corp 4220r infrastructure as a service iaas regional iaas

Corp 4220R Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Regional IaaS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

08 March 2019 Corp 4220R Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Regional IaaS Regional 8 March 2019 Agenda Presented By Safety and Evacuation Introduction John Ratone Commercial Process John Ratone SD&L Martin Sabelo/Rojane Qacha

  1. 08 March 2019 Corp 4220R Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Regional

  2. IaaS Regional – 8 March 2019 Agenda Presented By Safety and Evacuation Introduction John Ratone Commercial Process John Ratone SD&L Martin Sabelo/Rojane Qacha Safety Requirements Pumeza Mabunda Quality Requirements Sipho Sambo Infrastructure as a service (Regional) Chris Pillay Technical Scope and Evaluation Infrastructure as a Service (Regional) Rendani Nevondo/Themba Pricing Model Thwala Closing John Ratone

  3. Contents • Introduction • Commercial Process • SD&L • Safety Requirements • Quality Requirements • Infrastructure as a service (Regional) Technical Scope and Evaluation • Infrastructure as a Service (Regional) Pricing Model

  4. Rules of Engagement/Commercial Process IaaS Regional (CORP 4220) Content • Point of contact • Tender closing Date and Address • Submission format. • Mandatory Documents • Evaluation Method and Criteria • Objective Criteria • Approach to this tender (Timeline).

  5. Point of contact and the closing Date for IaaS Regional • Single point of contact is Joosty Skhosana (E-mail: ) 011 800 6512 • In terms of Eskom's Corporate Policy, all questions and queries received will be answered in writing to all the bidders. • Closing date is 26 March 2019 , at 10H00 South African Time. • Late tenders will not be accepted. • Address: Eskom Megawatt Park 01 Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill Northside

  6. Commercial – Submission Format Original Duplicate (Hardcopy) Hardcopy Documents 1 1 File A – Commercial response File B – Technical response 1 1 1 1 File C – Pricing response 1 Flash Disk (with file A,B & C) Electronic documents should be in a read only format in MS Word and MS Excel to enable cut and paste of content. The Excel spreadsheets must be in electronic format The spreadsheets are to be completed and sent back as returnable . Three copies: Two hard copies, being an original and one copy and a CD/flash disk. The copies must be the exact replica of the originals. Please note: Annexure O (The pricing workbook) MUST be submitted in excel format. 1 Electronic documents should be in a read only format in MS Word and MS Excel to enable cut and paste of content.

  7. Mandatory Documents Description Annexure Acknowledgement Form Annexure A Tenderers Particulars Annexure B Integrity Pack Declaration Form Annexure C Pre-qualification(SD&L Matrix) Refer to Annexure D Confirmation of receipt of addenda to enquiry doc Annexure H SBD 1 (Part A and Part B) Annexure I SBD 6.1 (Preference Point Claim form) Annexure J Technical Returnable Template Annexure K & 2K Technical Evaluation Criteria Annexure M Master Service Agreement (MSA) Annexure N Pricing Schedule Annexure O Additional Documents required in the event of a joint venture Signed sub-contracting intent agreement to submitted on closing date

  8. Mandatory Documents cont … Description B-BBEE certificate of the main Tenderer Acknowledgement of Section 197 NOTE: Tenders will be disqualified if the above mandatory tender returnables are not submitted on the tender submission deadline (26 March 2019, at 10h00 SA time)

  9. Evaluation Process and Criteria • Evaluation process will be conducted in accordance with the Preferential Procurement Policy Frame Act, No 5 of 2000 (PPPFA) o The 90/10 preference point system will be applicable to this tender. • The following six (6) steps will be applied during the evaluation of this tender. o Step 1: Basic compliance; o Step 2: Mandatory documents; o Step 3: Special conditions of tender including Pre-qualification; o Step 4: Functionality; o Step 5: Financial Evaluation; o Step 6: Price and Preference scoring. • Objective criteria o Safety o Quality o SD&L

  10. Step 1 & 2 in the evaluation process Basic Compliance Mandatory requirements • Refer to the returnable section. • All mandatory requirements must be submitted at tender closure. Should these requirements not be met, the tender will be deemed non-responsive, and therefore disqualified.

