …7 th and 8 th grade we have:  Jazz Band  National Junior Honor Society  Track, Basketball, Wrestling, Volleyball (Girls),  8 th Grade Trips~ Washington D.C. & Cedar Point

  64. Buck-Up Bronco PBIS Brownell Expectations  Responsible, Respectful, Safe  Bronco Stamps for going above and beyond  Rewards: gym time, Stable coupons, private lunch with friends, wear slippers, minute-to-win-it contests, pizza

  65. When do you visit Brow nell?  Lunch at Brownell  Kerby: Mon. May 22nd 9:30 – 11:00  Richard: Tue. May 23rd 9:30 – 11:00  Monteith: Thurs. May 25th 9:30 – 11:00  Registration Tuesday, August 23 rd and the makeup date is Monday, August 29 th .

  66. What’s next?  Course Selection Sheet Final Due Date: Friday, January 20 th


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