k vidyasankar

K. Vidyasankar Memorial University St. Johns CANADA Software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HParSTM: A Hierarchy-based STM Protocol for Supporting Nested Parallelism Ranjeet Kumar K. Vidyasankar Memorial University St. Johns CANADA Software Transactional Memory (STM) Systems Processes execute programs. Atomic regions are

  1. HParSTM: A Hierarchy-based STM Protocol for Supporting Nested Parallelism Ranjeet Kumar K. Vidyasankar Memorial University St. John’s CANADA

  2. Software Transactional Memory (STM) Systems  Processes execute programs.  Atomic regions are specified in the programs.  Atomic regions are treated as transactions.  Transactions are executed concurrently.  Correctness of concurrent executions is to be assured by STM system. TRANSACT 2011 2

  3. Correctness Criterion  Opacity  Both committed and aborted transactions should read from a consistent state of the shared memory.  The state resulting from a (strongly) serializable execution of some committed transactions is taken to be consistent. TRANSACT 2011 3

  4. Our Protocol  Nested transactions  A (root-level) transaction consists of sub-transactions, which again may consist of sub-transactions, and so on.  Closed nested transactions  Aborted sub-transactions are ignored.  Commitment of sub-transactions are local – at the parent level.  Only the writes of the root-level transactions affect the shared memory state.  We extend Imbs and Raynal’s [OPODIS 2008] optimistic protocol for non-nested transactions to closed nested transactions. TRANSACT 2011 4

  5. Optimistic Approach  Three phases  Execution phase – writes are done in local copies of objects.  Validation phase.  Write phase – local copy values are written in global copies of objects.  Validation of a transaction amounts to ensuring that the values of the objects read by that transaction were not overwritten by other already validated transactions.  We consider validation phase and write phase executed together, atomically. TRANSACT 2011 5

  6. Optimistic approach-Illustration t 1 comes up for t 1 starts r 1 (x) r 1 (y) t 2 validates & validation writes w 2 (x), w 2 (y)  Validation of t 1 fails since x value has been overwritten, and hence t 1 should be aborted. TRANSACT 2011 6

  7. Optimistic approach-Illustration (STM) t 1 comes up for t 1 starts r 1 (x) r 1 (y) t 2 validates & validation writes w 2 (x), w 2 (y)  Validation of t 1 fails since x value has been overwritten, and hence t 1 should be aborted.  x and y values that t 1 read are not from a consistent state.  We want aborted transactions also to read from consistent states  t 1 should be forbidden to read y. TRANSACT 2011 7

  8. Optimistic approach- Imbs & Raynal’s protocol t 1 starts r 1 (x) r 1 (y) t 2 validates & writes w 2 (x), w 2 (y) add t 1 to add t 1 to ow, disallow x.rs x.fbd, y.fbd since t 1 is in y.fbd  The reads are made visible. TRANSACT 2011 8

  9. Optimistic approach- Imbs & Raynal’s protocol  Reads are visible.  When a read step is forbidden, the transaction is aborted and treated as a read-only transaction with the read steps already performed.  Validation of a transaction t succeeds if t is a read- only or t is not in ow. TRANSACT 2011 9

  10. Our extension  Imbs and Raynal’s approach is employed at each level of the nested transaction tree.  For each sub-transaction t, we have  Local copies of objects accessed by t  Set ow  Sets x.rs, x.fbd, for each local object x. TRANSACT 2011 10

  11. Operations of Sub-transaction t  Read  If the value is not available locally, then it is obtained from the nearest ancestor having the value.  In the worst case, the value from the global copy is read.  To read x from an ancestor t’, we need to ensure that t’.x.fbd does not include the transactions from t to t’ and their descendants who have merged with them.  Commit  The commitment conditions as in Imbs and Raynal’s protocol are applied at each level.  In addition, we need to check compatibility.  An aborted transaction’s write steps as well as read steps are ignored (at the parent’s and other ancestors’ levels). TRANSACT 2011 11

  12. Nested Parallelism  For each sub-transaction t,  We allow t as well as its children to execute concurrently.  If t is aborted, then all the descendants of t are also aborted.  t will be committed only after all its children have committed or aborted. TRANSACT 2011 12

  13. Compatibility 2 1 3  t 111 and hence t 11 should occur before t 12.  t 112 and hence t 11 should occur after t 12. t 111 and t 112 are incompatible.  TRANSACT 2011 13

  14. Compatibility  Incompatible sibling transactions are kept track of.  If one commits, then the other, incompatible, transactions are not allowed to commit. TRANSACT 2011 14

  15. Correctness  The schedule resulting from pruning all aborted sub- transactions and their descendants is strictly serializable.  For each aborted sub-transaction t, the schedule obtained by pruning all the aborted descendants of t and including all the committed transactions at the ancestor levels and “closed” versions of the active ancestors is strictly serializable. TRANSACT 2011 15

  16. Discussion  Overhead  Buffers and auxiliary sets (ow, x.rs, x.fbd, etc.) at every non-leaf node, and updating them;  Lock management at every level; and  Transfer of data between levels.  Can sub-transactions be executed independently?  Needed data can be sent as parameters?  Other data can be read directly from global values?  Mixing both will not work in certain cases.  Types of workload  Flexible parallelism – limiting concurrent executions of child and parent, of different children, etc.? TRANSACT 2011 16

  17. Thank you


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