mental health and pbis regional collaboration and

Mental Health and PBIS: Regional Collaboration and Capacity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mental Health and PBIS: Regional Collaboration and Capacity Building Susan Barrett & Kelcey Schmitz Panel Members: Katie Bubak-Azevedo Kurt Hatch Aaron Lyon Justyn Poulos Jessica Swain-Bradway 17th International Conference on

  1. Mental Health and PBIS: Regional Collaboration and Capacity Building Susan Barrett & Kelcey Schmitz Panel Members: Katie Bubak-Azevedo Kurt Hatch Aaron Lyon Justyn Poulos Jessica Swain-Bradway 17th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support Miami, Florida March 11-14, 2020

  2. Objectives: • Describe the logic of utilizing the PBIS framework to screen, identify, and provide impactful mental health interventions in the school environment. • Learn about examples of regional leveraging of state and federal funding to integrate mental health and PBIS implementation activities. • Understand the types of community, state, and federal groups with whom the panelists have collaborated to build comprehensive resources. • Identify 1-3 potential action steps to overcoming challenges in integrating mental health into the PBIS Framework.

  3. Susan Barrett Kelcey Schmitz Jessica Swain-Bradway Center for Social Northwest MHTTC Northwest PBIS Network Behavior Supports University of Washington SMART Center Aaron Lyon Justyn Poulos Kurt Hatch Katie Bubak-Azevedo University of Washington Office of Superintendent Association of Washington Idaho Positive Behavior Network SMART Center of Public Instruction School Principals Boise State University

  4. Alignment: Defined • Alignment: – “To be in precise adjustment or correct relative position” – “The proper positioning of parts in relation to each other. • Organizational Alignment – The simultaneous implementation of multiple initiatives with efficiency and effectiveness. 4

  5. Can you help make it happen? • When and How is Alignment Happening? – Is there a conscious effort or defined process? – What is the level within the organization ? • State, District, School • Student Services, Special Education, Equity, School Improvement, Equity, • Community Partners?

  6. Where is the alignment happening? Co-Sponsored PD Events Co-Branded resources Policy State Funding Single Set of Teams Regional or School Improvement County Special Ed, Gen Ed, Community, District Team School District Student, Family Leadership Team School PBIS and SEL Classroom Teaching Rules, Routines alongside calming strategy

  7. Celebration Critical Mass Reached • Social Emotional Behavioral Academic merging together under the umbrella of MTSS – Implementation Science • Attention to/ Need For… – Mental Health, Wellness, Whole Child

  8. Opportunity • Researchers, practitioners, leaders see the value and are of using the framework logic to guide efforts – Restorative Practices – Trauma Informed – Literacy – Math – Mental Health – Social Emotional Learning

  9. Worry • From initiative overload to framework overload • Popularity breeds fragmentation • New efforts working in the same system will yield modest impact at best. • Exhausted Workforce

  10. Tip #1: When navigating integration stick to the core features. • Effective leadership teams that include school and community mental health providers • Data -based decision making • Formal processes for the selection & implementation of evidence-based practices (EBP) across tiers with team decision-making • Early access through use of comprehensive screening • Rigorous progress-monitoring for both fidelity & effectiveness of all interventions • Ongoing coaching at both the systems & practices level for both school and community employed professionals

  11. Worry • From initiative overload to framework overload • Exhausted Workforce • “Frameworks” working in the same siloded system will continue to have a splintering effect and yield modest impact at best.

  12. Applying MTSS or “Framework Logic” independently is NOT integration – Re sto ra tive Pra c tic e s – T ra uma I nfo rme d – L ite ra c y – Ma th – Me nta l He a lth – So c ia l E mo tio na l L e a rning – Bully Pre ve ntio n – Sa fe ty – Clima te To what extent do each have their own team, data system, fidelity tool, training event/conference, budget line and staffing? We are MTSS savvy but still working in silos.

  13. Tip #2: Invest in a Single System of Delivery • Multi-disciplinary leadership teams – Authority to navigate budgets, policy, oversight – School improvement, equity, leadership, families, students, community, student services, special education, curriculum and instruction, HR, IT, LMNOP • Invest in ONE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT FRAMEWORK AND…..

