WELCOME Lima Primary School Tammy Pulver Lima librarian and SIT member
Engage, Challenge, Motivate …….. Empower as Learners!
Highlights: READING Amy Ward Lima reading and SIT member
Goals Report: Current Goals Tweaks Goal # 1: Consistency in delivery of reading instruction By December 2016, every among classrooms classroom teacher will move from a Focused mini-lessons with explicit teaching: "This is what good readers do." guided reading model to a reading Extended time where students are reading workshop model. independently * Increased opportunities for students to choose their own books Goal # 2: By September 2016 we will create Led us to... 90 minute MORNING blocks of A building filled with highly engaged, uninterrupted time for learning in all voracious readers 14 classrooms. (research based Reading is their passion and it shows! high intensity learning time)
Guided Reading Assessment (GRA) GRA Mastery Bench Below K 2015-16 73% 99% 1% 2014-15 51% 91% 9% 2013-14 48% 89% 11% 2012-13 47% 86% 14% 2011-12 33% 89% 11% 2010-11 44% 93% 7%
Guided Reading Assessment (GRA) GRA Mastery Bench Below Grade 1 2015-16 69% 94% 6% 2014-15 74% 91% 9% 2013-14 74% 93% 7% 2012-13 55% 86% 14% 2011-12 50% 88% 12% 2010-11 62% 88% 12%
Highlights: STEAM and Maker Faire Kati Tobin Grade 1 and SIT member Brittney Goodyear PTA co-chair and SIT member
Highlights: STEAM and Maker Faire
Highlights: STEAM and Maker Faire
Highlights: Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom Future!
Highlights: Technology Annie Sturrup New grade 1 teacher 147 iPads 8 Recordex Boards
Highlights: Technology in Action Beth Marshall Grade 1 teacher and SIT chair Milo Kittleson, Grade 1 Hudson Reed, Grade 1 Mike Shannon, parent
Highlights: School Counselor Keturah Reedhead School counselor Zones of Regulation
Highlights: Sensory Work Sarah Ayers Occupational Therapist at Lima and Middle School
Gaps What are our needs for 2017-18? Staff Input Trends
Gaps: Technology Tammy Pulver Highlight but…….
Gaps: Fine Motor Savannah Buschang New kindergarten teacher Fine motor need observed
Gaps: Fine Motor Sarah Ayers UPK- grade 1 needs Research National trend
GOALS 2017-18 1: Technology 2: Fine Motor Throughout the 17-18 school year we will increase teacher OT/PT During the 2017-18 school-year we coaching, classroom OT/PT will increase the number of consultations, Tier 1 RtI Recordex boards in Lima rooms brainstorming, strategy and provide one ipad cart available to kindergarten classrooms. implementation and the purchase of additional resources to support UPK, Kindergarten and grade 1 fine motor practice and skills.
How will we know? Progress Monitoring: *Stay the course with STEAM, reading workshop, outdoor experiences, rigor and relevance. *Continue to monitor sensory and fine motor needs/deficits. *Slowly build technology skills and hardware to maximize learning, engagement, rigor and relevance.
Lima Primary Lima’s focus is on achievement, engagement, pride, and safety. Lima’s journey is encouraging the empowerment of our students while breaking down of barriers that impede their learning. We will continue to course with who we are and our focus areas!
Full STEAM Ahead Wrap up
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