The The Roc ockS kSTAR AR Prog rogra ram m Touching Lives One Rocks ckstar tar At A Time Created by Keitt Stathem Lice censed nsed Professional fessional Counselor nselor EMDR R Trai aine ned
The Th e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram m Program gram Go Goals als Mission Mi ion: : To educate individuals on suicide awareness by becoming a RockSTAR in your community, school, and with family & friends. -Signs gns of suici cide de -Techni chniqu ques es of f interventio ervention -Awar aren eness ess of f the suici cide de epidemi idemic -How ow to speak eak abo bout ut suici cide de and d prev even ention ion -How ow to help AWAR ARENESS ENESS = PR PREVENTION NTION MAIN IN MESSA SAGE GE:
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram Sta tatisti tistics cs Every year, nearly ONE MILLION people complete the act of suicide worldwide 1 death every 40 s seconds conds. One attempt every 3 S SECONDS ONDS . . In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is among the top THREE leading causes of death among the ages of 15-34 (both male and female) in all countries around the world. The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2020, the rate of completed suicides will be one every 20 SECONDS. . The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2020, the rate of completed suicides will be one every 20 SECONDS.
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram Sta tatisti tistics cs In 2017, there were 47,1 ,173 73 reported suicides in the United States -129 suicides icides per r day y -1 suicide icide every ery 11 minut nutes Among young adults ages 15 to 24 years old, there are approximately 100-200 attempts for every completed suicide th leading cause of death 10 th Overall, suicide is the 10 -2nd for youth ages 15-24 There are 3.7 male deaths by suicide for every female death -Women attempt three times as much as men Re Resea earch rch also so shows ws that at around ound 80% % of att ttempte mpted d suicides icides among ong young ng peopl ple are e preceded eceded by clear lear wa warni ning ng signs gns.
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram m Histor tory y of Suici cide de Preven ventio tion 1956 – Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center opens with first suicide hotline 1968 – First National Conference on Suicidology held in Chicago, IL - American Association of Suicidology (AAS) founded 1978 – Survivors of Suicide formed 1987 – American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) founded 1994 – Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program founded 1995 – Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week becomes nationally recognized 1998 – Trevor Project Founded offering a toll-free hotline to gay teens 1999- Surgeon General’s Call to Action to prevent suicide - First National Survivors of Suicide Day 2000 - $9 million Federal grant funds national crisis line 2005 – Congress reauthorizes funding for National Suicide Prevention Resource Center 2010 - $50 million from Department of Defense to build the Military Suicide Research Consortium - National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention established
The Th e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram 5 po 5 point ints ints - S.T .T.A .A.R. .R. First st 4 points - S : STAY AY POSITI SITIVE VE - T : TALK K TO SOMEONE MEONE - A : : ASK FOR R HELP LP - R : RECOGNIZE GNIZE & RESPECT PECT When you implement all four of these points, you create a strong foundation a ROCK CK -a “Everyone Can Be A RockSTAR !”
“I WANT TO KILL MYSELF.” “I want to hurt myself.” “I don’t w ant to live anymore.” “I can’t handle life.” Ho How do w do you you th thin ink k yo you wi u will ll re reac act? t?
