Learning Provider Regional Service Review Forums 2019 FE Account Managers, Partner Services
Agenda • Statistics & Application Trends • Learning Provider Portal Enhancements • GDPR Update • Service Standards Expectations & Compliance Growth Requests – PMP 2 • • Data Returns and Learning Provider Portal • Incorrect Learning Aim Start / End Dates • SLC Engagement • AOB and Questions
Statistics & Application Trends
Statistical Review of AY 17/18
Age AY 17/18 Gender AY 17/18 Statistical Review 5% 19-23 23% 15% 30% 24-30 Applications by Academic Year Female 31-40 Male 41-50 29% 70% 28% 50+ Total Loan Number of Amount Academic Year Approved Awarded Applications (£000s) UK Status AY 17/18 2014/15 56,870 148,800 2015/16 71,190 195,200 82,290 236,200 17% 2016/17 2017/18 71,460 208,000 UK Non-UK 83%
Statistical Review % Applications by Learning Provider Type AY 17/18 Application Coverage 25% 27% North Private Sector Central South & West South East 23% 25% Colleges / Public Funded 0 20 40 60 80
Statistical Review Applications by Provision Type AY 17/18 % Approved Applications AY 17/18 Percentage of approved Other (remainimg 7 categories) Qualification applications Arts, Media,Publishing Construction, Planning, Built A Level 0.5% Environment QAA Access to HE 22% Education, Training Level 3 Certificate 8% Lesiure, Travel, Tourism Level 3 Diploma 57% Business, Administration, Law Level 3 Vocational 6% Retail, Commercial Enterprise Level 4+ Certificate 1% Health, Public Services, Care Level 4+ Diploma 4% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Level 4+ Vocational 1.5%
Statistical Review To be eligible for a “QAA Access to HE Diploma” loan(s) write off, a learner must: • Have taken out an Advanced Learner Loan for a “QAA Access to QAA Access to HE Diploma Write Off HE Diploma” course that they have completed No. FE £M Written AY Started Providers • Not have any outstanding loan accounts with arrears or charges Off FE Course Learners (once the arrears are cleared, the student can be made eligible) Attended 2.8 AY13/14 192 • Be eligible to apply for Tuition Fee support towards an SFE funded 7.9 AY14/15 240 course of Higher Education on the first day of the first Academic Year of their HE course 960K AY15/16 90 220K AY16/17 34 • Have completed an HE qualification that was eligible for SFE funding NB: A learner is only entitled to one Advanced Learner Loan for an Access to HE Diploma. Eligibility determined via attendance confirmation.
Application Processing AY 18/19
Application Processing AY 18/19 applications received each month 30000 25000 Applications by Month 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec No of Applications 5019 7808 11410 15992 24029 25544 12180 7292 5404 % Online 81.7 86.7 89.6 93.2 94.7 93.7 90 87.7 87.3
Application Processing Actions Application Trends Year-on-Year Comparison of Application Data • Applications down by circa 1,500 (3%) from AY 17/18 to AY 18/19 17/18 Approved applications as at 22.11.2017 18/19 Approved applications as at 22.11.2018 49,237 47,698 Down by 3% in AY 18/19 1,539 applications
Application Processing Actions Application Trends Possible contributing factors: An increase in Education Health Care Plans, essentially an extension to school type funding in cases where health has contributed to the learner requiring longer to complete Growth requests rejected / delayed Career Learning Pilot project, also impacting with take-up in Sept at circa £75k worth of payments (circa 40 learning aims)
Application Processing Application Trends Top 10 Most Popular Learning Aims 18/19: Learning Aim 2018/19 Comparison 2017/18 Advanced Diploma in Accounting - Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting - Level 3 Diploma in Fitness Instructing and Personal Training Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator) (QCF) Diploma in Make-Up Artistry (QCF) Diploma in Adult Care Diploma in Fitness Instructing and Personal Training (QCF) Diploma in Nail Technology (QCF) Professional Diploma in Accounting - Level 4 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning 14
Learning Provider Portal Enhancements
Actions Enhancements 2018 What’s Changed This Year? • Payment Instalment Report • Positive and Negative Columns added to Remittance Report • View Contract End Date and History in profile screen • Fee Charged CoC speed bump • Message added to alert users that there are learners on the CoC work lists who require action
Actions Enhancements 2018 What’s Changed This Year? • Fine tuning to the learner search functionality to improve performance • Warning message when administering a CoC subsequent to withdrawal CoC • PIR - Hyperlink to a pop up that lists learners and amounts paid against the year to date total • Application ID, Suspended/Withdrawal Date and Approved Date columns added to CSV exports
Actions Future Enhancements 2019 and Beyond • What would you like to see? • How could your experience of the Portal be enhanced?
