kansas comprehensive needs assessment

Kansas Comprehensive Needs Assessment Preliminary Findings Prepared - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Kansas Comprehensive Needs Assessment Preliminary Findings Prepared by DATACORP Innovative Research and Design Consultants and PAXIS Institute Photo courtesy of www.forcademedia.com Study Sponsor Study Sponsor Social and Rehabilitation

  1. Kansas Comprehensive Needs Assessment Preliminary Findings Prepared by DATACORP Innovative Research and Design Consultants and PAXIS Institute Photo courtesy of www.forcademedia.com

  2. Study Sponsor Study Sponsor Social and Rehabilitation Services Social and Rehabilitation Services Addiction and Prevention Services Addiction and Prevention Services DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  3. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements � Social and Rehabilitation Services Social and Rehabilitation Services � � Kansas Department of Health and Environment Kansas Department of Health and Environment � � Dalyn Schmitt Dalyn Schmitt � � Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverage Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverage � Control Control � Kansas Department of Transportation Kansas Department of Transportation � � Kansas Bureau of Investigation Kansas Bureau of Investigation � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  4. Study Investigators Study Investigators � DATACORP DATACORP � � P. Allison Minugh, Ph.D. P. Allison Minugh, Ph.D. � � Nicoletta Lomuto, M.A. Nicoletta Lomuto, M.A. � � Susan Janke, M.S. Susan Janke, M.S. � � PAXIS INSTITUTE PAXIS INSTITUTE � � Dennis D. Embry, Ph.D. Dennis D. Embry, Ph.D. �

  5. Project Purpose Project Purpose � Estimate treatment need Estimate treatment need � � Understand county needs Understand county needs � � Understand population needs Understand population needs � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  6. Project Questions Project Questions � How many people need treatment? How many people need treatment? � � Are there patterns in need and unmet need? Are there patterns in need and unmet need? � � Where are the gaps in the system? Where are the gaps in the system? � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  7. Project Design Project Design � Synthetic estimates Synthetic estimates � � Social indicators Social indicators � � Capacity analysis Capacity analysis � � Gap analysis Gap analysis � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  8. Synthetic Estimates: Treatment Need Synthetic Estimates: Treatment Need � DSM DSM- -IV abuse or dependence IV abuse or dependence � � 2003 NHSDUH prevalence rates 2003 NHSDUH prevalence rates � � MSA designations MSA designations � � Kansas demographics Kansas demographics � � Age, race, and gender calculations Age, race, and gender calculations � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  9. Unmet Need and Demand Unmet Need and Demand � Unmet Need Unmet Need � � Exclude those who receive treatment Exclude those who receive treatment � � Unmet Demand Unmet Demand � � Felt a need for treatment, Felt a need for treatment, and and � � Tried to access treatment, Tried to access treatment, and and � � Did not get it Did not get it � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  10. Social Indicators Social Indicators � Alcohol and drug indicators (2001 Alcohol and drug indicators (2001 – – 2004) 2004) � � Reliable, valid indicators Reliable, valid indicators � � Mean rates across years Mean rates across years � � Combined into alcohol and drug indices Combined into alcohol and drug indices � � Created one overall index Created one overall index � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  11. Social Indicators Social Indicators Too Many Zeros Indirect Drug-Related Deaths Reliability Direct & Indirect Alcohol-Related & Alcohol: Drugs: Direct Drug-Related Deaths Crashes STDs Arrests HIV/AIDS Validity Hospital Discharges Arrests Liquor Licenses Hepatitis B and C Hospital Discharges DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  12. Capacity Analysis Capacity Analysis � Funded and non Funded and non- -funded programs funded programs � � By modality By modality � � By treatment population By treatment population � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  13. Gap Analysis Gap Analysis � Synthetic estimates provide numbers Synthetic estimates provide numbers � � Unmet need liberal Unmet need liberal � � Unmet demand conservative Unmet demand conservative � � Social indicators provide ranks Social indicators provide ranks � � High need High need – – Low utilization = Biggest gap Low utilization = Biggest gap � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  14. How to Use These Results How to Use These Results � Strategic planning Strategic planning � � Resource allocation Resource allocation � � Proposal writing Proposal writing � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  15. Estimates of Need DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  16. Kansas Demographics Kansas Demographics � Slower growth than the nation Slower growth than the nation � � Some counties growing rapidly Some counties growing rapidly � � Less diversity than the nation Less diversity than the nation � � Some populations growing rapidly Some populations growing rapidly � DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  17. Statewide Treatment Need Statewide Treatment Need Number in Need % in Need Adults 200,581 10% Adolescents 24,574 10% DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  18. Numbers in Need Numbers in Need Adults Youth Adults Youth ADa Estimated Number of Adults Estimated Number of Youth 0 to 200 201 to 400 401 to 600 601 to 800 801 to 35,699 0 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 4,067 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  19. Percent in Need Percent in Need Adults Youth Adults Youth Estimated Percentage of Adults Estimated Percentage of Youth 0.00 to 7.30 7.31 to 8.60 8.61 to 9.90 9.91 to 11.20 11.21 to 13.60 0.00 to 3.50 3.51 to 4.00 4.01 to 4.50 4.51 to 5.00 5.01 to 5.22 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  20. Social Indicators of Need Social Indicators of Need Adults Adults Synthetic Estimates Social Indicators Index Substance Abuse Problem Severity Index Estimated Percentage of Adults 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 53 0.00 to 7.30 7.31 to 8.60 8.61 to 9.90 9.91 to 11.20 11.21 to 13.60 SI = crime, hosp dc, std, HIV, alc crash SE = NHSDUH DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  21. Need by Substance Need by Substance DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  22. Need by Substance - - Adults Adults Need by Substance 160,000 146,206 140,000 Alcohol Only 120,000 100,000 Any Drug Only 80,000 Alcohol and Drugs 60,000 25,724 32,077 Cocaine 40,000 28,651 Methamphetamine 20,000 8,092 0 Adults in Need DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  23. Need by Substance – – Need by Substance Adolescents Adolescents 12,000 10,561 10,000 7,898 Alcohol Only 8,000 6,115 Any Drug Only 6,000 Alcohol and Drugs 3,536 4,000 Cocaine 1,577 2,000 Methamphetamine 0 Adolescents in Need DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  24. Alcohol – – Adults Adults Alcohol Synthetic Estimates Social Indicators Synthetic Estimates Social Indicators Alcohol Problem Severity Index Estimated Percentage of Adults 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 63 0.00 to 7.00 7.01 to 8.00 8.01 to 9.00 9.01 to 10.00 10.01 to 11.62 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  25. Alcohol – – Adolescents Adolescents Alcohol Synthetic Estimates Alcohol Arrests Synthetic Estimates Alcohol Arrests Rate Per 10,000 Youth Estimated Percentage of Youth 0 to 60 61 to 80 81 to 100 101 to 120 121 to 341 0.00 to 2.00 2.01 to 2.50 2.51 to 3.00 3.01 to 3.50 3.51 to 3.65 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  26. Drugs – – Adults Adults Drugs Rate of Adults in Need SI Index of Need Rate of Adults in Need SI Index of Need Drug Problem Severity Index Estimated Percentage of Adults 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 54 0.00 to 1.80 1.81 to 2.20 2.21 to 2.60 2.61 to 3.00 3.01 to 4.12 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  27. Drugs – – Adolescents Adolescents Drugs Synthetic Estimates Drug Arrests Synthetic Estimates Drug Arrests Rate Per 10,000 Youth Estimated Percentage of Youth 0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 45 46 to 60 61 to 88 0.00 to 1.75 1.76 to 2.00 2.01 to 2.25 2.26 to 2.50 2.51 to 2.71 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  28. Cocaine Cocaine Rate of Adults in Need Rate of Youth in Need Rate of Adults in Need Rate of Youth in Need Estimated Percentage of Adults Estimated Percentage of Youth 0.00 to 1.00 1.01 to 1.30 1.31 to 1.60 1.61 to 1.90 1.91 to 2.52 0.00 to 0.40 0.41 to 0.50 0.51 to 0.60 0.61 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.77 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants

  29. Methamphetamine Methamphetamine Rate of Adults in Need Rate of Youth in Need Rate of Adults in Need Rate of Youth in Need Estimated Percentage of Adults Estimated Percentage of Youth 0.00 to 0.25 0.26 to 0.35 0.36 to 0.45 0.46 to 0.55 0.56 to 0.72 0.00 to 0.18 0.19 to 0.23 0.24 to 0.28 0.29 to 0.33 0.34 to 0.36 DATACORP • Innovative Research and Design Consultants


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