  14. Make the MTSS Core Features Your Guiding Principles • ship te ams tha t inc lude sc ho o l a nd c o mmunity me nta l E ffe c tive le ade r he a lth pro vide rs – AL L Pro fe ssio na l De ve lo pme nt is de live re d to te a ms with le a de rship suppo rt c o a c hing suppo rt a nd da ta • Data -b a se d de c isio n ma king tha t inc lude sc ho o l le ve l da ta a nd c o mmunity da ta - T e a m I nitia te d Pro b le m So lving (T I PS) use d a c ro ss a ll le ve ls o f te a ming (Sta te , Distric t/ Co mmunity a nd Sc ho o l) • F o rma l pro c e sse s fo r the se le c tio n & imple me nta tio n o f e vide nc e - ac tic e s (E BP) a c ro ss tie rs with te a m de c isio n-ma king . Sta te base d pr a nd Distric t Co mmunity inve sts in fo rma l ro utine a nd a s a te a m de te rmine the “wha t” b a se d o n c hildre n, yo uth, fa milie s’ spe c ific ne e ds • ly ac c e ss thro ug h use o f c o mpre he nsive sc re e ning , (So c ia l, E ar e mo tio na l, b e ha vio ra l, a c a de mic ) • Rig o ro us pr ing fo r b o th fide lity & e ffe c tive ne ss o f a ll ogr e ss- monitor inte rve ntio ns re g a rdle ss o f who de live rs • Ong o ing c oac hing a t b o th the syste ms & pra c tic e s le ve l fo r b o th sc ho o l a nd c o mmunity e mplo ye d pro fe ssio na ls- Culture o f Co a c hing tha t invo lve s pro fe ssio na l le a rning ne two rks- PRACT I CE a nd F E E DBACK

  15. Alignment of PBIS & Mental Health • Moving from a co-located school mental health model to an integrated model where all S/E/B interventions are designed, delivered, and monitored through one set of teams at each school. • Community and school-based clinicians actively participate with other school staff in multi-tiered teams, reviewing data and ensuring effective system structures at the school level.

  16. The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) • Deliberate application of the multi-tiered PBIS Framework for all social-emotional-behavioral (SEB) interventions (e.g. Mental Health, Social Emotional Instruction, Trauma-Informed Practices, Bully Prevention, etc.) • Aligning all SEB related initiatives through one system at the state/regional, district and school level • Active participation of Family and Youth is a central feature of the ISF

  17. ISF • Moving from a co-located school mental health model to an integrated model where all S/E/B interventions are designed, delivered, and monitored through one set of teams at each school. • Community and school-based clinicians actively participate with other school staff in multi-tiered teams, reviewing data and ensuring effective system structures at the school level.

  18. ISF • A structure and process that maximizes effectiveness and efficiency by blending the strengths of school and community mental health with the strengths of the multi-tiered framework of PBIS. • The investment in integrating into one interconnected system of mental health and PBIS, including related S/E/B efforts, is organized and directed from the District/Community level with coaching support

  19. 1. Single System of Delivery One Se t o f T e a ms 4. 2. Key MTSS Messages Access is essential to NOT enough install SMH Suc c e ss de fine d 3. b y Outc o me s Mental Health is for ALL

  20. Coordinate and lead alignment process with an executive level team Cabinet Level : implementation science experience and provides authority to leadership for alignment Implementers : Leadership Team: Charged people with knowledge of the with alignment installing process initiatives direct experience with for alignment implementation of core features and practices

  21. • Executive Functions: Provide the funding, visibility, and political support needed to allow school teams to travel through the full sequence of adoption stages. Adopting an integrated framework is process that will challenge the assumptions and traditional practices District of most school faculty, and mental health systems. Community Leadership • Implementation Functions: Provide the Team training, coaching and feedback systems needed to establish personnel with both the specific technical skills needed to deliver integration and the organizational vision to deliver those skills within a unified framework.

  22. Who should be on the team ? Academic MTSS Director School Improvement Special Education Director, Professional Development/Teacher Mentoring Local MH provider/Core Service Age Board Member Family Youth Community Leaders District Community Leadership Team Law Enforcement Implementation Team Juvenile Services Coordinator Youth Move Social Services Afterschool Student Supports Director Administrative and Teacher Dept of Recreation Services Representative (Union)


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