inspired teaching and learning creating the

Inspired Teaching and Learning: Creating the Education State - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Inspired Teaching and Learning: Creating the Education State REGIONAL FORUMS Terry rry Dozier, zier, Dir irector ector Center ter for r Teacher cher Leadersh ership ip Virgi irgini nia Comm mmonwe onweal alth th Unive versity

  1. Inspired Teaching and Learning: Creating the Education State REGIONAL FORUMS Terry rry Dozier, zier, Dir irector ector Center ter for r Teacher cher Leadersh ership ip Virgi irgini nia Comm mmonwe onweal alth th Unive versity sity Sc School hool of Educat ucation ion Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  2. Mission: To promote and support teacher leadership in order to improve teaching and learning. CTL works with accomplished teachers to . . .  advance the concept of teachers as change agents.  provide high-quality professional development to develop passionate, effective leaders.  share the knowledge, experience, and insight of teachers with policymakers and others. Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  3.  Standards movement  National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future  National Board Certified Teachers  Leadership for Learning: Redefining the Teacher as Leader  Teacher Leader Model Standards

  4. 3 Reasons school leaders should promote teacher leadership.

  5. Why Teacher Leadership?

  6. Educational change depends on what teachers do and think. It’s as simple and as complex as that. -Michael Fullan

  7.  Cultivates a critical resource for change and improvement in schools. 51% of teachers have a leadership role in their schools, such as department chair, instructional resource, teacher mentor, or leadership team member. -MetLife Survey of The American Teacher (2013) Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  8.  Cultivates a critical resource for change and improvement in schools.  Keeps good teachers in the classroom. Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  9. Student Gains Over 3 Years 90% 83% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 29% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3 Very Ineffective 3 Very Effective Teachers Teachers in a Row in a Row Source: Sanders & Rivers, 1996

  10. 85% 76% 75% 65% 55% Beginning 4th Grade Score 45% (Percentile) 42% 35% 25% 15% 3 Very Effective 3 Very Ineffective Teachers in a Row Teachers in a Row Source: Jordan, Mendro & Weerasinghe, 1997

  11. Average Score on Math Assessment 85% 3 Years Later (in Percentile) 76% 75% 65% 55% Beginning 3rd Grade Score 45% (Percentile) 35% 25% 27% 15% 3 Very Ineffective 3 Very Effective Teachers in a Row Teachers in a Row Source: Jordan, Mendro & Weerasinghe, 1997

  12.  Teamwork and support  Professional opportunities that include leadership opportunities  Fair pay and a differentiated pay structure that rewards outstanding performance, acquiring new skills, and assuming new roles and responsibilities. Source: Susan Moore Johnson, Harvard University Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  13.  Cultivates a largely untapped resource for change and improvement in schools  Keeps good teachers in the classroom  Teacher tenure in schools is longer than that of administrators  Frees school leaders from unrealistic expectations Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  14. 75% of principals feel the job has become too complex. -MetLife etLife Surv rvey ey of the e Ameri erican n Teacher her (2013) 13)

  15.  Cultivates a largely untapped resource for change and improvement in schools  Keeps good teachers in the classroom  Teacher tenure in schools is longer than that of administrators  Frees school leaders from unrealistic expectations  Benefits students Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  16. “Teacher leadership is the process by which teachers, individually or collectively, influence their colleagues, principals, and other members of the school communities to improve teaching and learning practices with the aim of increased student learning and achievement.” -From meta-analysis of teacher leadership research by York-Barr and Duke (2004) Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  17.  are excellent teachers  are exce cellent llent teach chers ers  who positively  who ho posit sitively ively influence others. influence luence others hers. Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  18. • Competent • Credible • Collaborative Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  19.  model l effectiv ctive e practi actice. ce.  mento tor r new w and d strug rugglin gling g teachers chers.  conduc duct t profess fessional onal dev evelo elopment pment activi viti ties es.  raise se the leve vel of collaborat boration ion in schoo ools. ls.  lea ead d school ool imp mprovem ovement ent ef efforts. rts.  advo vocate cate for the needs eds of stud udents. ents. Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  20. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: A Career Continuum for All Teachers 1 2 3 Building practice to an accomplished level Getting board- Spreading instructional certified expertise Master teacher Board-certified Teacher leader teacher Professional teacher Novice teacher School leader Residency Induction Pre-service teacher

  21. Preservice : Extended clinical experiences Novice teachers : School leadership and mentors Career teachers : Formal learning grounded in practice Teacher leaders : Serving as mentors or coaches Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  22.  Insert Screen Shot

  23. • Chief Council of State School Officers (CCSSO) five state consortium: Alabama, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio developed a teacher leader curriculum/states approving university degree programs in teacher leadership • States implementing some form of teacher leadership endorsement or recognition statewide • States exploring differentiated staffing models, tiered licensure models, and/or roles for teacher leaders

  24. 3 Reasons school leaders should promote teacher leadership. 2 Challenges school leaders face in promoting/ developing teachers as leaders. Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  25. Time Cultural Norms of Schools Lack of Training

  26.  are confident of themselves as leaders. (97%)  are engaged in many leadership roles. ◦ Professional development for colleagues (93%) ◦ Department chairs/team leaders (84%) ◦ Mentor new teachers (84%) ◦ Curriculum development (83%)  lack training in the new leadership roles they are asked to assume. (82%) Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  27. Our Charge: Create a Teacher Leader designation with common expectations, regional professional development/training, and opportunities for those who achieve the designation.

  28.  Researched national teacher leadership work ◦ Model Teacher Leader Standards

  29. Model Teacher Leader Standards Domain I Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Domain II Student Learning Domain III Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement Domain IV Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and Domain V District Improvements Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Domain VI Community Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession Domain VII

  30.  Conducted focus group with 40+ teacher leaders (6/27/12) ◦ What does a teacher leader look like? ◦ What would make someone identify you or one of your colleagues as a teacher leader? ◦ What training/experiences would a teacher need to address a particular teacher leader standard? ◦ What evidence would a teacher need to provide to show that he/she is strong in this area? ◦ Incentives? Structure? Eligibility for the program?

  31.  Reconvened focus group of teacher leaders (2/7/13) ◦ What is the most essential aspect of this domain? ◦ What do you like about what we have developed for this domain? ◦ What concerns do you have about what we have developed? ◦ Possible structure of the program? ◦ Incentives?  7/7 model was the overwhelming choice

  32. Teachers harbor extraordinary leadership capabilities, and their leadership potential is a major untapped resource for improving our nation’s schools. The world will come to accept that all teachers can lead, as many now accept that all children can learn. . .if we can overcome the many impediments facing teachers. . .that block teachers’ leading and if we can find conditions under which teachers will exercise that leadership. -Roland Barth Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  33. “Leadership is action, not position.” “ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, Plan anning ning fo for r Teac acher her do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams Lead Le ader ership ship Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University

  34. Building Relationships

  35. Facilitating the Distribution of Power and Authority


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