Health th, Saf Safety & Enviro ronment Se t Serv rvices at Kuwait U Univer ersit ity H Health S Sciences ces C Center er- KUW UWAIT Hana nan A. A. Al Al-Awadh dhi i The H HSC L Labora ratory ry & & Enviro ironmental S l Safety C Commit ittee No November 2013 2013
Outlin line e Over erview ew o of Kuwait U t Univer ersi sity ty H Health th Sciences es Center ter Th The Saf Safety Co Conce cept Hea ealt lth, S Safe fety & & Envir ironment S Ser ervic ices November 2013 2 H.A.A.
Kuwait it U Univer ersit ity H Health S Sciences ces C Center er HSC serves a as the me medical c campu mpus fo for KU. KU. It includes KU KU health sciences r related faculties in s in addition ition to to admin inis istrative a and ser servic ices f s facil ilit ities: s: Facu aculty o y of Me Medi dici cine Faculty of of Allie llied H Hea ealt lth S Scien iences s Facu aculty o y of Phar armacy y Faculty ty o of Denti tistr stry Vi Vice ce Pre reside dent O Office f for or He Heal alth Sci Science ces (VP (VPO, , HSCLA HSCLA, TSA , TSA, , MP MPP, E , ELU LU) November 2013 3 H.A.A.
HSC h HSC has as lo long-sta standing c commitm tmen ents ts to quality ty o of re resear arch ch an and d edu duca cation in heal alth s sci cience ces. Th . These commi mmitments can o only be be h honored wh when our staff ff, stude dents an and d visitors ors are are kept s saf afe an and d heal althy y every day y day du duri ring t their p r purs rsuit of of knowledge breakthroughs November 2013 4 H.A.A.
Safet ety M Matter ers!! November 2013 5 H.A.A.
The S Safet ety C Conce cept pt Sn Snap apshot ot o of Enviro ronmental al He Heal alth & & Saf Safety at y at HSC HSC prior t to 2009: 2009: No pro roper re r reco cords rds of medi dical cal w was aste stre reams p pro rodu duction No o clea lear en envir ironmental h l hea ealt lth & & sa safe fety guid ideli lines a s and ser services s No pro roper re r reco cords rds of occu ccupat ational i injuri ries In Individu dual e effort rts at at de depart artmental al l level an and/ d/or f r facu aculty l level t to enhan ance saf afety Saf Safety as as an an occu occupational heal alth con conce cept w was as missing November 2013 6 H.A.A.
2009 On Onwards The Vice President fo for Health S Sciences fo forme med t the HSC HSC Lab Labora oratory ry & & Environmen enta tal S Safety ety C Committee ttee in n Janua nuary 2009 2009 t to: o Provide ide systematic ic s solutio ions f for m medic ical w waste m management o Unify l labora ratory ry s safety a and e enviro ironmental h l healt lth g guide delin lines a acro ross H HSC o Enha nhance e env nvironment ntal he health & & safety a at t HSC Th The Co Committee h has as re repre resentation of of al all HSC HSC facu aculties an and d re report rts di dire rect ctly t y to the Vi Vice ce Pre reside dent f for r He Heal alth Sci Sciences Fr From 2009 2009-2011, t the C Commi mmittee wa was wo working on setting t the fo foundations f for a a com compre rehensive m medi dica cal w was aste m man anag agement s serv rvices at at HSC HSC November 2013 7 H.A.A.
Cont., ., Up Up to J Janua nuary 2011 2011, medi dica cal waste m te manageme ement s services es at at HSC HSC were lim we limite ited to to collec ollection a and on-site t te treatm tmen ent o t of biological waste te be befo fore disp isposin sing th them em in in Sh Shuai aiba la landfil ills ls In n Fe February 2011 2011, t , the HSC HSC Me Medi dica cal W Was aste Man Manag agement Sys System b beca came eff ffective November 2013 8 H.A.A.
Healt lth, S Safet ety & & Envir ironmen ent S Servic ices es a at HSC Communi unication Edu Education Mecha hani nism The HSE Th HSE serv rvices, cu , curre rrent an and d future re, are , are bas ased on d on 3 prin incip iples: s: HSE HSE Educat atio ion Servic ices Communic icat ation Me Mech chanism November 2013 9 H.A.A.
Mec echanism Edu ducat atio ion Communi ommunica cation HSC Me Medical Wast aste Man Management HSE T Tra raining P Pro rogra grams Incident R Report Incident R Report HSE Lectur HSE ure Se Series Open C n Communi unica cation Medical W Me Was aste Man Manifest E-Se Service ces Safety A Sa Aud udit E-Se Service ces Online ne Certifica cation n (FUTUR URE) E-Se Service ces HSE A Awar areness C s Campai aign HSE A Awar areness C s Campai aign Cod ode of of Con onduct (FUTUR URE) (FUTUR URE) (FUTUR URE) November 2013 10 H.A.A.
