CONTENT I. Current status, challenge in present solid waste management in our country II. Forecast of solid waste amount in the next 10 years III. Viewpoint, objective and mission of the strategy IV. Solution for implementation of strategy V. Implementation 2
I. Current status, challenge in present solid waste management * Current waste, collection and treatment : - Waste collected and treated: 83,5%. Solid waste usually transported to landfill. Presently, there is 85% of cities using unsanitary landfill. Recycling: 10-15%. 90% of household has septic tank periodic suck - Waste collection and treatment in rural community: ratio of collection is 50-60% in town, it is lower in rural community, around 20 – 30%. 52% at household, 70% at primary and secondary schools can access septic tank. - Hospital waste collection and treatment : around 90% of solid waste collected; 73% of hospital treats hazardous waste by incinerator; 27% of hospital burns openly or buries at local area. - Industrial hazardous waste collection and treatment: around 80% of waste collected and treated. Most of waste in professional villages is not collected and treated. 3
I. Current status, challenge in present solid waste management * Current shortcomings in solid waste treatment : - Amount, element, species, feature and hazardousness of waste is increasing. - Unseparated waste at source causes difficulties in treatment. - Treatment technology is old, mainly is unsanitary bury (which pollutes environment, wastes land, does not make use of organic elements in waste). - Investment resource for solid waste is limited (mainly from State budget) and not efficient. - Preferential policy for solid waste treatment investment is difficult to apply, lack of detail guideline and not attracted investors. 4
II. Forecast of solid waste amount in the next 10 years * Forecast of solid waste arising in the next 10 years - Basis, method of forecast: + Basing on the report of national strategy on solid waste management toward 2025, vision toward 2050 and recents studies. + Basing on urban system development planning and, industrial zone development planning, hospital network, etc. approved; + Basing on sartorial standard. They are basis to forecast solid waste amount rising in 2015 and 2020 as follows: 5
II. Forecast of solid waste amount in the next 10 years Amount (tons/day) No Type of waste Year 2015 Year 2020 1 Urban domestic solid waste 35,000 52,800 2 Rural domestic solid waste 30,210 31,320 3 Normal industrial solid waste 13,720 24,960 Hazardous industrial solid waste 3,430 6,240 4 Normal hospital solid waste 211 278 Hazardous hospital solid waste 53 70 5 Total normal solid waste 79,141 109,358 Total hazardous solid waste 3,483 6,310 Table 1. forecast of solid waste toward 2015 and 2020 6
CONTENT I. Current status, challenge in present solid waste management in our country II. Forecast of solid waste amount in the next 10 years III. Viewpoint, objective and mission of the strategy IV. Solution for implementation of strategy V. Implementation 7
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission: Viewpoint National strategy on solid waste management toward 2025, vision toward 2050 established which aims to apply solid waste management method. Solid waste management is seen generally from prevention, reduction to separation, reuse, recycling, collection, transportation and treatment, in which prior to prevention, reduction, promoting reuse and recycling of solid waste to make maximum reduction of waste buried. Solid waste management is one approach in which it is considered all sides from technique, legal, economics, socio-culture, mechanism, environment to community participation. Solid waste management has inter-sectoral and inter-regional feature related to government levels and every organization, individual in society. 8
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission: - Solid waste management is responsibility of society; the State plays key role, promotes socialization, mobilizes every resource, strengthens investment for solid waste management. - Solid waste management implemented inter-sector, inter-region, ensuring on economics, technique, safe on society and environment, connecting socio-economic development plan, construction planning and other development plan. - Solid waste management is one of priorities of environment protection, which contributes to control pollution, toward sustainable development. - Solid waste management must meet “polluter have to pay” . - solid waste management is implemented by synthetic methos, aiming to prevent, reduce arising of solid waste at source; promoting recycling, reuse, limiting bury. 9
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission Vision toward 2050: Striving to 2050, all types of solid waste arising collected, reused, recycled and treated completely as advanced technology, environment friendly and fit practical condition of each local area, limiting solid waste amount buried. Objective toward 2025: - Advancing effectiveness of solid waste management in order to improve environment quality, ensuring community’s health and contributing to sustainable development objective. - Solid waste management established, which solid waste separated at source, collected, reused, recycled and treated completely by advanced and suitable technologies, limiting bury. Hazardous solid waste managed and treated by suitable methods. - Raising community’s awareness on solid waste management. Establish necessary conditions on infrastructure, finance and human resource for solid waste management. 10
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission Objectives toward 2015: + 85% of urban domestic waste collected and treated environmentally, 60% of waste recycled, reused, transferred to energy or produced compost. + 50% of construction waste collected and treated, 30% of waste reused or recycled. + 30% of septic tank mud (from city grade II) and 10% of other cities collected and treated environmentally. + Reducing 40% of nylon at super markets in comparison with 2010. + 50% of cities has solid waste recycling program separated at household. 11
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission + 80% of normal industrial waste collected and treated, in which, 70% of waste reused and recycled. + 60% of hazardous industrial solid waste treated. + 85% of normal hospital waste and 70% of hazardous hospital waste collected and treated. + 40% of domestic solid waste at rural communities and 50% at professional villages collected and treated. + 100% of polluted landfill according to Regulation No 64/2003 /QĐ - TTg dated 22/4/2003 by Prime Minister must be addressed. 12
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission Objective toward 2020 + 90% of urban domestic waste collected and treat, in which, 85% recycled, reused, transferred to energy or produced compost. + 80% of construction waste in cities collected and treated, in which 50% reused or recycled. + 50% of septic tank mud from cities grade II and 30% of other cities collected and treated environmentally. + Reducing 65% of nylon at super markets and commercial centers in comparison with 2010. 80% of cities has solid waste recycling work separated at household. + 90% of normal industrial waste collected and treated, in which 75% reused and recycled. + 70% hazardous industrial waste treated. 100% of normal and hazardous hospital waste collected and treated. + 70% of solid waste raising at rural communities and 80% at professional villages collected and treated. 13
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission - Objective toward 2025: + 100% of cities has solid waste recycling work separated at household. + 100% of domestic solid waste colected and treated, in which 90% recycled, reused, transferred to energy or produced compost + 90% of construction solid waste in cities collected, treated in which 60% recycled, reused. + 100% of septic tank mud in ciities from grade II up and 50% of other cities collected and treated environmentally. + Reducing 85% of nylong at super markets and commercial centers in comparison with 2010. +100% of normal and hazardous industrial waste collected and treated environmentally. + 90% of solid waste arising at rural communities and 100% at professional villages collected and treated environmentally. 14
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission Mission 1. Preventing and reducing arising of solid waste 2. Promoting source separation 3. Promoting reuse, recycling 4. Strengthening solid waste collection and transportation 5. Treating soliwaste 6. Recovering environment at solid waste factories 15
III. Viewpoint, objective, mission - Preventing and reducing arising of solid waste + Solid waste management bases on market mechanism, collection fee bases on arising of solid waste + Reducing solid waste at household + Reducing solid waste in manufacturing + Reducing solid waste in commerce and service + Controlling import of waste strictly - Promoting source separation + Mobilizing community participation in source separation + Developing infrastructure, collecting and treating each type of waste after separation 16
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