welcome kick-off meeting th - 5 th Octo Torino Torino 4 - 5 Octobe ber r 201 2016 2016-1-BE-01-KA204-016279
The project STRUCTURE 3 different IOs under targeted responsibilities IO1 e-PLATFORM Social WEB facility Danmar Diciannove IO2 TRAINING MODULES ON PCM IO3 TUTORIALS Diciannove Cardet Danmar EEC Panepistimio Thessalias
The project STRUCTURE 3 targets & 3 task distributions PCM SENIOR POLICY OFFICERS & PROFESSIONALS pass their competence & skills on PCM EDUCATIONAL WORKERS main beneficiaries of training & Diciannove Danmar materials on PCM FEANTSA Cardet Panepistimio fioPSD Thessalias EEC FNARS ADULT LEARNERS benefitting from dissemination FEANTSA FNARS KEA Panepistimio fioPSD Thessalias
The project STRUCTURE 1 objective being generative, where means a struggle against stagnation that ascends during adulthood, when a process of guidance left the place for a process of guiding the next generations
The project PROCESS Oct. 2016 > Feb. 2017 March > July 2017 June 2017 June > Nov. 2017 Jan.>Apr. 2018 LTTA 9 Short Multiplier Term Events IO1 IO2 IO3 Joint - E-PLATFORM PCM MODULES TUTORIALS Staff one each Training partner Event Implement Implement Diciannove EEC Diciannove Implement tutorials platform modules Cardet Implement feedback Danmar Danmar social Panepistimio feedback Thessalias All partners: ONGOING FEEDBACK, CONTRIBUTIONS ON DEMAND, EVALUATION, DISSEMINATION & MULTIPLIER EVENTS FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS KEA Diciannove Danmar EEC Cardet Panepistimio Thessalias
IO1: tasks & details Home Project description IOs details IO1 E-PLATFORM PCM training modules in free download & vision tutorials in free download & vision Partner presentations Contacts + links to social Responsible for implementing the platform Diciannove Responsible for implementing the social Danmar All partners: ONGOING FEEDBACK, CONTRIBUTIONS ON DEMAND, EVALUATION, DISSEMINATION & MULTIPLIER EVENTS Panepistimio FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS KEA EEC Cardet Thessalias
IO2 tasks & details 1- Financial & programmatic priorities 2- How to structure innovative & sustainable projects 3- Building international, national & local partnership IO2 PCM MODULES 4- Submission procedures 5- Implementation, evaluation, valorisation, dissemination, exploitation of results Cardet Responsible for Implementing the platform Diciannove Panepistimio Responsible for evaluation & main feedback Thessalias All partners: ONGOING FEEDBACK, CONTRIBUTIONS ON DEMAND, EVALUATION, DISSEMINATION & MULTIPLIER EVENTS FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS KEA EEC Danmar
LTTA Short Term Joint Staff Training Event LTTA 1- Financial & programmatic priorities SHORT TERM 2- How to structure innovative & sustainable projects JOINT STAFF 3- Building international, national & local partnership TRAINING EVENT 4- Submission procedures - 5- Implementation, evaluation, valorisation, 5 days dissemination, exploitation of results (a IO2 module a day) 6- highlights of each module to build tutorials Hosted by KEA Responsible for the training event Diciannove Panepistimio Main contributions Cardet Thessalias Highlights for the tutorials EEC Danmar All partners participate FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS EEC Panepistimio Diciannove KEA Cardet Thessalias
IO3 tasks & details Short-video focusing on: - PCM corner stone IO3 TUTORIALS - how to use, how to do - tips to do it right - tips on what not to do Responsible for Implementing the tutorials EEC Responsible for evaluation & main feedback Danmar All partners: ONGOING FEEDBACK, CONTRIBUTIONS ON DEMAND, EVALUATION, DISSEMINATION & MULTIPLIER EVENTS Panepistimio FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS KEA EEC Cardet Diciannove Thessalias
MULTIPLIER EVENTS Aims to: - dissemination & exploitation of 9 MULTIPLIER EVENTS results - - pass skills on PCM acquired during one each partner LLTA training event FEANTSA fioPSD FNARS minimum KEA 20 EEC CERTIFIED Cardet PARTICIPANTS TO EACH EVENT Panepistimio Thessalias Diciannove Danmar
www. .eu To enjoy the process is part of the results contacts project@generativity.eu info@generativity.eu
www. .eu Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike ( BY-NC-SA 4.0) human readable version here find the complete licence here Generativity: manage it! - project number: 2016-1-BE-01-KA204-016279 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] ref l ects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein