markup why how

Markup - Why? How? Espen S. Ore University of Oslo What is markup? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Markup - Why? How? Espen S. Ore University of Oslo What is markup? (My working definition/description) Markup is what is done so that a part of a document (a text, an image, a sound file etc.) can be identified, pointed at, and some

  1. Markup - Why? How? Espen S. Ore University of Oslo

  2. What is markup? (My working definition/description) Markup is what is done so that a part of a document (a text, an image, a sound file etc.) can be identified, pointed at, and some information or data can be linked with the selected data. Text and markup are not clearly separate animals. Word separators are just as much markup as they are text. ESO - Köln 2012 2

  3. Pylos Ta641 markup with pictograms ESO - Köln 2012 3

  4. The Rök stone - phonetic script "raiþiaurikR" = "raiþ þiaurikR" ESO - Köln 2012 4

  5. Rök - cryptic script ESO - Köln 2012 5

  6. The hidden text - standoff lookup? = 3/5 3/2 (clockwise) = R U FUThORK ᚠᚢᚦᛆᚱᚴ HNIAS ᚼᚿᛁᛆᛌ TBMLY ᛐᛒᛘᛚᛦ ESO - Köln 2012 6

  7. Classical (or Hellenistic) markup Zendodotus and Aristarchos (3rd/2nd centuries BCE) used ● special symbols as flags or tags in the texts of Homer. Separate books held comments on the marked text lines. This standoff markup was brought closer to the text as scholia ● in medieval MSS Some of this information today appears both in apparatus ● entries – and in modern editions of scholia ESO - Köln 2012 7

  8. Dialect collection 1746 - 85, modern edition ESO - Köln 2012 8

  9. Letter from Ibsen to Gustaf af Geijerstam, Nov. 1898 ESO - Köln 2012 9

  10. The Ibsen letter on the web ESO - Köln 2012 10

  11. The letter with markup <div type="letter"><pb n="[1]"/> <dateline> Kristiania, den <date>4.<HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" xml:id="noteT15_876" target="B1890-1905ht_noter.xml" corresp="noteT15_876">11</HIS:hisRef>.98</date>. </dateline> <salute>Kære ven!</salute> <p> Jeg beder Dem have så hjertelig tak for alt, hvad De i den senere tid har sendt mig, både for <anchor type="lemma" xml:id="koB15_2941"/> Deres breve, som jeg har så svært for at <anchor type="lemma" xml:id="koB15_2942"/> udtyde, og nu senest for <anchor type="lemma" xml:id="koB15_2943"/> den nye bog af <HIS:hisRef type="person" target="Navneregister_HISe.xml#peASt">Strindberg</HIS:hisRef>. <anchor type="lemma" xml:id="koB15_2944"/> Bring ham min varmeste og oprigtigste taksigelse derfor og sig ham at han har beredt mig en i sandhed stor og overraskende glæde ved dette <HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" xml:id="noteT15_877" target="B1890-1905ht_noter.xml" corresp="noteT15_877">vidnesbyrd</HIS:hisRef> om at han i venlighed har tænkt på mig. Som De véd har jeg <anchor type="lemma" xml:id="koB15_2945"/>hans <HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" xml:id="noteT15_878" target="B1890-1905ht_noter.xml" corresp="noteT15_878">billede</HIS:hisRef> <pb n="[2]"/> ... </p> </div> ESO - Köln 2012 11

  12. From the notes-file for the letter <note resp="editor" xml:id="noteT15_878"> <HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" target="B1890-1905ht.xml" corresp="noteT15_878">billede</HIS:hisRef>] <hi rend="italic">HIS,</hi> billde </note> ESO - Köln 2012 12

  13. An Ms for A Doll's House ESO - Köln 2012 13

  14. A Doll's House on the web ESO - Köln 2012 14

  15. A Doll's House in XML <HIS:hisSp who="HELMER"> <HIS:spOpener><speaker>H.</speaker></HIS:spOpener> <lb/> <p> Du har ret; dette har rystet os begge. Der er kommet uskøn<gap reason="binding"/><lb/> hed ind imellem os, tanker om død og opløsning – Dette må<lb/> <sic>i</sic> søge frigørelse for; <HIS:hisAdd place="infralinear">Indtil da –.</HIS:hisAdd> <app type="alteration"> <lem> <HIS:hisAdd place="offline">Vi</HIS:hisAdd> </lem> <HIS:hisRdg> <HIS:hisDel rend="overstrike">nu</HIS:hisDel> </HIS:hisRdg> </app> vil <HIS:hisDel rend="overstrike">vi</HIS:hisDel> gå hver til sit. </p> </HIS:hisSp> ESO - Köln 2012 15

  16. Peer Gynt - where and when ESO - Köln 2012 16

  17. Peer Gynt on the web ESO - Köln 2012 17

  18. Peer Gynt in XML <set> <p> Handlingen, der begynder i <app type="alteration"><lem> <HIS:hisAdd place="offline"> <unclear reason="writing">Førstningen</unclear> af dette Aar<unclear reason="writing">hundrede</unclear> </HIS:hisAdd></lem> <HIS:hisRdg> <HIS:hisDel rend="overstrike">forrige og slutter i dett</HIS:hisDel>e </HIS:hisRdg> </app> <lb/> <app type="alteration"> <lem><HIS:hisAdd place="offline">og slutter henimod vore Dage,</HIS:hisAdd></lem> <HIS:hisRdg><HIS:hisDel rend="overstrike">Aarhundrede,</HIS:hisDel></HIS:hisRdg> </app> foregaar i Gudbrandsdalen, paa Højfjel-<lb/> dene, paa Kysten af Afrika, i Ørkenen Sahara, i Daa-<lb/> rekisten i Cairo, paa Havet o. s. v. o. s. v. – </p> </set> ESO - Köln 2012 18

  19. The reason behind the Ibsen encoding Endringene er gjengitt så diplomatarisk som mulig, slik at tilføyelser er plassert der de er foretatt, for eksempel over linjen, og markert med innføyningstegn. Strykninger er markert med gjennomstrekning, .... (The changes are reproduced in a diplomatic way as possible, placing additional material where the additions were done, for instance over the text line and marking the additions with special symbols. Text deleted is marked with overstrike, ...) - but of course: there are overlapping hierarchies ESO - Köln 2012 19

  20. Inline or standoff? Back to the Ibsen letter: <HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" xml:id="noteT15_878" target="B1890- 1905ht_noter.xml" corresp="noteT15_878">billede</HIS:hisRef> in the letter, and <note resp="editor" xml:id="noteT15_878"><HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" target="B1890-1905ht.xml" corresp="noteT15_878">billede</HIS:hisRef>] <hi rend="italic">HIS,</hi> billde</note> in the note file. ESO - Köln 2012 20

  21. Linking without anchors <HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" target="B1890-1905ht_noter.xml" corresp=" byte count ">billede</HIS:hisRef> in the letter, and <note resp="editor"><HIS:hisRef type="tcNote" target="B1890-1905ht.xml" corresp=" byte count ">billede</HIS:hisRef>] <hi rend="italic">HIS,</hi> billde</note> in the note file. ESO - Köln 2012 21

  22. Standing completely off billede in the letter, <note resp="editor">billede <hi rend="italic">HIS,</hi> billde</note> in the note file, and this for instance in a record in a database: Note-id T-from T-to N-from N-to Textfile N-file B1890- B1890- <b-count> <b-count> T15_878 <b-count> 1905ht_note <b-count> 1905ht.xml r.xml ESO - Köln 2012 22

  23. Standoff encoding? Plus: ● Makes overlapping hierarchies easier (which in itself opens up for many – possibilities) Minus: ● Not many off-the-shelf tools available – No standard for data interchange – Possible solution: ● Standoff use inside the project – or a combination of inline and standoff – encoding Project the data into a suitable hierarchy for XML (TEI) export – ESO - Köln 2012 23

  24. What are text and markup really? There is not one single formal model for either text or markup. ● Belief in a single model tries to make the Humanities into natural science. The humanities can use models of text and markup for certain ● uses, for certain purposes. The choice of markup type (inline, standoff or a mixture) is a ● matter of convenience ESO - Köln 2012 24


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