Mechanical Engineering Master at 11.09.2020
Tab able de des mat matières Master degree @EPFL A. Orientations/specializations B. Where to find SGM information ? C. Specific information : specializations, minor, Project et SHS D. Professors and laboratories E. 2 11.09.2020
A. M Maste ter r degre ree @EP @EPFL Co Contac act : : Apprentice Secretary Director Deputy Mme Anne Legrand Pr. François Gallaire Dr Alain Prenleloup M. Colin Leder 3 11.09.2020
A. M Maste ter r degre ree @EP @EPFL Stati tisti stic : : stu students - teach cher ers Students Staff Faculty 800 60 Lecturers (in&ext) BA MA 700 50 600 Number of student Numbre of teaching staff 40 500 400 30 300 20 200 10 100 0 0 4 11.09.2020
A. M . Maste ter degre ree @EP @EPFL Bachelor: 180 ECTS 2 nd and 3 rd years 1 st year Master : 120 ECTS + Indu dust strial al i internship 4 th et 5 th years European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System : 1 ECTS = 30 work hours (60 ECTS per year x 30 work hours / 45 work weeks = 40 hours by weeks) 5 11.09.2020
A. M Maste ter r degre ree @EP @EPFL MSc curriculum ( MS (120 EC 120 ECTS TS) « GROUPE » Elect ctives es i in Mechan anical cal Engineer eering Specialization : ≥ 30 ECTS ≥ 44 ECTS (Excel form on « GROUPE » Other er e elect ctives ves / / Minor ≥ 30 ECTS 1 Semester Project in Mechanical Engineering 10 ECTS « BLOC » SHS Course + Project 6 ECTS Internship and Master Project in Mechanical Engineering 30 ECTS 6 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Fluid mechanics Mechanics of solids and srtuctures Control and mechatronic Energy and thermal science Design and manufacturing Biomechanics 7 11.09.2020
B. F Filière res e s et spécialisat ialisations ions 6 Filiè ilières e et s spé pécialis isations Mécanique des fluides Mécanique des solides et des structures Contrôle et mécatronique Drainage of gaseous and liquid fluids Control: design of control Transport systems to ensure stability and Non-Newtonian fluid Aerospace performance Multi-phase flow Power generation Mechatronics: Fluid-structure interaction Sports Technology electromechanical integration of controlled systems Energy Biomedical applications Bioengineering application Materials Technology Transport Design method Science thermique et énergie Conception et production Biomécanique Building and industry Design process Applied: design of orthopedic or Transport Modeling cardiovascular implants Electricity generation Experimental Setup Fundamental: correlation Renewable Energy Design optimization between biological response and predictive Etc. Product Manufacturing simulations 8 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Control and mechatronic Dr Alireza Karimi 9 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Biomechanics Pr. Salman Sakar 10 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Mechanics of solids and sutrctures Pr. Guillermo Villanueva 11 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Design and manufacturing Pr. Jürg Schiffmann 12 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Energy and thermal science Pr. Sophia Haussener 13 11.09.2020
B. Or Orient ientatio ions ns/spec ecia ializ lizatio ions ns Fluid mechanics Pr. Tobias Schneider 14 11.09.2020
C. . Wh Wher ere e to f find ind SG SGM M inf informatio ion? IGM GM gener eral al webpage ge : : https://s //sti.e i.epfl.c /fr/recherche/ins /instit ituts/igm igm/ sgm@epfl.c 15 11.09.2020
C. . Wh Wher ere e to f find ind SG SGM M inf informatio ion? Orient ntatio ion : n : https:// //sti.e i.epfl.c /fr/r /recherche/ins /instit ituts/igm igm/ […] en enseig eignem ement/master-en en-genie ie-mecaniq ique/fil filie ieres-sgm gm/ 16 11.09.2020
C. . Wh Wher ere e to f find ind SG SGM M inf informatio ion? Usefu full ll docu cuments : : https://s //sti.e i.epfl.c /fr/recherche/ins /instit ituts/igm igm/ […] enseign gnement/ t/docum uments-utile iles-memsc sc/ 17 11.09.2020
Concentration: not mandatory! Concentration advisor’s signature: needed only if you do a concentration 44+ ECTS From the list on the 2 nd sheet + 2 Bachelor courses (to be approved by Section Director) 16 ECTS Semester project + SHS 30+ ECTS Minor or any courses including those from the list on the 2 nd sheet Becomes green if your plan complies with the rules Suggested workload 25-35 ECTS / semester 11.09.2020
