january 2020 what is a campus master plan

JANUARY 2020 What is a Campus Master Plan? A roadmap document that - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION JANUARY 2020 What is a Campus Master Plan? A roadmap document that guides the decision- making process for the physical development of the campus. Believing the campus has the potential to manifest the mission


  2. What is a Campus Master Plan? A roadmap document that guides the decision- making process for the physical development of the campus. Believing the campus has the potential to manifest the mission and values of the church, the plan covers physical spaces, open spaces, circulation and gathering, transportation and parking, and sustainability.

  3. Presentation Outline January 12 Introduction to the Campus Master Plan: How We Got Here and Where are We Going January 19 Campus Master Plan: Hospitality, Tangible Compassion, Collaboration, Relevance, and Community. January 26 Campus Master Plan: Spiritual Formation and the Arts, Broadcast, Tradition, and Environment

  4. Campus Development: 1915

  5. Campus Development: 1919

  6. Campus Development: 1929

  7. Campus Development: 1931

  8. Campus Development: 1961

  9. Campus Development: 1999

  10. Current Campus 1328 and 1337 Peachtree Street

  11. The Campus Master Plan: Foundations Long Range Strategic Plan The Nine Values Congregational and Stakeholder Feedback

  12. How Did We Get Here? Long Range Strategic Plan January 2016-November 2016 A team of nine members and two staff met regularly, engaged the congregation (town halls, surveys, Sunday school engagement, and small group conversations) and presented a plan in October 2016. It was approved the following month.

  13. How Did We Get Here? On the Way to 175 Deepen Participation Prioritize engagement in the life of the church in order to strengthen our community and be transformed in our faith. Relational Priorities Engage the congregation in fulfilling our relational priorities and ensure that all ministries promote human dignity, personal empowerment, restorative relationship, and just generosity. Servant Leadership Equip members and friends to be servant leaders in the church and in all spheres of their lives.

  14. How Did We Get Here? Social Entrepreneurship Promote individual economic empowerment. Compassionate Care Provide regular visits and spiritual friendship with all members and friends who are ill, bereaved, elderly, homebound or in need of care. Purposeful Engagement Elevate the capacity of the church to be a dynamic center and resource for learning, building relationships, and spiritual growth. Forward Thinking Reshape our structure, operations and communications to prepare the congregation for our third century of ministry.

  15. How Did We Get Here? On the Way to 175 January 2017 – December 2018 • Sermon Series • Print Copy • Integrated into New Member Process • Town Halls (January and February 2017) • Goal Teams Were Formed Around the Seven Discreet Goals and Action Plans of the LRSP

  16. How Did We Get Here? Forward Thinking Goal Reshape our structure, operations and communications to prepare the congregation for our third century of ministry. Action Plans : Eliminate inefficiencies in Session, Council, and staff structures and procedures in favor of the most transformative use of our spiritual training and talents. Reimagine our existing facilities in order to: • Enhance “openness” to the neighboring residents and visitors; • Expand the delivery of services to those in need; • Expand the reach and effectiveness of worship, education and fellowship ministries; and • Maximize opportunities for collaboration among our staff.

  17. How Did We Get Here? Campus Master Planning Team Formed November 2017 April 2019 • Campus Master Plan Values Approved By Session • Hired Houser Walker Architects to Lead Campus Master planning process after a multi-month RFQ and RFP process (December 2018-May 2019).

  18. How Did We Get Here? HOSPITALITY: We want our campus to be easy to navigate and hospitable in every way. TANGIBLE COMPASSION: We want our campus to expand and enhance our care for our vulnerable neighbors. COLLABORATION : We need centralized office and work space that will encourage interactions among staff members. RELEVANCE: We want our campus to continue to be architecturally unique and attractive and to reflect the emergence of North Midtown as a diverse cultural center. COMMUNITY: We want a high-use campus that thrives throughout the week as a center for purposeful engagement that encourages members, friends, and the larger community to come together.

  19. How Did We Get Here? SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND THE ARTS : We need accessible, welcoming, attractive, and technologically-equipped worship, learning, and arts spaces for all ages. BROADCAST : We need space that will elevate our ability to capture, curate, and distribute worship, educational, theological, and artistic content. TRADITION : We want to maintain the architectural integrity of our historic sanctuary and connect the rich history of this church with its challenging future. ENVIRONMENT : We want our campus to be operationally sustainable and reflect our witness as stewards of God’s creation.

  20. How Did We Get Here? Congregational and Community Engagement May 2019 – August 2019 The Master Planning team led 43 input meetings and met with over 350 people. More than 700 members, neighbors, and other stakeholders provided input.

  21. How Did We Get Here? Envision Highest and best use of property for next 50 years A bold, innovative approach that integrates history and innovation Outward appearance of radical hospitality Improve Intuitive navigation & wayfinding Openness and connectivity to neighborhood Connectivity of administrative staff to each other Parking and conflicts with carpool line Utilization of all spaces on campus, especially upper floors Lighting and natural light Safety and security Sustainability

  22. How Did We Get Here? Preserve Historic core (Sanctuary, Chapel, Bride’s Room, Founder’s Hall and Tower) Greenspace Increase Capacity to offer assistance to vulnerable Flexibility of spaces to host multiple functions Places for sacred use throughout campus Places for informal interaction and gatherings Christian education offerings Christian arts programming Partnerships with neighbors Technology to expand influence and connect remotely

  23. How Did We Get Here? Campus Master Program Phase April 2019 – November 2019 The Campus Master Planning Team and Houser Walker Architects collaborated to develop a Campus Master Plan based on the principles in the Long Range Strategic Plan, the essential values, and congregational input.

  24. How Did We Get Here? Campus Master Plan UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY SESSION December 17, 2019

  25. How Did We Get Here? Four-Year Timeline: In Summary January 2016 Long Range Strategic Planning Team Begins Their Work November 2016 Long Range Strategic Plan Unanimously Approved By Session January 2017 Long Range Strategic Plan Rolled Out to the Congregation November 2017 Forward Thinking Goal Team for Campus Master Planning Formed December 2018 RFQ and RFP Engagement, National Search for Firm to Lead Program April 2019 Campus Master Plan Values Unanimously Approved By Session and Houser Walker Architects Unanimously Approved to Lead Campus Master Program May 2019 Congregational and Community Engagement Commences; Campus Master Plan Developed December 2019 Campus Master Plan Unanimously Approved by Session January 2020 Campus Master Plan Presented to the Congregation


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