  11. Step 3 in commercial process Special Condition of Tender The following special conditions of tender are applicable: • The vendor must submit proof that they are currently an Infrastructure as a Service provider with local presence; • The tenderer must have the capability to purchase assets currently used for the service.( The selling price and the terms of the sale will be determined after the conclusion of the assets valuation by an independent party); • The tenderer to submit proof in the form of a customer reference by either the CIO or CFO duly signed. The information contained in the technical returnable template ( Annexure K) must be transcribed onto the customer company’s letterhead and be signed by the customer’s CIO or CFO; and • The tenderer must specify in their tender response that they accept that Section 197 of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 will apply. The response shall be on the company’s official letterhead and signed off by the delegated authority (details are in Annexure Z) • information excluding the application licenses. 1 Indicative date

  12. Step 3 in commercial process for the hybrid IT transformation program are bundled as follows: The required Services for the hybrid IT transformation program are bundled as follows: Category A Category B Category C CORP 4178R CORP 4221R CORP 4219R Cross Functional End user Infrastructure as a and Cloud Computing- Service (IaaS) - Services central Central • information excluding the application licenses. CORP 4179R CORP 4222R - CORP 4220R Service Desk and End User Infrastructure as a Monitoring Computing- Service (IaaS) - Services Regional Regional Note: Suppliers can tender for all the various categories stated above, however, the tenderer that is successful in CORP 4178R will only be considered for CORP 4179R and shall be excluded from consideration for all other hybrid IT tenders. 1 Indicative date

  13. Step 3 in commercial process • Should the tenderer be the highest ranking in category A, B and C, Eskom will afford the supplier the opportunity to choose the category(s) they prefer during the negotiations • Note: Eskom reserves the right to contact the customer / referee either telephonically or by mail and also a site visit to confirm above. • Tenderers who do not meet the above mentioned special conditions of tender, will be deemed to have submitted an unacceptable tender and will be disqualified for the hybrid IT transformation program are bundled as follows: 1 Indicative date

  14. Steps 4 in the evaluation process Detailed on next page Functionality Functionality will be evaluated on a total weight of 100% with a minimum threshold of 80%. The following is a breakdown of the Functionality criteria Evaluation Category Evaluation Category Weighting Ability to meet the scope of 45% work required Ability to meet the stated 45% service levels Transition and Execution 10% Tenders who do not meet the overall minimum threshold (80%) will not be evaluated further

  15. • Steps 5 – 6 in the evaluation process Detailed on next page Pricing and preference • The 90/10 Preference point system will apply to this tender. Proposals will be evaluated on (a) price which will be allocated 90 points and (b) B-BBEE status which will be allocated 10 points Note: Eskom reserves its right to: • To cancel the tender if agreement cannot be reached on the market-related price. • “Eskom reserves the right to award to a supplier who may not be the highest scoring or highest ranked supplier, in line with Section (2) (1) (f) of the PPPFA Financial Evaluation • Assessment of financial statements of tenderer to ascertain financial viability and ability to meet contractual obligations. • Price evaluation (if prices quoted are market related)

  16. Contents • Introduction • Commercial Process • SD&L • Safety Requirements • Quality Requirements • Infrastructure as a service (Regional)Technical Scope and Evaluation • Infrastructure as a service (Regional) Pricing Model

  17. Eskom Supplier Development and Localisation Mandate The objective of government through various departments and across different spheres is to foster the creation of a sustainable economy by increasing the local supply base through manufacturing and other industry-building activities, develop skills and create employment opportunities. Our mandate is to achieve maximum and sustainable local development impact through leveraging Eskom’s procurement spend in a manner that allows flexibility within the business in order to accommodate government local development initiatives and policies SOURCE: SD&L 16

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