26 198 722 expert systems

26:198:722 Expert Systems I Knowledge representation I Knowledge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

26:198:722 Expert Systems I Knowledge representation I Knowledge acquisition I Machine learning I ID3 & C4.5 Knowledge Representation Recall: I Knowledge engineering F Knowledge acquisition N Knowledge elicitation F Knowledge representation N

  1. 26:198:722 Expert Systems I Knowledge representation I Knowledge acquisition I Machine learning I ID3 & C4.5

  2. Knowledge Representation Recall: I Knowledge engineering F Knowledge acquisition N Knowledge elicitation F Knowledge representation N Production rules N Semantic networks N Frames

  3. Knowledge Representation I Representation is more than just encoding (encrypting) I Coding preserves structural ambiguity I Communication assumes prior knowledge I Representation implies organization

  4. Knowledge Representation I Representation F A set of syntactic and semantic conventions that make it possible to describe things (Winston) I Description F makes use of the conventions of a representation to describe some particular thing I Syntax v. semantics

  5. Knowledge Representation I STRIPS F Predicate-argument expressions N at (robot, roomA) F World models F Operator tables N push (X, Y, Z) ² Preconditions at (robot, Y), at (X, Y) ² Delete list at (robot, Y), at (X, Y) ² Add list at (robot, Z), at (X, Z)

  6. Knowledge Representation I STRIPS F maintained lists of goals F selected goal to work on next F searched for applicable operators F matched goals against formulas in add lists F set up preconditions as sub-goals F used means-end analysis

  7. Knowledge Representation I STRIPS - lessons F Heuristic search F Uniform representation F Problem reduction I Procedural semantics

  8. Knowledge Representation I MYCIN F Assists physicians who are not experts in the field of antibiotics in treating blood infections F Consists of N Knowledge base N Dynamic patient database N Consultation program N Explanation program N Knowledge acquisition program

  9. Knowledge Representation I MYCIN F Production rules N Premises ² Conjunctions of conditions N Actions ² Conclusions or instructions F Patient information stored in context tree F Certainty factors for uncertain reasoning F Backward chaining control structure (based on AND/OR tree)

  10. Knowledge Representation I MYCIN F Evaluation N Panel of experts approved 72% of recommendations N Good as experts N Better than non-experts N Knowledge base incomplete (400 rules) N Required more computing power than available in hospitals N Doctors did not like the user interface

  11. Knowledge Acquisition I Stages F Identification F Conceptualization F Formalization F Implementation F Testing I KADS I Ontological analysis

  12. Knowledge Acquisition I Expert system shells F EMYCIN F TEIRESIAS N Rule models (meta-rules) N Schemas for data types N Domain-specific knowledge N Representation-specific knowledge N Representation-independent knowledge N Explain-Test-Review

  13. Knowledge Acquisition I Methods and tools F Structured interview F Unstructured interview F Case studies N Retrospective v. observational N Familiar v. unfamiliar F Concurrent protocols N Verbalization, “thinking aloud” F Tape recording F Video recording

  14. Knowledge Acquisition I Methods and tools F Automated knowledge acquisition N Domain models N Graphical interfaces N Visual programming language

  15. Knowledge Acquisition I Different types of knowledge F Procedural knowledge N Rules, strategies, agendas, procedures F Declarative knowledge N Concepts, objects, facts F Meta-knowledge N Knowledge about other types of knowledge and how to use them F Structural knowledge N Rules sets, concept relationships, concept to object relationships

  16. Knowledge Acquisition I Sources of knowledge F Experts F End-users F Multiple experts (panels) F Reports F Books F Regulations F Guidelines

  17. Knowledge Acquisition I Major difficulties with elicitation F Expert may N be unaware of the knowledge used N be unable to verbalize the knowledge used N provide irrelevant knowledge N provide incomplete knowledge N provide incorrect knowledge N provide inconsistent knowledge

  18. Knowledge Acquisition I “The more competent domain experts become, the less able they are to describe the knowledge they used to solve problems” (Waterman)

  19. Knowledge Acquisition I Detailed guidelines for conducting structured and unstructured interviews and both retrospective and observational case studies are given in Durkin (Chapter 17)

  20. Knowledge Acquisition I Technique Capabilities Interviews Case Studies Retrospective Observational Knowledge Unstructured Structured Familiar Unfamiliar Familiar Unfamiliar Facts Poor Good Fair Average Good Excellent Concepts Excellent Excellent Average Average Good Good Objects Good Excellent Average Average Good Good Rules Fair Average Average Average Good Excellent Strategies Average Average Good Good Excellent Excellent Heuristics Fair Average Excellent Good Good Poor Structures Fair Excellent Average Average Average Average

