kick off meeting

Kick-Off Meeting August 24 th , 2011 John H.L. Hansen, EE Dept. Head - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Faculty Meeting May 12,08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design EE/TE/CE Senior Design 1: Kick-Off Meeting August 24 th , 2011 John H.L. Hansen, EE Dept. Head Andrea Fumagalli, TE Program Head Mehrdad Nourani, CE Program Head Marco Tacca, UTDesign

  1. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design EE/TE/CE Senior Design 1: Kick-Off Meeting August 24 th , 2011 John H.L. Hansen, EE Dept. Head Andrea Fumagalli, TE Program Head Mehrdad Nourani, CE Program Head Marco Tacca, UTDesign  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day: TBA  Oral Presentations: (times to be determined)  Poster Session: (times to be determined) Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  2. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design Why is Senior Design so Important for your BS - EE / CE / TE Degrees?  It represents the “Open Design” Experience resulting from 4 years of coursework  It is the ONLY class, where the students are completely responsible for direction & content of their work  It is the ONLY class where students have direct feedback from Industry  Projects are “Open Ended” – not cookbook/structured  Failures can happen – you need to overcome these!  No Excuses! – You MUST deliver a solution (or repeat!)  It is your time to “show us what you have learned!”

  3. EE Fundamentals Chart Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design  Step 1: EE Faculty identified skills necessary for BS in EE  Step 2: Individual EE Faculty assigned/determined skills/knowledge for each class  Step 3: EE-IAB reviews to determine skills and knowledge appropriate  Step 4: EE Sub-Areas Assess Collectively (Digital Area reviewed, etc.) (EE faculty have made 8-10 full passes on fundamentals chart in AY 06-07)

  4. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design

  5. EE 4388 Senior Design 1 Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE 4388 Senior Design Project I (3 semester hours) First of two sequential semesters devoted to a team project that engages students in the full engineering design process. The goal of senior design projects is to prepare the student to run/participate in engineering projects related to an appropriate industry. Thus, all project teams are to follow standard industrial practices and methods. Teams must carry the engineering project to completion, examining real world constraints, following applicable industrial and business standards. Such constraints may include but are not limited to: economic, environmental, industrial standards, team time/resource management and cross-disciplinary/departmental result integration. (Students are encouraged to work in teams that include collaborative design interaction, but may work on individual projects as well, provided there is a collaboration component. Additionally, cross disciplinary/departmental teams are encouraged but not required.) In Senior Design I, project proposals will be written, reviewed and approved. Initial designs will be completed and corresponding constraints will be determined. All students will participate in a public oral presentation following departmental approved guidelines at a departmental approved time and location. Teams will also submit a written end of semester progress report and documented team communication (complete sets of weekly reports and/or log books) following guidelines approved by the faculty. Students must have completed ECS 3390 and one of the following prerequisite sequences: (CE 3311, CE 3320, CE 3346, and CE 3354), or (EE 3300, EE 3302, EE 3311, and EE 3320), or (EE 3300, TE 3302, and TE 3346; pre- or corequisite EE 3350). (Same as CE/TE 4388) (3-0) S Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  6. EE 4389 Senior Design 2 Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE 4389 Senior Design Project II (3 semester hours) Continuation of the Senior Design project begun in the previous semester. In Senior Design II, projects based on approved project proposals will be completed. All limitations of the design will be determined and addressed. All students will participate in a public oral presentation following faculty-approved guidelines at a faculty-approved time and location. Teams will also submit a written final report and documented team communication (complete sets of weekly reports and/or log books) following faculty-approved guidelines. Prerequisite: CE/EE/TE 4388. (Same as CE/TE 4389) (3-0) S Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  7. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design EE/CE/TE Senior Design Training Sessions First two weeks of November for Fall ‘12  ALL Teams REQUIRED to send at least 1 member  Review SDD Evaluation Form (Poster & Oral)  Review Format and Goals for Slide & Poster  Highlight what makes a “Good” Slide & “Bad” Slide  Student Teams have option to give “Practice Runs” during the training sessions VIDEO DOWNLOADS HERE!