Already proposed by IS-Academia in the Groupe « Options » To be looked up and placed in the Groupe « Options » 11.09.2020
C. . Wh Wher ere e to f find ind SG SGM M inf informatio ion? What at ar are t the learning ning prereq equisites es ? 20 11.09.2020
D. D. Sp Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion How to c choose oose a and r regist ster f for course ses s ? Create your study plan for the 3 semesters (Excel form) 1. If you do a specialization : submit it for approval to the concentration advisor and then to SGM 2. secretariat A course can count once either in a Minor on in Groupe « options » 3. Register for courses in IS-Academia (mandatory) before September 25 th (covid – extension) 4. Announce all major modification (ex : minor surrender) of your study plan to our secretariat (update 5. and submit your form) Exam withdraw until the 10 th week’s semester, except for semester courses (November 20) 6. 2 Bachelor courses may eventually be accepted with the section’s Director prior agreement 7. 21 11.09.2020
D. Sp D. Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion How to c choose oose a and r regist ster f for course ses s ? General exam withdrawal deadline for 2020-21 Winter Session: 20 November 2020 It is not possible to withdraw after 25 th September from the semester courses listed here: ME-401 Projet Génie mécanique I (semester project) ME-402 Projet Génie mécanique II (semester project) ME-524 Advanced control systems ME-403 Applied mechanical design ME-412 Experimental methods inengineering mechanics ME-410 Mechanical product design and development ME-476 Particle-based methods ME-499 Simulation and optimisation of industrial applications ME-421 System identification ME-446 Two-phase flows and heat transfer 22 11.09.2020
D. Sp D. Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion How to c choose oose a and r regist ster f for course ses s ? Art rt. 12 12 - Choix ix de des s bran anches (5) L L’é ’étudian ant est st r resp sponsab sable de de l la a confo formité au au r règlement du du c choix x de des b s bran anches Art. . 12 al al. 5 . 5 ( (english sh) It is s the st stude dent’s r s resp sponsi sibility to hav ave a a st study dy p plan lan that at complies s wi with th the s e sec ection rules les 23 11.09.2020
D. D. Sp Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion Minor ors : : subsc scripti tion on befor or the he e end d of t the he firs rst seme mester Recommended Minors Energy Area and cultural studies Management of technology and entrepreneurship Computational science and engineering Materials science and engineering Biomedical technologies Spatial technologies Any other EPFL Minor is accepted 24 11.09.2020
D. D. Sp Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion Minors rs Registration deadline End of the first semester Better at the beginning of the semester Procedure Select the minor in IS-Academia Contact the Minor advisor Fill-in the registration form (copy to SGM) Register for courses in IS-Academia Withdrawal from a Minor: contact SGM to convert part of the Minor’s ECTS to electives 25 11.09.2020
D. Sp D. Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion Speci cial alizat ation Specialization is elective Domain consolidation 30 ECTS with variable fundamental base courses EPFL rule under modification : minor vs specialization!!! 30 credits fundamental base courses : A Mécanique des fluides : 16 B Automatique et systèmes : 9 C Conception et Production : 17 D Sciences thermiques : 15 E Mécanique des solides et des structures : 17 F Biomécanique : 8 26 11.09.2020
D. Sp D. Spec ecif ific inf informatio ion Semes ester er P Project ects Semester projects in Mechanical Engineering Projects I: mandatory (10 ECTS) Project II: elective (10 ECTS) Registration procedure Find a project (Lab websites, contact an SGM teacher) Register for the project in IS-Academia and print the registration form Get the form signed by the SGM teacher in charge of the project Submit the signed form to SGM 27 11.09.2020
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