2020 2020 S PEL AN H IG H V OLTAG E E LECTR ICS C LEA EAN T ECH ECH C OMPET ITION ELLMAN IGH AGE ECTRONICS ETITI “ R EDUC NG I NDIVIDUA UAL I MPA MPACTS ” UCING F INAL IST C OMPET ITION S CO RING S HE ET ALIST ETITIO CORI HEET T OTAL AL S CO CORE : ______ /100 T EAM EAM N AM AME /# /#: __________________________ J UDGE ’ S S N AM AME : ____________________ T HANK JUDGE FOR THE NK YOU FOR SE SERVING NG AS S A JU 2020 2020 S PELLMAN MAN H IGH V OLTAGE E LECTRONI S C LEAN N T ECH C OMPE MPETITION . NICS Please note that point values for each category may differ, so be sure to follow the sections of the rubric carefully. Partial credit for any criteria may be given, provided it is in the form of an integral number and not higher than the highest point value listed for that category. We encourage you to make notes in the margins, blank spaces, or designated “Notes” areas as the students are presenting. T o calculate the final score, please add your scores for each category and record the sum in the “Total Score” fields at beginning and end of this document. Notes:
10 po 0 point ints 6 p point ints 4 p point ints 0 p point ints Clear, detailed description Somewhat clear description Mentions a problem and/or Zero points will be of the problem and the need of the problem is provided. cause with little detail or awarded if the D ES N OF ESCR CRIPTI PTION O for the innovation is Discusses the problem(s) support. States an issue description of the ASSIGNE AS NED provided. Addresses a with buildings, materials or that may be the result of problem(s) with P ROBLE BLEM specific problem including other related problems but problem(s) with buildings, buildings, materials or the origins of the problem may not address the causes materials or other related other related problems Judge’s Score: and the range of its effects. or impact sufficiently. problems but is not realistic or the need for or accurate. innovation is not _____ /10 _____ present. 15 po 5 point ints 8 p point ints 0 p point ints Prototype design is economically Prototype design fulfills only some of Prototype design lacks some of the feasible, realistically workable by the aforementioned criteria, or all necessary criteria or covers them P ROTO TOTYPE TYPE intended users; sufficiently addresses criteria are touched upon but not very weakly or incorrectly, or the D ES ESIGN the problem the team chose to sufficiently or completely. prototype is not powered with clean pursue, and is powered with clean energy technology. Judge’s Score: energy technology. _____ /15 _____ 15 po 5 point ints 8 p point ints 0 p point ints Prototype functions properly and Prototype functions but its Prototype does not function as safely, is relevant to the needs of the efficiency could be improved, may intended, does not address needs of the P ROTO TOTYPE TYPE intended user, and considerations not consider all the needs of its user, and could not function at all F UNC TION NCTI have been made for performance intended user, or would not under realistic conditions of use. under conditions of use. function as expected under realistic Judge’s Score: conditions of use. _____ /15 _____
15 po 5 point ints 10 po 0 point ints 5 p point ints 0 p point ints Team is well spoken, Team is organized and Presentation is just Team is not prepared presentation is organized and presentation is done well, satisfactory, and team is with materials and fails L IVE VE well thought out, all members attempt to answer unable to elaborate or to answer questions P RES ATION ESEN ENTATI appear knowledgeable about questions from judges but answer questions from from judges. all aspects of their project, lack ability to expand fully judges. Judge’s Score: and questions from judges on their ideas when are answered thoroughly. prompted. _____ /15 _____ 10 po 0 point ints 6 p point ints 4 p point ints 0 p point ints Supportive materials (which Supportive materials are Some supportive materials No supportive may include charts, used and are accurate, but are used, but may be materials (charts, S UPPO UPPORTI RTING NG diagrams, tables, graphs, lack significant unclear, inaccurate, or do diagrams, tables, P RES ESEN ENTATI ATION N slideshow, etc.) are presented contribution to the not help to enhance graphs, slideshow, etc.) D ATA ATA professionally and in such as enhancement of presentation. are used to enhance a way as to enhance understanding. presentation. Judge’s Score: understanding of the team’s research and design process, _____ /10 _____ and function of their innovation.
10 po 0 point ints 5 p point ints 0 point ints Originality of design is apparent or Project may have some original aspects Project is not an original idea, or explained by the team, or clearly but they are not clearly defined, or does not improve on an existing O RI TY RIGINA NALI LITY original and significant improvements original improvements on an existing idea in original ways. are made on an existing idea. design are not significant. Judge’s Score: _____ /10 _____ 5 p point ints 2 p point ints 0 p point ints References are made in presentation Some references are made but are No references are provided in any and/or a separate reference sheet is incomplete or unclear. format. R EFER ES FEREN ENCES provided which includes references for research on the problem and references Judge’s Score: used in development and/or documentation of the original idea are _____ /5 _____ provided. 10 po 0 point ints 6 p point ints 4 p point ints 0 p point ints Team gives clear indication of Team gives clear indication Team attempts to Team does not address how successfully the of how successfully the address success of the success of their R ESULTS ULTS A AND ND innovation performs its innovation performs innovation but results innovation and fails to C ONC LUSION NCLU function, including thorough including some data, and is appear flawed or the address future plans or data from experimentation. mostly accurate. Attempts to team’s ideas for future improvements. Judge’s Score: Offers suggestions for offer suggestions for widespread improvements or the next improvements or implementation are _____ /10 _____ step towards widespread use. preliminary plans for the unrealistic. future.
ints * These points cannot be awarded until all teams have presented. 0 0 – 10 po 0 point What makes this project stand out above others? J UDGE ’ S S D ISCR ETION Notes: CRETI Judge’s Score: _____ /10 _____
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