ESEA ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provides districts with extra resources to supplement instruction in high- poverty schools and ensure that poor and minority children have the same opportunity as other children to meet challenging State academic standards. ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act 2
2018-2019 PROJECTIONS BASED ON SCDE COMMUNICATION AND 17-18 BCSD DATA Grant Name Projected Allocation Title I, Part A- Basic Formula Grant 6,545,230 Title I, Part D- Subgrant for Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch 17,684 Title I, Direct Student Services 172,021 Title II- Improving Teacher Quality 860,000 Title III- English Language Proficiency 188,156 Title IV- Safe and Well Rounded Education (FY18) 226,269 Total 8,009,360
2018-2019 PROJECTED ALLOCATION= $6,545,230 TITLE I, PART A 2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $1,368,605 Activity Budget 20 Schoolwide Grants 5,606,900 Indirect Cost to District- 5.9% of allocation 386,168 Homeless Student Assistance- Required 5,000 Foster Care Student Assistance- Required 10,000 Parent & Family Engagement- Required 1% 15,000 Equitable Services- Required 5,000 Vision Assistance 3,000 Professional Partnership with Francis Marion Univ. Center of Excellence 3,000 Administration of Grant 25,000 Grant Personnel- 1 Director, 3 Coordinators, 1 Secretary 523,967 School Personnel- 2 English Learner Student Workers, 20 Title I Facilitators, 20 Instructional Coaches 1,330,800 Balance 0
2018-2019 TITLE I SCHOOLS Berkeley Elementary Devon Forest Elementary St. Stephen Elementary Berkeley Intermediate Goose Creek Primary St. Stephen Middle Boulder Bluff Elementary HE Bonner Elementary Timberland High Cainhoy Elementary JK Gourdin Elementary Whitesville Elementary College Park Elementary Sangaree Elementary College Park Middle Sangaree Intermediate Cross Elementary Sedgefield Intermediate Cross High Sedgefield Middle
2018-2019 PROJECTED ALLOCATION= $17,684 TITLE I, PART D 2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $766 Activity Budget Supplemental Assistance to Students at Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch 17,465 Indirect Cost to District- 5.9% of allocation 985 Balance 0
2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $226,269 TITLE I, DIRECT STUDENT SERVICES Activity Budget Identified student support for College and Career Readiness 113,000 Identified student support for Credit Recovery 50,662 Identified student support for Multi Tiered System of Support 50,000 Indirect Cost to District- 5.9% of allocation 12,607 Balance 0 The Direct Student Services grant was awarded in late May 2018. It will be carried forward in its entirety and used to assist students in schools identified for support through the 2018 accountability report. Identified schools may be Title I and non-Title I schools.
2018-2019 PROJECTED ALLOCATION= $860,000 TITLE II 2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $600,050 Activity Budget Indirect Cost to District- 5.9% of allocation 47,914 Equitable Services- Required 35,280 Core Content Professional Development 145,000 School Personnel- 20 Instructional Coaches 1,007,326 District Personnel- 1 Lead Curriculum Coordinator, 1 Lead Instructional 224,530 Coach Balance 0
2018-2019 PROJECTED ALLOCATION= $188,000 TITLE III 2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $160,040 Activity Budget Supplemental Instructional Materials 50,000 Indirect Cost to District- 2.0% of allocation 3,687 Equitable Services- Required 5,000 Summer English Learner Literacy Camp 156,000 Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers of EL students 121,353 Professional Partnership with USC/Aiken for ESOL Cohort Courses 12,000 Balance 0
2018-2019 PROJECTED ALLOCATION= UNKNOWN TITLE IV 2017-2018 PROJECTED CARRYFORWARD= $226,269 Activity Budget Flexed to Title II 214,000 Indirect Cost to District- 5.9% 12,607 Balance 0 The Title IV grant was created through the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to Every Student Succeeds Act. When allocated in April 2018 it was not known if funds would be appropriated in the FY19 federal budget and districts were given the option to flex the funds into another federal grant already approved. Berkeley County School District chose to flex Title IV into Title II to support the school based instructional coaches. The FY19 federal budget does include an appropriated Title IV grant but the funding formula has yet to be announced.
PLANNING, EVALUATION, AND TRANSPARENCY The Office of Federal Programs utilizes an Advisory Team that meets four times a year to involve stakeholders in developing the grants. This provides an opportunity for greater transparency and engagement. A requirement of all federal grants is that each activity is evaluated annually and the results of the evaluation are used to determine the level of need for the next year’s grant. 11
MANAGEMENT, MONITORING, AND EVALUATION Management of the Every Student Succeeds Act grants is executed by the Office of Federal Programs in collaboration with other central services offices and school level staff. Internal Controls are practiced that align with Berkeley County School District guidelines and procedures as well as the federal guidelines specific to each grant. The required Federal Tests of Maintenance of Effort, Comparability, and Supplement, not Supplant are performed annually and submitted to the South Carolina Department of Education. The Office of Federal Programs performs monthly monitoring visits at in each Title I school to provide support to the school staff implementing the school level grants. The South Carolina Department of Education performs monitoring visits annually in districts with federal grants. Internal Audits are performed on the Title I grant annually and other federal grants as selected by the auditors.
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