knowledge management

Knowledge Management Every marathon begins with the first stride. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Knowledge Management Every marathon begins with the first stride. Gregg Tate Vice President Human Resources & Knowledge Management Region Asia-Pacific 1 Knowledge Management Tonights Objectives: Introduce the adidas Group.

  1. Knowledge Management Every marathon begins with the first stride. Gregg Tate Vice President Human Resources & Knowledge Management Region Asia-Pacific 1

  2. Knowledge Management Tonight’s Objectives: � Introduce the adidas Group. � Present our adidas Knowledge Management initiative. � Share our motivation, approach and key learning. � Learn from the experts – you. 2

  3. Who Are We? 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 162 162 162 162 7 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 6000 6000 6000 6000 13 13 13 13 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 3

  4. Who Are We? GROUP: GROUP: GROUP: GROUP: 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Employees Employees Employees Employees 162 162 Countries Countries 162 162 Countries Countries 7 7 Brands Brands 7 7 Brands Brands 4 4 Regions Regions 4 4 Regions Regions ASIA- ASIA -PACIFIC: PACIFIC: ASIA ASIA - - PACIFIC: PACIFIC: 6000 6000 6000 6000 Employees Employees Employees Employees 13 13 Countries Countries 13 13 Countries Countries 4 4 Brands Brands 4 4 Brands Brands GLOBALLY: GLOBALLY: GLOBALLY: GLOBALLY: #1 #1 SPORTS COMPANY IN THE WORLD SPORTS COMPANY IN THE WORLD #1 #1 SPORTS COMPANY IN THE WORLD SPORTS COMPANY IN THE WORLD 4

  5. adidas Group – Asia-Pacific Brand Portfolio 5

  6. WHY? Human c Human creativit reativit reativity is the y is the y is the Human c Human c reativit reativit y is the y is the “ Human c Human c Human c Human c reativit reativit reativit y is the y is the y is the “ ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate economic economic economic economic economic ultimate ultimate economic ultimate ultimate economic economic resource. resource. resource. resource. ” — Richard Florida, resource. resource. resource. resource. ” The Rise of the Creative Class 6

  7. Why Knowledge Management? � Aggressive growth plans � Global – Regional – Local � Complex matrix organization People � Different levels of maturity in the country organizations/markets � Teams working in silos KM Strategy � Re-inventions in each country � Individual small application � Stand alone databases Processes � Limited shared network drives � Paper workflows � Full mailboxes 7

  8. Our Approach • KM added to the Vision Asia agenda in 2006 as initiative for competitive advantage. • KM is to be a way of operating; part of our DNA. • A journey, not a destination. • Instill a Culture of Learning and Knowledge. • Encourage and incentivize sharing and collaboration. • Provide systematic platform (Knowledge Exchange – KE) to facilitate and support. 8

  9. Vision Asia & Knowledge Management Vision Asia & Knowledge Management KM Mission: • Encourage operational & organizational excellence • Facilitate best-practice sharing • Support performance-driven organization • Create a collective intelligence Role in Vision Asia: • Regional initiative • Traverses 6 key pillars • Enabler and facilitator • Productivity and Efficiency 9

  10. Why Knowledge Management? Benefits Results Reduce duplication of effort Efficiency Less time looking for information Productivity Encourage consistency and improve quality Collective knowledge, skills and experiences across departments, brands, regions Proficiency Ideas, innovations and lessons-learned collectively captured, shared and applied Innovation Better managed relations with clients and co- workers Growth 10

  11. Asia-Pacific Knowledge Management Strategy KM is a long-term strategic initiative: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 2007 - 2008 2009 - 2010 Improving Fostering an Replicating Regional access to adidas’ enabling corporate KM Implementation environment knowledge & Experience to Area, information Subsidiaries & Others Regional Regional Area & Area & Subsidiaries Subsidiaries Functions Functions Other Regions and HQ’s 11

  12. Key Success Factors � Senior management commitment and support. � User-friendly system. � Business and IT devoted resources forms ONE team. � Vision and roadmap for long- range direction. � Clear return on personal investment. � Focus, and dedicated resources, on change management and building KM communities. � Rather than thinking into a new way of acting, act into a new way of thinking. ( Larry Bossidy, Execution, The Discipline of Getting Things Done ) 12

  13. Communities of Practice – Internal Branding 13

  14. Thank You 14


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