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram STA TAY Y POSIT ITIVE IVE Send nd a message ssage of HO HOPE Self lf-ca care re & & Co Coping ping Skil ills ls Support port Stren rengt gths hs & W Weaknes eaknesses ses Knowing g you CAN help! ! • Safety fety Plann nning ing • Validat dating ing • Humi mility ty • Positi sitive ve Aff ffirmati irmations ons
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram STA TAY Y POSIT ITIVE IVE “Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.” – Rae Smith “Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing; the last of human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to chose one’s own way.” -Viktor Frankl ACTI TIVITY VITY: : RO ROCK CKST STAR AR BAL ALL L
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram STA TAY Y POSIT ITIVE IVE
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram TA TALK TO TO SOM OMEO EONE NE Know now your our RE RESO SOURCES URCES Hotlines ines and d Warml mline ines Suici cide de Prevention evention Hotline: ine:1-80 800-273 273-82 8255 55(TALK (TALK) Cr Crisis sis Text xt Line: e: 741 741-74 741 Illinoi nois s Warm rm Line: : (866 66) ) 359 359-79 7953 53 (weekdays M - F 9 am – 5 pm) Websit bsites es/Org Organization anizations: NAMI Ameri erican can Fou oundation ndation of f Suicid cide Prev even ention ion (AFSP) FSP) The e Trev evor or Pro roject ect To Wri rite e Love ve On Her r Arms ms (TWLO WLOHA) HA) -Counselors unselors -Paren rents, , Colleague leagues, s, and/or d/or Frie iends nds -Insuranc surance Card rd SOC OCIAL AL ME MEDI DIA
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram TA TALK TO TO SOME MEONE NE Real alizing izing who to talk lk to Real alizing izing where re to look k in your r comm mmunity unity Knowing wing the e resourc ources es available ailable You u ar are e not t al alone ne ACTI TIVIT VITY: : CO COMMUNICATION MMUNICATION EXERCISE XERCISE
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram AS ASK FOR OR HEL ELP st step 1 st ep: : Kn Knowi wing ng WHE HERE E to go... nd step 2 nd ep: : Go Going ng and d AS ASKI KING NG for r help! lp! Stres ess s the importance ortance of askin king g for or help. lp. Make ke it simple ple for or them. m. It It is is OK OK to to As Ask k Fo For r He Help lp!! !!
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram AS ASK FOR OR HEL ELP
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram AS ASK FOR OR HEL ELP Unders erstand tandin ing g ourse selves lves & o others ers What t ma makes you u feel comf mfortabl ortable e receiving iving help lp Make it non-ju judgm dgmental ental ACTI TIVIT VITY: : ROCK RO CKST STAR AR SH SHOW OWCA CASE SE
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram REC ECOGNIZE GNIZE & R & RES ESPECT PECT WARN RNING SIGNS -Increased Isolation from family and friends -Alcohol or Drug Use Increases -Expression of negative self attitude -Expression of hopelessness or helplessness -Change in Regular Behavior -Loss of interest in usual activities -Giving away valued possessions -Expression of a lack of future orientation (i.e. "It won't matter soon anyway") -Expressing Suicidal Feelings -Signs of Depression -Describes a Specific Plan for Suicide -Dramatic Mood Changes -Anxiety, Agitation -Sleeping Patterns: unable to sleep or sleeping all the time
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram REC ECOGNIZE GNIZE & R & RES ESPECT PECT SAFE FETY Y PLAN AN 1. Warning Signs 2. Coping Skills 3. Who to go to and ask for help 4. How to stay safe 5. Things important & worth living for ACTI TIVIT VITY: : MINDF NDFULNE ULNESS SS
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram ROCK ROCK Cr Crea eating ng a S a STR TRONG foun undation dation Know nowin ing g all ll th the e poin ints ts and d using ing th them em Be Being ing conf onfid ident ent th that at YOU U CAN MA MAKE A DIFF FFEREN ERENCE! CE!
Th The e Ro RockSTAR ckSTAR Program ogram Shar aring ing your ur stor ory. y. “Is it benefitting them or you?” Discl closing osing the e righ ght t info format rmation on Ta Talk ab about ut EM EMOTI TIONS ACTI TIVIT VITY: : YI YING NG-YANG YANG EXERCIS ERCISE E
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram Putt tting ing It It Al All l To Together gether Th This is program gram is is: An opportunity to speak about a A TOOL sensitive and INTENSE topic Allowing individuals to be Engaging comfortable with themselves Allowing individuals to know the resources Empowering in their community CONNECTING US TOGETHER
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram Put utting ting It It All To Togeth ther er Imple lemen mentin ing g CO CONVER ERSATI TION an and ACT CTIVITY TY: A: ASK FOR HE R HELP LP S: STA TAY Y PO POSITI ITIVE VE RockSTAR Showcase Rockstar Ball How to Ask For Help – Role Play Exercises R: RECOGNI NIZE ZE AND RESPEC PECT T: TALK LK TO SOMEO MEONE NE Mindfulness Exercise Ice Breakers Talk about Emotions Communication Skills ROCK: RO K: Personal Stories Ying Yang Exercise one last ACTIVITY… LE LETT TTING ING GO GO BAL BALLO LOON ON
Th The e RockS ckSTAR TAR Progra ogram Change The World. One Person At A Time. Awareness = Prevention
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