Examp amples o of Mecha hani nism: m: HSC HSC Medi edical W l Wast ste Management Sy Syst stem It It is a a sys ystem t that at m man anag ages h hazardo azardous an and d non onhazard ardou ous m medi dica cal w was astes pro rodu duced within t the HSC HSC facu aculties an and d faci acilities Me Medi dical cal w was aste s stre ream ams t that at are are co covere red by y the Sys System i incl clude: o Bioha haza zardous us/Bio iolog logic ical l o Ch Chemic ical l o Pharmaceut utica cal o Decayed R Radioactive o Anim imal l o Dent ental o Glassw ssware (& & Plast sticwar are) o Exp xpired D d Dry-ce cell B Batteries o Other hers November 2013 11 H.A.A.
The Sy Th e Syst stem F Functions Containment P Pro rovision Provide H HSC s staff & & students w wit ith colo lor-coded ed w wast ste b e bags s & contain iner ers s Collec lectio ion Wastes a es are collec lected ed on sched edule led b basis a is and on demand Treatme ment Wastes a are e trea eated eit either o on-sit ite w e wher ere a e applic plicable a le and o off-sit site e Valid idatio ion Treatmen ent m methods a s are v valid idated ed Pro roper r tran ransport o of tre reated an and n non-trea eated ed w wast stes es from H HSC to treatmen ent Tran ransport facilit ilities a ies and/or s safe e dispo sposa sal l Safe d dis isposal of all w ll waste s streams in in d des esignated a area eas a appr pproved by lo local Safe D e Dispo posa sal l auth uthorities (MO (MOH, EPA EPA & & PA PAI) Records K s Keepi eping Mai aintaining p pro roper re record rds/ l log s sys ystem November 2013 12 H.A.A.
A Clo Close ser L Look o on Oper perations Th The pro rodu ducer o r of medi dical cal w was astes (i (i.e .e. . staf aff or or stude dent) p ) place aces s segre regated w d was aste str strea eams in in desig esignated color lor-code ded con d containers rs Th The Sys System op opera rator (i r (i.e .e. . con contra ractor) t r) then co collects w was astes f fro rom pre re-defi efined ed wast ste c e collec ollection p poin oints eith s either er on on sc schedule led b basis or sis or on dem emand Ope Operations a are s supe pervised by by the HSC HSC Lab Labora ratory ry & & Enviro ronmental Saf Safety y Committee ttee November 2013 13 H.A.A.
Everyday a and nd on n a monthly b basis, ea , each ch chi hief ef t tec echn hnician fills o out ut t the he Medi dical Wa Waste M Manife fest recordi ding h his/her de depa partment pr produ duction o of e f each s stream o of f medi dical wa waste by by we weight or volume. Compl pleted m d manifests a are then fo forwa warde ded t d to t the C Committee November 2013 14 H.A.A.
Why M Manif ifes est? Medica ical W Waste P e Produ duct ctio ion a at HSC Chemical al Pharmac aceut utical al Bio Biolo logical Dec Decayed ed Dental Den An Animal al Glass Battery ry Others Radio Ra ioactive S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) S ( S (Kg) Kg) S ( S (Kg) Kg) S (Kg) S ( Kg) S ( S (Kg) Kg) L ( L (L) L) 2011 2011 803. 3.0 3,03 035.2 89. 89.3 0.0 .0 6,61 614.7 84. 84.0 0.0 .0 0.0 .0 168. 8.3 278. 8.0 0.0 .0 148. 8.8 3.0 .0 2.0 .0 12. 12.0 2012 2012 1,13 134.1 2,42 421.3 40.0 40. 47. 47.4 10,656. 6.2 514. 4.0 10. 10.0 60.0 60. 176. 6.0 60. 60.0 315. 5.0 658. 8.7 0.8 .8 5,61 618.6 0.0 .0 November 2013 15 H.A.A.
Examples les o of Educa catio ion: HSE T Trai aini ning ngs Or Orientation o on the S System o m ope perations, 2011 Me Medi dical cal W Was aste Man Manag agement Trai Training W Work orkshop, , 2012 Health, h, S Safety & & Env Environment W Webpage, 2012 2012 Lab Labora rator ory Saf y Safety Trai y Training W Work orkshop, 2013 HSE HSE Le Lect cture re Se Seri ries, A , Acade cademic Y Year ar 2013/2014 November 2013 16 H.A.A.
November 2013 17 H.A.A.
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