  21. Knowledge Acquisition I Analyzing the knowledge collected F Producing transcripts F Interpreting transcripts N Chunking F Analyzing transcripts N Knowledge dictionaries N Graphical techniques ² Cognitive maps ² Inference networks ² Flowcharts ² Decision trees

  22. Machine Learning I Rote learning I Supervised learning F Induction N Concept learning N Descriptive generalization I Unsupervised learning

  23. Machine Learning I META-DENDRAL F RULEMOD N Removing redundancy N Merging rules N Making rules more specific N Making rules more general N Selecting final rules

  24. Machine Learning I META-DENDRAL F Version spaces N Partial ordering N Boundary sets N Candidate elimination algorithm N Monotonic, non-heuristic N Results independent of order of presentation N Each training instance examine only once N Discarded hypotheses never reconsidered N Learning is properly incremental

  25. Machine Learning I Decision trees and production rules F Decision trees are an alternative way of structuring rules F Efficient algorithms exist for constructing decision trees F There is a whole family of such learning systems: N CLS (1966) N ID3 (1979) N ACLS (1982) N ASSISTANT (1984) N IND (1990) N C4.5 (1993) - and C5.0 F Decision trees can be converted to rules later

  26. Machine Learning I Entropy F Let X be a variable with states x 1 - - - x n F Define the entropy of X by ( ) n = − ∑ ( ) ( ) H( ) p log p X x x 2 i i = i 1 ( ) ( ) log ln x x ( ) x = = 10 F N.B. log ( ) ( ) 2 log 2 ln 2 10

  27. Machine Learning I Entropy F Consider flipping a perfect coin: e.g., n = 2 X : x 1 , x 2 p( x 1 ) = p( x 2 ) = 1/2

  28. Machine Learning I Entropy n ( ) ∑ ( ) ( ) = − H( ) p log p X x x 2 i i = i 1       1 1 1 1 =     − +   log log 2 2       2 2 2 2   ( ) ( ) 1 1 − − =  = − + 1 1 1    2 2

  29. Machine Learning I Entropy F Consider n equiprobable outcomes ( ) n ∑ ( ) ( ) = − H( ) p log p X x x i 2 i = 1 i   n 1 1 ∑ = −   log 2   n n = 1 i n 1 ∑ ( ) ( ) = = log n log n 2 2 n = 1 i

  30. Machine Learning I Entropy F Consider flipping a totally biased coin: e.g., n = 2 X : x 1 , x 2 p( x 1 ) = 1 p( x 2 ) = 0

  31. Machine Learning I Entropy ( ) n ∑ ( ) ( ) = − H( ) p log p X x x 2 i i = i 1 ( ) ( ) =   − 1 + 0 0   log log 2 2 ( ) =   = − 0 0 + 0   0 log2 (by L’Hopital’s rule)

  32. Machine Learning I Entropy F Entropy is a measure of chaos or disorder F H( X ) is maximum for equiprobable outcomes

  33. Machine Learning I Entropy F X : x 1 - - - x m and Y : y 1 - - - y n be two variables ( ) ( ) ( ) m n = − ∑∑ H( , ) p , log p , X Y x y x y 2 i j i j = = i 1 j 1 F If X and Y are independent = + H( , ) H( ) H( ) X Y X Y

  34. Machine Learning I Conditional Entropy F Partial conditional entropy of Y given X is in state x i : ( ) ( ) ( ) n = − ∑ H( ) p log p Y x y x y x 2 i j i j i = j 1 F Full conditional entropy of Y given X m ∑ ( ) = ⋅ H( ) p H( ) Y X x Y x i i = 1 i

  35. Machine Learning I Binary Logarithms 1 0.0000 2 1.0000 3 1.5850 4 2.0000 5 2.3219 6 2.5850 7 2.8074 8 3.0000

  36. Machine Learning I ID3 F Builds a decision tree first, then rules F Given a set of attributes, and a decision, recursively selects attributes to be the root of the tree based on Information Gain: H (decision) - H (decision | attribute) F Favors attributes with many outcomes F Is not guaranteed to find the simplest decision tree F Is not incremental

  37. Machine Learning I C4.5 F Selects attributes based on Information gain ratio: ( H (decision) - H (decision | attribute)) / H (attribute) F Uses pruning heuristics to simplify decision trees N to simplify N to reduce dependence on training set F Tunes the resulting rule(s)

  38. Machine Learning I C4.5 rule tuning F Derive initial rules by enumerating paths through the decision tree F Generalize the rules by possibly deleting unnecessary conditions F Group rules according to target classes and delete any that do not contribute to overall performance on the class F Order the sets of rules for the target classes and choose a default class

  39. Machine Learning I Rule tuning F Rule tuning may be useful for rules derived by a variety of other means besides C4.5 N Evaluate the contribution of individual rules N Evaluate the performance of the rule set as a whole


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