msc in computer engineering cybersecurity and artificial

MSc in Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity and Artificial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MSc in Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Course FDE , a.a. 2019/2020, Lecture 21 Residual generation via parameter estimation methods Prof. Mauro Franceschelli Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  1. MSc in Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Course FDE , a.a. 2019/2020, Lecture 21 Residual generation via parameter estimation methods Prof. Mauro Franceschelli Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Cagliari, Italy Wednesday 27th May 2020 1 / 28

  2. Outline Introduction Parameter estimation for linear systems System order estimation 2 / 28

  3. Introduction Introduction • In the previous lectures we have discussed how to generate residual signals via state observers. • State observers are a great tool to detect and isolate additive faults, either abrupt (step-like functions) or incipient (ramp-like functions). • On the other hand, multiplicative faults, i.e., faults which affect the values of the parameters of a formal model instead of influencing directly its state variables are hard to detect via state observers. 3 / 28

  4. Introduction Introduction • In the previous lectures we have discussed how to generate residual signals via state observers. • State observers are a great tool to detect and isolate additive faults, either abrupt (step-like functions) or incipient (ramp-like functions). • On the other hand, multiplicative faults, i.e., faults which affect the values of the parameters of a formal model instead of influencing directly its state variables are hard to detect via state observers. 3 / 28

  5. Introduction Introduction • In the previous lectures we have discussed how to generate residual signals via state observers. • State observers are a great tool to detect and isolate additive faults, either abrupt (step-like functions) or incipient (ramp-like functions). • On the other hand, multiplicative faults, i.e., faults which affect the values of the parameters of a formal model instead of influencing directly its state variables are hard to detect via state observers. 3 / 28

  6. Introduction Multiplicative fault model • Consider signal f c ( k ) and let it represent a component fault in the plant/system • Signal f u ( k ) and f y ( k ) are input and output sensors faults which we do no 4 / 28

  7. Introduction Fault models The system and sensor fault model is: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ ( ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k )) + ❢ c ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) where ✉ ( k ) = ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k ) and ② ( k ) = ② ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) . • We now focus on the process/component fault and assume it is of the multiplicative kind, i.e., ❢ c ( k ) = δ A ① ( k ) where δ A is a n × n matrix. • Let us consider no sensor faults for sake of simplicity, i.e., ❢ u ( k ) = 0 and ❢ y ( k ) = 0 . 5 / 28

  8. Introduction Fault models The system and sensor fault model is: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ ( ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k )) + ❢ c ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) where ✉ ( k ) = ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k ) and ② ( k ) = ② ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) . • We now focus on the process/component fault and assume it is of the multiplicative kind, i.e., ❢ c ( k ) = δ A ① ( k ) where δ A is a n × n matrix. • Let us consider no sensor faults for sake of simplicity, i.e., ❢ u ( k ) = 0 and ❢ y ( k ) = 0 . 5 / 28

  9. Introduction Fault models The system and sensor fault model is: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ ( ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k )) + ❢ c ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) where ✉ ( k ) = ✉ ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ u ( k ) and ② ( k ) = ② ⋆ ( k ) + ❢ y ( k ) . • We now focus on the process/component fault and assume it is of the multiplicative kind, i.e., ❢ c ( k ) = δ A ① ( k ) where δ A is a n × n matrix. • Let us consider no sensor faults for sake of simplicity, i.e., ❢ u ( k ) = 0 and ❢ y ( k ) = 0 . 5 / 28

  10. Introduction Fault models Our fault model is now: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇✉ ( k ) + δ ❆① ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • Thus, a state observer would experience the fault as a change in its transient behavior, and possibly its stability properties, because now the system dynamics modeled with matrix ❆ changed to ❆ + δ ❆ . • To identify a multiplicative fault we need a way to identify the changes in the parameters of the system model while the plant/process is operating. To solve this issue we now introduce a simple method to identify the system dynamics from measurements on its input and output. 6 / 28

  11. Introduction Fault models Our fault model is now: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇✉ ( k ) + δ ❆① ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • Thus, a state observer would experience the fault as a change in its transient behavior, and possibly its stability properties, because now the system dynamics modeled with matrix ❆ changed to ❆ + δ ❆ . • To identify a multiplicative fault we need a way to identify the changes in the parameters of the system model while the plant/process is operating. To solve this issue we now introduce a simple method to identify the system dynamics from measurements on its input and output. 6 / 28

  12. Introduction Fault models Our fault model is now: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇✉ ( k ) + δ ❆① ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • Thus, a state observer would experience the fault as a change in its transient behavior, and possibly its stability properties, because now the system dynamics modeled with matrix ❆ changed to ❆ + δ ❆ . • To identify a multiplicative fault we need a way to identify the changes in the parameters of the system model while the plant/process is operating. To solve this issue we now introduce a simple method to identify the system dynamics from measurements on its input and output. 6 / 28

  13. Outline Introduction Parameter estimation for linear systems System order estimation 7 / 28

  14. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 8 / 28

  15. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 8 / 28

  16. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 8 / 28

  17. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 8 / 28

  18. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 9 / 28

  19. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 9 / 28

  20. Parameter estimation for linear systems Parameter estimation Consider the next dynamical system: ① ( k + 1) = ❆① ( k ) + ❇ u ( k ) ② ( k ) = ❈① ( k ) • We consider the single input/single output (SISO) case. • Let the output y ( k ) and input u ( k ) be the signals measured by sensors at regular sampling intervals. • We would like to estimate an equivalent model, i.e.,the coefficients of the matrices, by using only input/output data instead of the information regarding the physical structure of the system. 9 / 28

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