GDPR Update
GDPR Update Service & GDPR Agreements • Agreements issued to all primary and secondary contacts registered on the Learning Provider Portal • It is important that these are returned as a matter of urgency in order for Learning Providers to retain their access rights to the Learning Provider Portal. • Please ensure that your Learning Provider has signed and returned our agreements to Partner_Services_GDPR_Mailbox@slc.co.uk. 20
Service Standards Expectation & Compliance
Service Standards Process Submission Accuracy Elapse Time to Complete ULNs to be entered within 6 weeks of learning aim start date Unique Learning Numbers 99% Where an application is received >4 weeks after learning aim start date, the ULN must be entered within 2 weeks of the application received date 100% accuracy for approved Verification of Study Programme & Notification No timescale proposed. It is a condition of Attendance Confirmation that details applications before attendance of Changes are correct confirmation Learner attendance confirmations to be entered within 6 weeks of the learning aim start date if the application is approved Initial Attendance Confirmation 99% Where an application is approved >4 weeks after the learning aim start date, the attendance confirmation must be provided within 2 weeks of the approval date 85% Learner attendance confirmations to be provided by payment drawdown date AND 99% Learner attendance confirmations to be provided within 60 days of payment drawdown date Subsequent Attendance Confirmations 99% The payment drawdown date is the Thursday prior to the payment date (which is the 3 rd Wednesday in the month) 99% 60% of withdrawal CoCs submitted within 60 days of notification Withdrawals AND 99% of withdrawal CoCs submitted within 90 days of notification 60% of suspension CoCs submitted within 60 days of notification AND Suspensions 99% 99% of suspension CoCs submitted within 90 days of notification
Service Standards ULNs entered 6 weeks after course start date (standard applications), or 2 weeks after application received date where course has been started for more than 4 weeks (late applications) N/A (Prior to 2 or Total (Excluding Pass Fail % Pass 6 weeks) N/A) October '18 36,052 1,544 3,898 37,596 95.89% November '18 44,494 1,635 1.390 46,129 96.46% December '18 48,740 1,085 1,231 49,825 97.82%
Service Standards ULNs entered 6 weeks after course start date (standard applications), or 2 weeks after application received date where course has been started for more than 4 weeks (late applications) ULN Results N/A (Prior Total South East Pass Fail to 2 or 6 (Excluding % Pass weeks) N/A) South & West Central North 14,377 363 205 14,740 97.54% North Central 12,740 183 282 12,923 98.58% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% South & 11,047 123 241 11,170 98.90% West South & North Central South East West South East 10,576 416 503 10,992 96.22% ULN Results 97.54% 98.58% 98.90% 96.22%
Service Standards AY 18/19 Attendance Confirmation Monthly % Pass Rate Attendance Total Fail N/A (Prior to 2 Percentage Pass excluding or 6 weeks) Pass Nov-18 N/A Q2 - Month 1 – Oct-18 November 2018 36,786 6,031 2,142 42,817 85.91% Percentage Q1 - Month 3 - 21,717 634 16,891 22,351 97.16% Sep-18 October 2018 Q1 - Month 2 - 1,433 436 23,559 1,869 76.67% Aug-18 September 2018 Q1 - Month 1 - 0 0 1,099 0 0.00% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% August 2018
Service Standards Service Standards 2 - NOV 18/19 Attendance Confirmation Monthly % Pass Rate Attendance 90.00% 89.00% N/A (Prior Total Percentag Pass Fail to 2 or 6 excluding 88.00% e Pass weeks) N/A 87.00% 86.00% 85.00% North 10,830 2,051 510 12,881 84.08% 84.00% Percentage Pass 83.00% Central 9,970 1,329 420 11,299 88.24% 82.00% 81.00% South & 8,428 1,079 542 9,507 88.65% 80.00% West 79.00% South North Central South & South East 7,558 1,572 670 9,130 82.78% East West
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