  8. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design EE/CE/TE Senior Design Training Sessions April 15, 2011

  9. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design SENIOR DESIGN 1: eight teams

  10. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design SENIOR DESIGN 2: sixteen teams

  11. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design SENIOR DESIGN 2: sixteen teams

  12. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design Combined Senior Design EE/CE/TE Scores [Dec. 2, 2010]

  13. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design

  14. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design

  15. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design Senior Design 1: Dec. 2, 2010 1 st Place: Haptic Shoe for the Visually Impaired [Team 7] Rodolfo Guzman, Whitney Scott, Laura Shagman, Steven Truong 2 nd Place: Micro Air Cycle System I [Team 8 tie] Clement Wong, Sven Moon, Brady Spenrath, Brandon Geil, Michael Galuardi Remote Alarm Management System (RAMS) [Team 2 tie] Adam Sidelsky, Don Vinson, John Dalton Stringer 3rd Place: Wireless & SMS Based Appliance Monitor And Update System [Team 6] Alan Jurcak, Effat Sharmin, Jastine Thomas, Uzma Azim Senior Design 2: Dec. 2, 2010 1 st Place: Wireless Bullet Counter [Team 10] Zack Mai, Adrian Reese, Michael Arrambide, Michael Hanschke, Justin Elliot 2 nd Place: Micro Air Cycle System II [Team 9] Robert Brisco, Nosa Endokpayi, Steven Foland, Amsalu Gedamu, John-Paul Lum Hee & Yuriy Savchyn 3rd Place: Audio Video Avatar Tele-Conference at Remote Location [Team 13] Ajay Patel, Jimmy Kirk, Peter Kariuki, Amare Worku

  16. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design UTDesign Senior Design Teams: Dec. 2, 2010 1 st Place: Temperature Sensing in a UHV Environment [Team 24] Long Nguyen, Alan Wisler, Ward Parsons, Wai Law 2 nd Place: Celestial Star Tracker [Team 19 tie] Stephen Blystone, Jeffery George, Noah Robb, Tom Schmidt Stress in FE-RAM devices [Team 23 tie] Eddie Burgess, Muhammad Khan, Rifaz Iqbal, Vikas Poddar, Faisal Akhtar 3rd Place: Automatic Hole-Punch System [Team 20] Lauren Bagen, Dallas Bartlett, Evan Bone, Anthony Stillo

  17. EE/TE/CE Senior Design CRSS: Automatic Capture & Transcription of SDD

  18. Faculty Meeting – Sept. 15,’08 Faculty Meeting – Jan. 12,’09  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day April 29, 2011

  19. Faculty Meeting – Sept. 15,’08 Faculty Meeting – Jan. 12,’09  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day April 29, 2011

  20.  EE/CE/TE Senior Design Day: April 29, 2011

  21.  EE/CE/TE Senior Design Day: April 29, 2011

  22. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 Senior Design Experience Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  23. Faculty Meeting – Sept. 15,’08 Faculty Meeting – Jan. 12,’09  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day Dec. 2, 2010

  24. Faculty Meeting – Sept. 15,’08 Faculty Meeting – Jan. 12,’09 PREVIOUS  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day July 25, 2008 Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  25. Faculty Meeting – Sept. 15,’08 Faculty Meeting – Jan. 12,’09  EE/TE/CE Senior Design Day Dec. 2, 2010

  26. EE/TE/CE Senior Design April 30, 2010: EE/TE/CE IAB Reviewers

  27. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design MANY THANKS! to all our EE &TE & CE Industrial Advisory Board Members for their participation

  28. Faculty Meeting – May 12,’08 EE/TE/CE Senior Design MANY THANKS! to all our EE &TE & CE Industrial Advisory Board Members for their participation Tektronix Research in National Instruments Motion Raytheon Texas Institute Kruvand of Science VI Technology Convergys Alcatel-Lucent CISCO Systems Nortel Communications Technicolor – Thomson Micro-Technology Communications Mustang Technology Services

  29. UTD News Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  30. EE/TE/CE Senior Design External Industry Evaluator Results for: Summer 2008 SDD Don’t Let This be YOUR team! SD1 Senior Design 1 Kickoff Meeting (Hansen)

  31. EE/TE/CE Senior Design What Should your Slide & Poster Contain / Address?  What is the Problem you are addressing? [limited amount of text]  Why is this Problem Important? Why is the Impact? [know your facts! Give some examples]  How does YOUR solution compare with what is available in the field? (did you get independent feedback on the effectiveness of your solution?)  Identify 1- 2 New/Novel Ideas or Aspects about your team’s solution  What are the Challenges you faced? Lessons Learned? [what was something you tried and it failed and how did you overcome it?]  What Are Your Plans? [Senior Design 2; where could this go?]

  32. EE/TE/CE Senior Design

  33. EE/TE/CE Senior Design


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