Office of Federal Programs Presenter: Robert Flores, Director Comprehensive Needs Assessment Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2012-2013
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT? The CNA provides schools with identified strengths and weaknesses and specifies t th d k d ifi priorities for addressing student achievement and meeting challenging academic and performance standards. academic and performance standards.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS? WHAT IS THE PROCESS? STEPS DESCRIPTION 1 Review the purpose and outcomes for conducting the CNA. 2 Establish committees for each area of the CNA. 3 Determine which types of data will be collected and analyzed by the committee to develop the school profile. 4 Determine areas of priority and summarize needs. 5 Connect the CNA to the district/campus improvement plan development and review process development and review process.
WHO IS INVOLVED? WHO IS INVOLVED? � Parents / Guardians � Community Members y � Teachers � Campus Administrators p � Pupil Services Personnel � Technical Assistance Providers � Secondary Students (if appropriate)
CREATING A SCHOOL PROFILE CREATING A SCHOOL PROFILE � Decide what you want to measure and report. � D id h t t t d t � Determine who will be responsible for organizing, developing and updating the profile. � Develop a management system for collecting and organizing the data in the profile. � Be selective about the type and amount of data to collect. � Take a baseline assessment of the data available in each area of focus. � Determine any additional information that is needed and the procedures for collecting it. � Write a narrative to support the story the data present; use varied formats for illustrating the narrative with charts graphs tables illustrating the narrative with charts, graphs, tables.
WHAT ARE THE FOCUS AREAS? � Demographics � Student Achievement � Student Achievement � School Culture and Climate � Staff Quality Recruitment and Retention � Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention � Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment � Family and Community Involvement � Family and Community Involvement � School Organization � Technology � Technology
FOCUS AREAS FOCUS AREAS AREA DESCRIPTION Demographics The characteristic or make-up of the school and help us understand who we are currently working with and how we implement strategies initiatives programs and services to implement strategies, initiatives, programs and services to meet the student needs. . Student The annual and longitudinal reviews from varied sources of Achievement formal and informal data. The data provide insights about the degree to which students are acquiring the knowledge and skills expected fro each grade level and course of study. School Culture The values, beliefs, traditions, and customs which shape the and Climate personality and climate of the organization. It determines how parents, community, staff, and students feel about the p , y, , school and affects how people interact within the system.
FOCUS AREAS FOCUS AREAS AREA DESCRIPTION Staff Quality, The school organization's level of high-quality, highly- Recruitment effective staff, particularly in high-poverty schools. The area and Retention and Retention is focused on assessing the effect of recruitment and is focused on assessing the effect of recruitment and retention strategies on staffing patterns. . Curriculum, The curriculum/curricula collectively describes the teaching, Instruction, learning, and assessment materials and resources available and for a given course of study. These are aligned with the Assessment TEKS and other standards, incorporating instruction and assessment processes assessment processes. Family and The family and community stakeholders are informed, Community invested, and involved as partners in supporting the school I Involvement l t community with high expectations and high achievement for it ith hi h t ti d hi h hi t f all students.
FOCUS AREAS FOCUS AREAS AREA DESCRIPTION School Context The processes, structures, decision-making, and overall . and leadership aspects of the organization, including how these Organization areas address quality teaching and learning. Technology The modeling and applying of digital tools and resources with students staff and other stakeholders to advance with students, staff, and other stakeholders to advance teaching and learning, and connect to real-world experiences, including post-secondary opportunities.
ESTABLISH GOALS ESTABLISH GOALS Ensure the CNA is aligned with • Mission Mission • Vision • Beliefs Beliefs Ensure the CNA addresses the: Ensure the CNA addresses the: • Priority needs
DETERMINE MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES � Identify specific, measurable, expected results aligned with goals aligned with goals � Address indicators for improvement Address indicators for improvement � Target all student populations Target all student populations � Focus on closing the achievement gaps Focus on closing the achievement gaps
DATA ANALYSIS Texas Education Code (TEC) REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS: � Attendance Rates � Dropout Rates � Evaluation of Policies and Procedures � Evaluation of Policies and Procedures � Evaluation of Professional Development Activities � School Violence Incident Data � Student Performance Data � Student Performance Data � Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drug-Use Data � Multi-hazard Emergency Operations Plan; � Security Audit y Data anal Dat analysis is should no should not t be be jus just about about g gather erin ing dat data. It a. It is v is very easy easy to get t “anal “analysis par paralysis sis” b by spending spending t too much oo much time pulling time pulling dat data t a together and er and no not spendin spending time using time using t the e dat data. a. - V - Victoria B Bernhardt
COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT PRE-PLANNING DISCUSSIONS FORM A FORM A Demographics Comments 1. What do enrollment numbers indicate? Enrollment increased: 2010-2011 (495) Student Achievement 2011-2012 (500) Comments 1. Which students are making progress? Why? TELPAS Overall Ratings: Beginning – 30% Intermediate – 40% Advanced – 15% Advanced High Advanced High – 15% 15% School Culture and Climate Comments 1. How do students describe the school climate? Student Climate Survey Results: 97 students surveyed stated agreed they feel safe at school. Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention Comments 2. What is our staff attendance rate? 90% attendance rate Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Comments 3. What is the impact on specific student groups? 85% TAKS Math 90% TAKS Reading 95% TAKS Science 90% TAKS Writing Family and Community Involvement Family and Community Involvement Comments Comments 1. What evidence exists that families and community members are involved Parents attending parental involvement in meaningful activities that support students' learning? sessions: 2010-2011 – 145 parents 2011-2012 – 200 parents
COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT PRE-PLANNING DISCUSSIONS FORM A (continued) FORM A Family and Community Involvement F il d C it I l t Comments C t 1. What evidence exists that families and community members are involved Parents attending parental involvement in meaningful activities that support students' learning? sessions: 2010-2011 – 145 parents 2011-2012 – 200 parents School Context and Organization School Context and Organization Comments Comments • 1. How is adequate time devoted to core subjects in which students perform Grades are reviewed weekly to poorly? address the needs of students • After school tutoring reports • Progress reports • In-class (small groups) Technology Comments • 1. What technology do we have? (15) Infocus • (10) ELMO’s document cameras • (1) Computer system in every classroom
IDENTIFIED STRENGTHS FORM B Data (list data sources here) ( ) Priorities Demographics: • 1. ELL’s decreasing by 5% Continue to address the needs of ELL’s • 2. Campus has 250 (males) / 250 (females) Address the needs of groups
IDENTIFIED NEEDS FORM C Data (list data sources here) D t (li t d t h ) P i Priorities (Problem) iti (P bl ) Demographics: • Numbers increasing 1. Special Education - 30 • Credit Recovery needed 2. Migrant – 10
COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FORM D Data Sources Reviewed: • • Student Climate Survey Student Climate Survey • PEIMS • TAKS Data TELPAS • Area Reviewed Summary of Strengths Summary of Needs CIP Ref. Priorities What were the What were the What were the What were the What are the priorities for What are the priorities for identified strengths? identified needs? the campus, including how federal and state program funds will be used? • • • Demographics ELL’s numbers Special Review LRE’s 4.1.2 • are decreasing g Education Provide tutoring $ g $ • Equal numbers numbers are 5,000 of males and increasing. • • females Migrant A+ Tutor (1) $ 2,000 1.3.1 students need credit recovery
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